Fanamy Kinn�as
08-29-2007, 06:39 PM
Already Hello, I am French and I am register on this forum since already a few times to listen to OST, I do not speak English very well thus this is a translation of Google.

This morning by awaking me I wanted to listen to the music of King Lion and as I did not find it here I thought has to pass the bond to you. =)

Rhythm of the Pride Lands (

Veiled, as I saw that two people spoke about it by asking for this OST. =)

This community is really brilliant!! Thank you. <3

(As I do not speak English very well, it is possible that this post is not has its place. :S

I very often do not pass on the forum thus if I have answers on this subject I would little frequently answer.)

08-31-2007, 10:15 PM
Very nice of you to contribute :)

I could barely make out what you were talking about. Even if you know little English, try not to use automated translation, it tends to be even worse. And you learn better too if you write yourself. Good luck :)

09-01-2007, 01:12 PM

09-15-2007, 06:09 AM
I would never had known about this CD unless my sister hadn't have made me listen to it with her. I really did like it. Thank you very much for this.

13 0 13
09-15-2007, 06:37 AM
Do you have the rythem of the pride lands 2 or any other Lion King soundtracks?
\/Look in my sig for albums that you might have so you can send here\/