08-23-2007, 05:23 AM
Looking for the Trinity Blood OST TB_music file originally posted in this thread:

Thread 33406

(fixed link)

I *did* try getting it from GH, but I keep right clicking/save and all I get are the htm files which say "invalid link" :-(

08-24-2007, 02:03 AM
Ah, the thing with GH is that you have to click the link for each track, which takes you to another page - that's the link you right-click and save.

08-24-2007, 03:31 AM
Ah, the thing with GH is that you have to click the link for each track, which takes you to another page - that's the link you right-click and save.

I know. And I've gotten other mp3s this way, but for some reason this particular batch refuses to cooperate. :-\ I guess I can keep trying, but it doesn't hurt to ask if someone happens to have the zip file handy. =)

EDIT - well, what do you know. Seems to be working now. I'm wondering if I was having a cache/browser issue before but it just plain wasn't working. But all fixed now. Huzzah!