08-28-2007, 03:08 AM
Is it me ? , or is there a lack of TV programmes catered to gaming ?? I say bring back Gamesmaster !!!!! :D
If you have no idea what I'm talking about then click here , and be enlightened

08-28-2007, 03:28 AM
sookie are you a real person

J. Peterman
08-28-2007, 03:59 AM
sookie are you a real person

silver rose
08-28-2007, 03:18 PM
Yeah!Bring back Gamesmaster.

08-28-2007, 10:18 PM

But, bring back "Bad Influence" first!.

08-28-2007, 11:01 PM
sookie are you a real person

Of course I am - Plug myself into the mains every night , same as everyone :) :)

08-29-2007, 11:40 PM
if you have cabletv you have a lot to choose from. mostly 3 shows but..whatever.

spiketv has one i think they call gamehead?

and G4 (G4 and techtv merged into one channel so the game show from old g4 and the one from techtv are now in 1 channel) the one from techtv was "X-play" which i like the most cause of morgan. :D and the dude is funny too. and then G4 had "Electric Playground". that one's pretty decent too cause the guys seem honest and not the type to bs. especially when they have the segment of the show where they recommend an old game or under the radar type games that are worth a look.

then you also have a show called "cheat" which imo is kinda retarted cause... we can get all the cheats we want online. so i don't see the point of having a whole show dedicated to giving us cheatcodes to random games. whatev.

and that's pretty much it. so...if you don'thave cable/ should.

08-30-2007, 03:14 AM
"And the dude is funny too"

Adam Sessler is a diety, let's try to remember his name, eh Tact? :p

08-30-2007, 11:23 PM
if you have cabletv you have a lot to choose from. mostly 3 shows but..whatever.

spiketv has one i think they call gamehead?

and G4 (G4 and techtv merged into one channel so the game show from old g4 and the one from techtv are now in 1 channel) the one from techtv was "X-play" which i like the most cause of morgan. :D and the dude is funny too. and then G4 had "Electric Playground". that one's pretty decent too cause the guys seem honest and not the type to bs. especially when they have the segment of the show where they recommend an old game or under the radar type games that are worth a look.

then you also have a show called "cheat" which imo is kinda retarted cause... we can get all the cheats we want online. so i don't see the point of having a whole show dedicated to giving us cheatcodes to random games. whatev.

and that's pretty much it. so...if you don'thave cable/ should.

Aye - But can you win a Golden Joystick ??? - I don't think so !!!!! :D :D :D :laugh: :laugh:

The Ricky
08-31-2007, 12:26 AM
then you also have a show called "cheat" which imo is kinda retarted cause... we can get all the cheats we want online. so i don't see the point of having a whole show dedicated to giving us cheatcodes to random games. whatev.

A half an hour to whack off to Kristen Holt, granted you pause it, and press mute so you don't have to listen to her shrill voice.

08-31-2007, 02:36 AM
There's never been any really decent games shows on the box... even Gamesmaster was actually fairly lame when you consider it without the rose tinted glasses of nostalgia +2. Even if by some miracal a show was actually produced that wasn't completely lame in all aspects of it's presentation it would still suffer from being more or less redundant. Nearly everyone who games is online in some form or other. For those of us who started out on our PC's we were among some of the first people ever actually on the web and therefore some of the best established in the reporting of our recreational tastes.

08-31-2007, 03:57 AM
Don't listen to them. G4 sucks ass and balls. Gamehead is okay - a lot better than X-play and Cheats.

The only way anyone will ever make a good gamers' show is if a channel isn't afraid to let the hosts talk trash about everyone equally, rather that giving Microsoft or any major developer a handjob.

08-31-2007, 07:02 AM
"And the dude is funny too"

Adam Sessler is a diety, let's try to remember his name, eh Tact? :p

i'm sorry may. i know. i should be ashamed. it just slipped my mind for some reason. >.<

and i don't care two shits for the girl who hosts cheat. pfft. morgan for the win!

The Ricky
08-31-2007, 10:26 AM
Don't listen to them. G4 sucks ass and balls. Gamehead is okay - a lot better than X-play and Cheats.

The only way anyone will ever make a good gamers' show is if a channel isn't afraid to let the hosts talk trash about everyone equally, rather that giving Microsoft or any major developer a handjob.

I remember when X-Play was actually funny, now I just fall asleep when I'm watching it.

09-01-2007, 01:07 AM
There's never been any really decent games shows on the box... even Gamesmaster was actually fairly lame when you consider it without the rose tinted glasses of nostalgia +2. Even if by some miracal a show was actually produced that wasn't completely lame in all aspects of it's presentation it would still suffer from being more or less redundant. Nearly everyone who games is online in some form or other. For those of us who started out on our PC's we were among some of the first people ever actually on the web and therefore some of the best established in the reporting of our recreational tastes.

Are you wanting a big chocolate button ?? (first people ever) :laugh: :laugh: ( ooo and I am laughing !!)

I'm trying not to be horrible , but -
You sound like a slightly ignorant, largely arrogant w*ank stain , who still lives with his mum !!!

Well - I think you wrong .. not everyone enjoys internet gaming - I personally hate playing games through my pc or laptop. I did NOT buy my laptop n pc's to play games on - that is what my Playstations and xbox are for !!! I've got them connected and set up for internet play if I want !!!

But your also forgetting the thousands of kids out there , who are not lucky enough to have the internet, and gaming is their only escape from their crap reality.:( Not everyone is a 30 year old Cad Sunt :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

btw, I am laughing @ U !!!!

The Ricky
09-02-2007, 04:51 AM
btw, I am laughing @ U !!!!

Couldn't you be laughing with us? It's so much nicer to share the laughter.

09-02-2007, 05:36 AM
There's never been any really decent games shows on the box... even Gamesmaster was actually fairly lame when you consider it without the rose tinted glasses of nostalgia +2. Even if by some miracal a show was actually produced that wasn't completely lame in all aspects of it's presentation it would still suffer from being more or less redundant. Nearly everyone who games is online in some form or other. For those of us who started out on our PC's we were among some of the first people ever actually on the web and therefore some of the best established in the reporting of our recreational tastes.I very much doubt it. I'm a gamer from back in the NES days. In fact, to show you how far back, I owned a R.O.B, the NES robot!
Sorry, but back in my school days, I didn't know anyone with a comp 'till I got to high school, and even then they were all console gamers. The first time I ever heard of an online game was when LAN gaming shops started popping up.
I'm not saying consoles are better that comps, or anything like that, but the popularity has always been in consoles. Even now, I know people that don't have a clue about comp gaming - except for Solitaire :rolleyes: , but know the difference between Playstation and Nintendo.
We all know that Comp gaming is badly under-represented, but it's only because console gamers completely dominate the gaming market.

Like I said before. I wish for once that a channel would make a "real" gamers show that reported on all gaiming, and allowed it's reviewers to really express their views on games rather than being the lap dogs for major companies.

09-02-2007, 09:46 AM
/me agreeing with vastalis with the console pc explenation.

but moving into his thoughts about game shows, it's possible that no matter how honest or how hard they work on it, a game show will always appear to be fake at one point or another. that's prolly why x-play just generally makes fun of everything or takes the less serious approach.

but i think your real gamer idea is still good. to me, a real gamer could cross refrence and comapre any new game to like at least a dozen games all in like 2 seconds in his mind so that his opinion will be from real experience and you'll never hear him saying stupid shit like "revolutionary" or "breaking techonlogy". he'll always have at least 6 older games to show us that have done it before.

that host would fking rule. >.< and he'd be jaded as hell too. but he would never let that get in the way of understand that there might be some viewers who might not have played as much as him, and so he'd be like "if your looking for "this type of game" he'd give some of his recommendations before he even talks about the new ones coming out.

yah. he'd rule. :p

09-10-2007, 01:39 AM
Couldn't you be laughing with us? It's so much nicer to share the laughter.

N where exactly is the fun in that ?? mmmmmm??? :laugh: :laugh: :)

Acht he deserved that :)