08-23-2007, 01:27 AM
Hello everyone!

I'm new here and happy to join :)

I made two cuts from Final Fantasy, very personal versions of the "Victory"
and "Prelude" themes.

You can listen to them here: http://karifantasy.googlepages.com

Tell me what you think! :)

Tell me tittles you wish to hear in special versions, thanks!

See you,


08-31-2007, 09:54 PM
Hi everybody!

WOW! More than a week has passed, and still no feedback about my musical Final Fantasy "stuff"? LOL!

PLease, tell me what you think about the two "remixes" I made on my website, does it sound cool? Dou you like it? And, what would you want to listen to? Which songs would you like to be remixed?

If you don't like anything it's ok but at least drop some words... or letters, lol!

Thank you, and see you soon ;)


08-31-2007, 10:43 PM
I wouldn't expect too much feedback when all you've done is taken a good tune and a brilliant tune, and remixed them into brainless, shitty techno crap.

09-01-2007, 09:49 AM
heh i agree with sobye,

people that come in this forum do not care about the music remixes they go to the music forum for that, mabey if you post it there you will get some good responses

09-14-2007, 09:19 PM

09-14-2007, 11:18 PM
kewl :)

09-18-2007, 03:59 PM
Thanks for your replies,

I'm open for more opinions. Any amateur composer out there?

See you ;)


09-29-2007, 01:11 PM
You are taking the harsh criticism very well and that's admirable. I however enjoyed the two pieces. I am not big on techno or remixes. But I have a respect for it. Great work!

P.S. Don't let anyone ever bring you down enough to stop creating.

All I can say, but at least you got a quick review and tip from a pro! :)

10-01-2007, 12:47 AM
Yoh ajtfilmcomposer

Thanks for your appreciation, I'm currently working on the third title, gonna be some funky groove thing I think, lol, I'll upload it tomorrow to my main website cause I didn't finish it yet (2 working afternoons up to now.)

Infact I don't like to use the word "remix" I used it so that people can understand what I'm doing, I prefere "personal version" as it is most appropriate :), plus I'm not used to these terms, all I have is music "in my head" all the time, lol. For the techno thing... it's a question of software, and more precisely a question of instruments... so the style's gonna be limited as well.

ajtfilmcomposer can you give me a list of professional/semi professional or amateur software that gives good instrument realistic sounds -or just enough cool-? I'm only using FruityLoops Version 5 Producer edition -I think-, please advice me.

Soon enough I'll be starting another website and it's gonna be about my original personal compositions I already made.

Side note: I can NEVER stop making music, LOL!

See you soon :)



10-01-2007, 10:57 AM
First off, I really enjoy your enthusiasm and passion for music! If you have passion, creativity, and a super powered imagination you can create amazing music.

On a personal level, I have worked with many programs and to be quite honest I never really got completely comfortable with "remixing" (sorry for the phrase) types of programs. I got my bachelors degree from UCLA, I majored in scoring technique and minored in music theory and evolution. I've worked with many orchestras over the years and found live people to produce a much more excellent sound. Now I know that's not available for everyone, but if music is your passion, school is the way the go. Not just for the learning experience, but for the hands on tools you get and the people you meet.

Now as far as programs go, I started off using a basic MIDI making tool. I wrote out each note and then sequenced it through this MIDI software to create the MIDI files. So from sheet music to electronic files I was ready for my computer to play orchestra. I then loaded up an older VSTi called EDIROL (which is GREAT for beginners and advanced musicians). So I let EDIROL be my orchestra and I used Fruity Loops to master and remaster the audio files and level out everything. Finally in post production I used Sony's ACID to clean up and organize what was to be my final export into .wav format. From there I could go strain to CD with a natural pure quality. Or use winLAME to encode some mp3's in eVBR format.

I've used about every music program out there, you name it; I probably have it and/or used it at some point. And everything listed above was the only thing I was happy with computer wise. Besides that, nothing beats writing it out by hand and conducting it with an orchestra.

Hope I've been some help!


10-03-2007, 01:16 AM
Thank you AJT it's nice of you taking the time for such a valuable reply ;)

If you have time, I'll be pleased to chat with you about music creation, it can be "hyper" fun :)

Oh, and I updated the latest mp3 on my website: it's Terra's "Awakening" from FF VI, yesterday there were some errors in the file that I had not time to change due to the 30 minutes of rendering with FruityLoops, lol.
By the way, I'm using Steinberg's Wavelab 4.0 to process-level-master -and all- my music files, it's gives the best quality and the smallest disc space requirment.

I wish I could study music scoring techniques (I mean composing techniques) unfortunately there are no such courses avalable where I leave (I always searched for the "conter-point" technique for example, did not find resources about it yet, I just want to understand the core concept, through music...)
And, in the national conservatory of my country, erm, how to say it, there is very limited possibilities to have access to the instruments... you can touch one only after 3 years of studies, LOL. PLus, if you go to study music, you better be rich, cause the students are there "just for fun", and prestige, there is NO music industry, or better say, no music market, only the folklore... lol. I mean you can't live as a composer, if you are not a singer, nor a musician, you're no one in the "folklore" music market - lol- (a musician is a good way to go, though, but just as a hobby)

The thing I'm considering: studying music in the "shadowy" self-study corners LOL!

So, AJT, thank's again, see you!


10-03-2007, 01:25 AM
Another branch of discusion about my remakes (and people's wishes) is here also: Thread 44661

See ya!


10-03-2007, 01:56 AM
Hmmm I find it OK music. Don't really love it too much, find it a bit to high pitched and uplifting. I tend to lean a bit more toward trance though. Maybe try slowing down one of the pieces, drastically.

10-04-2007, 12:14 AM

Thank you cawnil, I took a look to VGmix before, but they only deal with midi files, and I create mostly MP3s, ocremix.org seems to be very interesting, thanks again! ;) but olremix? Is it your website?

Hmmm I find it OK music. Don't really love it too much, find it a bit to high pitched and uplifting. I tend to lean a bit more toward trance though. Maybe try slowing down one of the pieces, drastically.

Thank's Shinryudan, I sent you a PM, I'll do a slower and simplefied version :)

C'mon people, please share whatever you think about my Final Fantasy remakes and thank you in advance ;)

See you


12-01-2007, 08:15 AM
heh i agree with sobye,

people that come in this forum do not care about the music remixes they go to the music forum for that, mabey if you post it there you will get some good responses stainless steel wire (http://www.cn-SteelPipe.net)
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