fastidious percolator
08-17-2007, 08:31 PM
I wasn't sure if I should make a whole thread for this, 'cause usually, it just dies off, but ahwell :p

So to kinda continue the post I made a couple of weeks ago in creepy internet thread (the side-act I did with a couple of friends on making portraits), well, it was on a music festival, and I also happened to watch a couple of bands there, surprisingly. :D It was Cactus Festival, settled in Bruge, which is like Venice, except less Italian and far more rural.

There I saw:

- Ojos De Brujo

Imagine Manu Chao running on the same energetic power as The Blood Brothers. That's Ojos De Brujo in a nutshell. :D Various Southern-American music styles in one swift Portugues salsa-fest. Very nice!

- Buffalo Tom

I had to check these guys out, 'cause I only KNOW them via a couple of hitsingles, back in the nineties, but I always loved the couple of songs I knew :D and yep, it was quite a nostalgic gig, while the majority were only interested in their songs from the nineties, even though Buffalo Tom kept bragging about a new album :p while, unfortunately, noone in the crowd gived a damn about their new stuff.

- The Flaming Lips

Now I knew how it felt to be Lewis, walking around with a big grin on his face for AT LEAST a couple of weeks. This was one of the best concerts I have witnessed so far. Full of colourful explosions, flowerpower and aliens dressed up as santa, and a smiling crowd as far as the eye could reach.

:D It was magnificent.

One of many side-acts: a local gypsy-cabaret band playing tunes, while walking throughout the whole festival site, throughout the whole day.

^^ Bands in motion, gotta love that.

Then a couple of days after Cactus Festival, I went to Dour Festival, which is the best Belgium's got to offer (when you'd especially look at cost-efficiency~).
The best thing about that festival is that most bands are so alternative and unknown, that you're bound to bounce into new music you're gonna love, even though it's not normally your style.

Me and friends and Irish dude in white t-shirt being all dansu at ska concerts. n_n

First day:

- The Slackers: Simply good ska.
- The Skatalites: AMAZINGLY good ska. Imo, one of the bands you'd have to have seen live.
:D You can't stop dancing to it.
- Vive La F�te: Being Belgian, I've seem them almost too much, but hey, I was curious for their latest music's gonna sound live, and it was sexy. ^^
- Wu-Tang Clan: ...I had no idea why I stood there in the crowd, 'cause, I knew it was gonna suck, and they were late for half an hour, and yep, they did suck. :D
- Grooverider, Andy C, Goldie: Very good drum 'n bass. Perfect thing for late in the eve.
- Sickboy: Waha, a breakcore artist who lives pretty near me in Antwerp. :D Crazy stuff.

Second Day:

- Hot Chip: I almost forget who Hot Chip were, until a couple of people from London dragged me to see them, 'cause they were in love with this band, and GOOD THING I followed them. :x I complete forgot who Hot Chip was, and how awesome their dance/punk songs are, like Over and Over.

<3 Dang.
- The Rapture: At this moment, I was dancing with a couple of very drunk French girls, and I never knew I could dance so good aswell to The Rapture.

:D Awesome gig.
- Clap Your Hands Say Yeah: I love their cd, but they were so shit live. :/ Too bad.
- Goose: Belgian electro-clash rock music, pretty much my favourite genre, and a very good set.
- Herman D�ne: New artist I discovered at Dour: incredibly nice anti-folk music.

:D Just a very pleasant gig to witness.
- Converge: I missed out on seeing these, 'cause at Groezrock Festival earlier this year, I went to see Motion City Soundtrack instead, so good thing I had the chance to see them at Dour. :O And it was sick, and I don't usually use that word in a positive way. :D:D
- Jimi Tenor & Kabu Kabu: Good mix of dub and trip-hop. ^^
- Skream: More trip-hop. 8D
- Jah Shaka Sound System: I know I saw these guys, but I can barely remember them due to alchoholic beverages, I'm afraid.

Third Day:

- Israel Vibration: Easily the best reggae band ever. :D Sooo good.
- Gomm: Lovely unknown French band.

^^ Like a fusion of Vive La Fete and Deerhoof!
- The Frames: Bryan recommended me these, and I loved the album I bought of theirs, and they're pretty lo-fi, yet powerful alternative rock, so I had to check 'em out live.
:D And a really good set indeed. Good thing they played more of their rougher songs, just to get the crowd going along more. Like this one guy crawling up on stage, then again, he's "Papa Metal", 'cause he's pretty much THE Belgian Festival Veteran. :D

- Motorpsycho: Managed to see the last bit of their set, and I enjoyed it alot. I forgot how much I love this band. x)
- Resistance: Emo-core in the morning.. could be better. :p
- The Notwist: Excellent concert, pretty much what I expected.
- Autechre and Venetian Snares set: Seen Autechre before in Brussels, but this time together with Venetian Snares, wow, they just exploded every electronic skill they got. :D:D Very impressive stuff!

Fourth Day:

Didn't see many bands that day, 'cause I was pretty much exhausted due to heat. :I

- Tokyo Ska Paradise: These guys came to Cactus Festival too, but missed out on them, so I had to see them, simply 'cause of their description, on how they turned out to be: "Japanese ska band." Fair enough: 10 Asian guys in pink costumes on stage playing raw punk music. :D:D Insanity!
- Sunn 0]]] and 65daysofstatic set: Wonderful set to end with. <33 I haven't seen many post-rock concerts, but this was truely enchanting to see.

So yeah, the most bands I've seen in a single month! ^_^' And dang, it took me a while to manage to scan these few pics. zwowz

08-18-2007, 02:53 AM
Your pics are awesome and these festivals look like they were totally awesome. There's always just way too much one could say about a festival when you go, I find. So many bands and experiences. And discovering all sorts of good bands and stuff. Looks absolutely smashing!

(also that weird lookin' dude in your avatar looks familiar?)

fastidious percolator
08-18-2007, 07:49 PM
Oh yes, I couldnt possibly tell every little thing I experience at one festival in one post, that's so true. :D

(and the weird dude is Valentine, from the movie Mirrormask ;])

08-19-2007, 02:22 AM
AHA! and OHO!

09-04-2007, 01:10 AM
wonderful review, and great pictures.

btw, ive seen the flaming lips too (they were amazing and changed my perception of gigs) and andy c and grooverider at escape into the park this year. i havent heard of too many of the other acts you saw, but hot chip make good music too.

also, 4 days, cool. escape was over in a single day. gutted.