08-22-2007, 10:21 PM
I've been looking for a website that shows which new games come out each week and what they sell and what all the games sell each week. I wanted a video game sales chart website, and I found it at vgchartz.com website, and it's great!

I've been browsing around and it appears that most top games top out at up to 500,000 copies sold in their first week, with a few exceptions. Final Fantasy XII got 600,00 copies sold(not shipped) in it's first week! Kingdom Hearts 2 sold 700,000 in it's first week! I also found out that the Playstation 2 version of Madden NFL 2007 sold 1.1 million and the Xbox 360 version sold 600,00 copies!

Then I found this...

...drum roll...

On November 9th 2004 a Xbox game was released, you guys may know what game I'm talking about already. It was Halo 2 and it sold 2.4 MILLION COPIES IN IT'S FIRST WEEK!!! After seeing this number I was in shock that a game would sell that much in it's first week. This is pretty insane! It was the big holiday season game of 2004, 2005 had Call of Duty 2, 2006 had The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and 2007 will have Mass Effect(or will Rock Band sell more?, Also Halo 2 is coming out early on Sep 24th!)

Here's the link to the American weekly chart for the week we just finished, which had the debut of Madden Nfl 2008

What do you think? :D