08-26-2007, 12:34 PM
The first DQ game (mostly) composed by someone other than Koichi Sugiyama. In this case by Manami Matsumae.

For the badongo link, just use the "copy /b" command to put the files together.

Publisher: Aniplex Inc.
Catalog Number: SVWC-7485
Release Date: August 22nd, 2007
Credits: Manami Matsumae, Koichi Sugiyama (tracks 1,2,15,19)

01 Overture
02 Intermezzo
03 Alsword Castle
04 Sanctuary
05 The Kingdom of Alsword
06 Come on, let's be off!
07 Go For Broke!
08 Tomorrow Is Another Day
09 Having Fun?
10 Deep Within the Forest
11 Who Is She?
12 Mount Breige
13 Don't Let Your Guard Down
14 A Damp Cavern
15 Healing Power of the Psalms
16 The Spiral Staircase
17 The Masked Queen
18 Time of Mirror
19 Boogie-woogie
20 The Smell of Death
21 Do As You Wish
22 The Great Swordsman
23 Believe in Yourself!
24 History Repeats
25 The Escape
26 You Rock!
27 Finale

08-26-2007, 01:31 PM
Thanks Mate, i'm happy that this game is not composed by the racist Koichi Sugiyama!
Question: Who will compose the Soundtrack for Dragon Quest IX?

08-26-2007, 02:50 PM
Thanks Mate, i'm happy that this game is not composed by the racist Koichi Sugiyama!
Question: Who will compose the Soundtrack for Dragon Quest IX?
I think I know the Question.

08-27-2007, 04:08 AM
And why is he racist exactly? Well, I personally try not to let people's views influence what I like. Otherwise, there wouldn't be any fun in life. I'm sure every game has at least one racist on the dev team.

Oh, and Sugiyama is working on DQIX again.

08-27-2007, 07:19 PM
Thats the reason:

As a Japanese nationalist

Sugiyama is also known as a historical revisionist on Japanese history. Especially on Nanking Massacre and Comfort Women problem, Sugiyama completely denies guilt of Japanese Empire. He is one of the approval person of "The Facts" advertisement on Washington Post. Some Dragon Quest fans out of Japan said they have been disappointed by his political stance

I know it's wikipedia, but it's true.

P.S: I like his music and I don't try to influence you. Otherwise thanks for this and the other from you uploaded OST's!

08-28-2007, 04:51 AM
It is unfortunate he has to think like that, but I will continue to listen to his music and play Dragon Quest games, even though I'm (half) black.

08-28-2007, 10:44 AM
It is unfortunate he has to think like that, but I will continue to listen to his music and play Dragon Quest games, even though I'm (half) black.

Yeah, he still a vgm legend.

02-28-2008, 02:44 PM
Axersia, could you kindly reupload the filefactory link if you get a chance? Thanks.

05-12-2008, 08:30 PM
Yes, please reupload the OST as a One-Part-Download, because the "copy /b" Command doesn't work at Mac OS X.

05-12-2008, 09:46 PM
I don't agree with his views, but I can to a certain extent understand how a man may arrive at them. Japan has truly dark days and appalling atrocities behind it. Today is is a truly great nation. Don't forget, Sugiyama is old enough to remember the 2nd World War and the Nanking Massacre - for him, it's not just a regrettable part of history - it's a part of his life. Sometimes, when you can't cope with or reconcile your values with what your country has done, you claim it didn't happen or that it was somebody else's fault as a way of dealing with it.

It doesn't mean the guy is evil, or a rapist, racist, or a murderer. He just views historical events with a different mindset to most other people.

Furthermore, it's unfair to judge him based upon something that does not come directly from the gentleman himself. How many mistranslations, misunderstandings, and biased journalists do you think his "views" have been filtered through before they get to us, the English-speaking population?

You know how these things go - particularly in the West. A man says, "I think the media may have distorted certain facts regarding the Holocaust" - and the rest of the world hears "Kill the f****g jews, murder the lot of the bastards, har har har gas them all! Heil Hitler!"

The least one can do is reserve judgement until they know exactly what the man himself believes. Unless you speak Japanese and have the opportunity to meet him (better get a move on - he's 78 years old) it's unlikely that any of us will ever find out.

Finally, whatever his political standing may be, he is a true artist, and a great composer. Music is greater than politics. Respect the man for his great music if for nothing else.

[Edit: Veering further off topic, after a bit of research, all the guy has done has been to highlight manipulation of facts and offer an alternative viewpoint to that which is commonly accepted. He states unpopular facts. Leave the poor sod alone.]

05-13-2008, 07:30 AM
Yeah could you reupload it on megaupload, sendspace or filefactory? Would be awesome!

05-15-2008, 12:49 AM
Thanks.. this is awesome :p