04-06-2002, 10:49 PM
The first time I completed this game I had no good materia. infact, the best summon I had was neo bahamut. I didn't have jack shit really but pulled it off afte a 45 minute struggle against Seph. But I never beat UnderWater Weapon. I recently went back to do the game again after downloading someones saved game cus I could'nt be assed to go through the first disk for the umpthteenth time. Somehow the download had everything on it. 44223355664477 gil, probs more, every single thing you can get x4, and he even had aeris alive on the second disk, but when asked to select party members when going into northern cave you lost her. So I have everything. All the charecters have over 9000 hp, over 900 mp, and I have a brilliant set of limit breaks and materias (master summon x3, master command x3, master magic x3) I was just looking for a quick way of getting therough the game cus the story line for the game is just the best ever! So I go to face him. I have been killed by this son of a bitch about 30 times. I have used so many different tactics, but can not beat him. KOTR (Knights of the round) is 250 mp, so I tried using hp<->mp with one so I could link KOTR with quadra magic. BUT IT DOESN'T FREAKIN' WORK! The bitch has a move that takes off 9999 hp on all charecters, it's only possible to get your hp up to 9999, so as soon as he does that I am finished. barrier, mbarrier, wall, reflect, does jack shit! Nothing I do can stop the damn thing, and he can't stop kicking my ass.

HELP! It is important that I kick this guys behind cus FF7 is just the greatest game ever made.

04-06-2002, 10:55 PM
Why don't you use the combination of Phonix and Final attack.So when he kills you characters they'll just be revived.

04-06-2002, 11:12 PM
That cheap ass move is called "Aire Tam Storm." Now, to avoid the 9999 damage you can do two things:

1) Equip at least level 2 Phoenix (he generally does it more than once) with Final Attack materia. This will make it so that your characters will be revived after he rapes them with Aire Tam Storm.

2) You can read what the attack is. Read Aire Tam backwards - it says "Materia." That's right, "Materia Storm." In other words, it does 1111 hp damage for each piece of materia your character has equipped. So, avoid loading your characters down with unnecessary materia (just put on the shit you need like KOR and whatever materia you want to level up cause you get ALOT of AP) and you should be AOK.

What's really cool, is if you put two pieces of materia on each character and you have their hp at 9999 when he does Aire Tam Storm. It puts them into a mode called "Lucky 7's" where their hp is 7777 and they strike like crazy automatically (like some crazy limit break but not - its a special thing the creators put in the game). It'll make it a whole lot easier!

Hope this helped!


04-06-2002, 11:27 PM
Cheers guys, first thing tomorrow that damn thing is going down! I have mastered Pheonix :D cus of the thing I downloaded, so hopefully I'll be able to kill him. If not then I am fed up with getting nailed by this guy. TIFA's KOTR takes off about 95,000 hp now so I'll just tell her to do it 11/12 times and he should be finished.


04-07-2002, 01:49 AM
Yeah you show him. I remember the first time and beat Emerald Weapon, it was soooooo sweet seeing him go all red and then disappearing. Then me getting 100,000EXP, 100,000 Gil and 50,000AP. In the same day (later on) i beat Ruby Weapon too. An excellent day it was.

04-07-2002, 02:06 AM
Speaking of Ruby Weapon, when I first fought him when he is above that like lake thing by junon harbour, i kicked his ass with KOTR and then he pissed off and I couldn't find him. When I fought him on PS1 game, I beat him the first time and then when I flew into him again, he just pushed me away and wouldn't have a second fight. Shows just how brave and hard he is!

04-07-2002, 02:09 AM
Originally posted by hotwired
Speaking of Ruby Weapon, when I first fought him when he is above that like lake thing by junon harbour, i kicked his ass with KOTR and then he pissed off and I couldn't find him. When I fought him on PS1 game, I beat him the first time and then when I flew into him again, he just pushed me away and wouldn't have a second fight. Shows just how brave and hard he is!

Not sure, but maybe *Spoilers*

That's Ultima WEAPON, not Ruby WEAPON you're talking about. Also, you have to wait until he stops until you can ram him and fight him again. Takes about 4 - 5 fights until he'll go all the way and fight to the death with you. Aftwards, you get the Ultima Sword (Cloud's best weapon, 9999 every time [almost], No materia grown [like all the ultimate weapons] and eight slots linked).


04-07-2002, 02:12 AM
Yeah that will be the one. What a bitch. Ruby Weapon is the one who you fight after coming out of Forgotten City it comes out of the sea and heads for midgar. 1 KOTR and he buggers off. he "senses murder." How in silicone heaven can you sense murder?

04-07-2002, 02:20 AM
Originally posted by hotwired
Yeah that will be the one. What a bitch. Ruby Weapon is the one who you fight after coming out of Forgotten City it comes out of the sea and heads for midgar. 1 KOTR and he buggers off. he "senses murder." How in silicone heaven can you sense murder?

No, that's Diamond WEAPON who comes out from underneath the Northern Continent and heads towards Midgar. Ruby WEAPON is the one that has his head sticking out of the sand near Gold Saucer and who is red in color.

Yeah I know, "senses murder?" What the HELL?!


04-07-2002, 02:21 AM
I think you got it wrong. The only weapon that tries to escape is the Ultimate weapon. Ruby is the toughest one and there's no way you can kill it in one round of KOTR. It has very high hp, and better defense than emerald weapon. Ruby is the toughest of all weapons, imo.

04-07-2002, 02:35 AM
so, the underwater weapon is Emerald Weapon. The flying dude is Ultimate Weapon. The guy who was the ability to sense murder is dimaond weapon, and the one with his head sticking out of the ground is ruby weapon, I didn't know there was one with his head stciking out of the ground. I have so much to do tomorrow, I got to kill 3 weapons and I'll finish the rest of the game off throughout the week, I have loads of freakin' homework to do, visit family, shower (takes me a while) and be in bed by half past ten cus I got school in the morning. this is freakin' wrong, just wrong!

04-07-2002, 02:38 AM
This should clarify any misconceptions about the WEAPON names.
I'm not advertising or anything, but its a page I made with hints on killing the weapons. The reason I'm posting it here is because it tells you the names and has a picture of them. Hope this helps!!!


[EDIT: BTW that's a REALLY old site, I haven't updated in a year. Don't bother me about it. My new recent one is in my sig.]

04-07-2002, 02:38 AM
The pics don't work man. And who keeps getting confused with the names?

04-07-2002, 02:40 AM
Originally posted by Cloud
The pics don't work man. And who keeps getting confused with the names?

Yeah I realize - well now I just link to my page directly so it should work. And who do you mean "Who keeps getting confused?" Form the looks of it, everyone in this thread! (except maybe me, you and a few others).


04-07-2002, 02:42 AM
That would me cloud, and I signed up for your forums on RPG's and shit and it asks for a password on every board. I'm like, WHAT THA HELL?

04-07-2002, 04:06 AM
I have a very big problem!

I thought I would leave Emerald Weapon for a bit and go get a few more level ups and get a bit stronger. so I get a few level ups, and I see ultimate Weapon in the air, still. Second fight with him (not counting mideel) 2 KOTR and he's dead. cool. so I fly over Gold Saucer to face Ruby Weapon.


KOTR takes off 0
Omnislash takes off 0

it is not fair!

04-07-2002, 04:40 AM
Quadra Magic + Bahamut Zero him. It'll do extremely negligable damage, but it'll cause him to open up his tentacles behind you. KOR THOSE THINGS!! That's how you do the damage that needs to be done.

If this isn't enough, go to
it's a little page I put together documenting how to kill the weapons. It's kinda outdated cause that site hasn't been updated in a year, and I don't plan on updating it ever again, but it should serve your purposes rather nicely.


04-07-2002, 12:53 PM
This is a usefull topic!

04-07-2002, 06:02 PM
For ruby, it's best to go one on one using Cloud. Kill the two other members in your party before fighting ruby. Equip mythril on Cloud. Why mythril? Because mythirl has a high evade, so most of ruby's attack will miss you. If you've beaten emerald weapon, you should have at least 3 master materias. Equip all three on Cloud. You should also have a few Megaelixers, X-potion, and Elixer at this point. Use those to refill your hp and mp when you need them. Use Knights of the Round if you want, or just use 4xCut. If you use KOTR, he should be dead in 5 or 6 rounds. If you use 4xCut, the battle will take longer but it shouldn't take much longer than 10 minutes. Just keep your hp over 5000 at all times and the battle should be easy.

Now a cheap way. If you use the cheap way, the battle will be rather... boring. What's the cheap way? Use Caith Sith. Set his limitbreak to his 2nd limit break, and equip 'Luck Plus materia' on him. His luck should go way up. If you have a few luck ups, use it on him too. Even better, you can morph a few enemies into luck up and max up Caith Sith's luck. Now go into battle with ruby with Caith Sith's limit ready to go. As soon as the battle starts, use his limit. He will use Death All, and ruby will be dead within seconds.

04-07-2002, 08:14 PM

I had Emerald Weapon down on kness suckin me off begging for mercy. I told him where to go and after giving him 6 KOTR all from Tifa without using any ethers or anything to top up her mp, and having to use pheonix + final attack 3 times, Omnislash twice (he really pissed off cloud!) and a double dose of Lucky 7 (Cloud and Cid both got it at the same time), I told him a little story which ended up like this.

"And after some more shit got stirred, I kicked that bitch to the curb!"

And next, Ruby Weapon is goin' down!

But first, I got English Coursework to do, in for 2 weeks ago... but luckily, we got a cool English teacher and I was one of 16 people who didn't hand it in on time, so I'm safe.

The guys who told me about the Aire Tam putting you into lucky 7, cheers a damn lot, and the same for the guys who told me about pheonix.

And yeah, this is a useful topic, glad I thought of it :D

Mr. Bojengo
04-08-2002, 01:58 AM
the first few posts i read really require more work going in than necessary. have 1 person cast nothing but megalixers the ENTIRE time, have cloud and cid load up on hero drinks, then use their final limit breaks while the gems are not up so every single hit hits the center of emeral weapon (the only part that maters). Doing this i beat emerald in 6 minutes, all that other materia really isnt necessary... youll be suprised how much damage each of cid's highwind missles do when he has pounded back 5 or so hero drinks... dont overcomplicate things, i dont even know how to get final attack materia cause i never really even needed it.

Neo Xzhan
04-09-2002, 12:25 PM
Ruby Weapon can be quite difficult since u casts away 2 characters. Well before u get into battle first kill the 2 characters the r not standing in the middle position. The when ur able to hurt Ruby Weapon, revive them. When he uses his claws (the tentacles behind u) just cast Hades on them and on Ruby self KOTR (avoid fire magic since he absorbs it). Before getting into battle with Emerald Weapon I sugest u get the underwater materia (not necesary if u only equip 2 materia's to get all lucky 7's) u can get this before u take the elevator down to the Junon underwater reactor look for the sunken ship and morph him, he'll morph into a Guide Book. Now take the guide book the man who's looking for it in Kalm (I don't rebember which house he lives in) and he'll give u the underwater materia which eleminates the time penalty.

Anima Relic
04-09-2002, 05:19 PM
you need two combinations on each character.

1. Final Attack/Revive (lvl 2)
2. Mime

Make an endless array of KOTRs and Emerald will be history. You should also look into getting the Underwater Materia, but if you're past that point, then that's plan's moot.

Mr. Bojengo
04-10-2002, 10:04 PM
Once again, i repeat, dont waste your time getting all this high end time consuming materia, just do what i told ya.

BTW, hero drinks are key with ruby weapon too, since your hits normally dont do jack on him, several hero drinks up the dmg big time.