08-18-2007, 11:28 PM
Pushing Daisies is a "forensic fairy tale" that focuses on Ned, a piemaker with a mysterious ability to make the dead live again.

that should be enough to get anyone hooked imho.

it's made by the same guy that made wonderfalls and dead like me. which are incredibly awesome and I def. suggest watchin em. he also does stuff on heroes, but I don't follow that so.. !

download link (

I absolutely loved it. for me it was even funnier than dead like me and wonderfalls. the dialoge is great <3 I was talking to ndi about it earlier, we're both a bit afraid it may be a bit strange to do well on network tv. hope it manages to work out !

bryan fuller does such neat stuff, but all of it is so short lived. :-[

let me know what you think ~

also: post your favorite dialoge <3

08-19-2007, 02:29 AM
oh man, my friends and I had Dead Like Me marathons when we got the DVDs. Great show. But I'm pretty sure they never finished the series properly?

And I've never heard of Wonderfalls or this series. I shall have to check them both out! (but can't dl what you linked cos screwy pricy interwebs, but i will get some friends to dl it)

aaaaand I didn't know he did stuff with Heroes either. He is good at doing good stuff

and you are full of useful knowledge of good stuff, Sarah.

08-19-2007, 03:00 AM
I thought this was great. ^^ It reminds me of Amelie in a lot of ways, and some of the people who worked on Big Fish also worked on this (this means you should watch it sarah).

It is up against ANTM which will be awkward for me. ; ;

11-18-2007, 01:37 AM
I'm in love with Pushing Daisies.
But this past episode was a disappointment to me kinda..

11-21-2007, 05:55 AM
I've totally been anticipating this series since 'Drive' was cancelled last spring. (Somehow Tim Minear ties in with Bryan Fuller,Todd Holland, and Joss Whedon. Possibly through Wonderfalls and/or Firefly.)

I thought the pilot was the best episode so far. But I really do love the series as a whole. And I love the colour, which seems really rich! It's a series that has alot of heart in it.

"You can't just touch someone's life and then walk away."
"Yes, I can. That's how I roll."