08-31-2007, 01:12 AM

Mass Effect Launching Nov. 20 for Xbox 360
According to Microsoft and Bioware, the highly anticipated RPG will launch on November 20 exclusively for Xbox 360.

Microsoft announced on Thursday jointly with game developer BioWare that the highly anticipated RPG Mass Effect will exclusively launch on November 20 for Xbox 360.

Mass Effect is being developed by the creators of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and promises to bundle both RPG and tactical action elements into one.

So far, the game has been the recipient of more than 50 awards according to Microsoft, including the 2007 Game Critics Awards for "Best Console Game" and "Best RPG" at last month's Electronic Entertainment Expo.

Mass Effect will retail for US$59.99 and carry an "M" rating.


This is great! We finally have an official date and can make plans on when to buy it! I predicted this date a long time ago, considering how Nov 20th is the ultimate release date of the year(and Nov 13th to a lesser extent but Super Mario Galaxy was announced for Nov 13th). It's great to see this! This and Lost Odyssey are the two new rpg's I'm buying this fall, now I just need to wait for Lost Odyssey release date! :)
