08-17-2007, 12:21 PM
I can't figure out what the "theme" of FFVIII is. Every one from I-IX has a distinct one... (I wouldn't know X+). It's probably Eyes on Me or the Balamb Garden theme, but it could be the overworld theme since the theme of the others has always been the overworld theme as well.

08-17-2007, 01:21 PM
Either Liberi Fatali or Eyes on Me would be the two main songs, but since FFVIII is primarily a love story, I would say the love song would be more fitting as a theme.

08-17-2007, 07:50 PM
I'd say it would be Liberi Fatali as many different versions of it are played throughout the game (Succession of Witches for example)

As for the overworld theme being the game's theme, I'm not entirely agreeing with that statement. FFIX for example had The Place I'll Return To Someday as the main menu theme and I would classify this as the theme, whereas some would class Melodies of Life as the theme, which is the overworld theme.

Next point, FFX doesn't have an overworld map so I suppose the theme for it would be the Hymn of the Fayth as it is by far the most played theme.

08-17-2007, 08:23 PM
I would have to think either 'Isn't It Wonderful?' or 'Zanarkand' would be the main theme of FFX.

As for FFVIII, I would go with Liberi Fatili.

08-17-2007, 08:48 PM
Recurring themes is usually way to identify it. While the FFIX title theme does show up in other places (Oeilvert and a few others), Crossing Those Hills (or whatever it's called. The overworld theme) shows up more often. Personally, I think both of those are the theme.

Getting back to my first statement in relation to FFVIII, let's take a look at where themes show up:

"Eyes on Me": Eyes on Me, Waltz for the Moon, My Mind, Julia, Love Grows, Ending Theme.
"Balamb Garden": Balamb Garden, Tell Me, Ami, Where I Belong, Trust Me.
"Fithos Lusec (etc)": Liberi Fatali, Succession of Witches, Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec, Truth, The Extreme (very beginning only).

I'm not quite sure what I'm trying to prove lol... Hmm, I guess we'll settle and call it all 3 :P

EDIT: Might as well do the same for FFIX while I'm at it. (names vary)

Overworld (8): Crossing Those Hills, Eye Catching, Memories of That Day (briefly, in a minor key), South Gate, Garnet's Theme, The Chosen Summoner, Beyond Those Doors, Melodies of Life.
Title (6): The Place I'll Return to Someday, Oeilvert, A Fleeting Past, Ipsen's Castle, The Four Mirrors, Terra (minor version)

08-18-2007, 01:32 AM
If you ask me, though, Balamb Garden and its variations, at times, sound a lot like "Eyes on Me."

Oh, and as for IX, there's a version of "Eiko's Theme" that also contains elements of "Melodies of Life," but it's only played once, during the scenes with her at Alexandria Castle at the start of the third disc.

08-18-2007, 02:33 AM
I'd bet my money on "Eyes on Me". It's the piece of music I always think of, and the best-known piece from the game. It's also played in different variations throughout the game.

08-18-2007, 03:00 PM
Oh, and as for IX, there's a version of "Eiko's Theme" that also contains elements of "Melodies of Life," but it's only played once, during the scenes with her at Alexandria Castle at the start of the third disc.

I noticed that too, but I didn't bother to include it since it was a one time thing.

08-19-2007, 04:11 AM
Fair enough. I happened to really like that version, though, so I thought I'd mention it.

08-19-2007, 05:30 AM
Agreed. 'Tis a shame it isn't in the mp3 of it.

11-16-2007, 05:10 PM
this maybe just me but I think it's the song that plays in the end because they play that song in more than oen final fantasy like FFXII and I think they played it at the end of FFVII I don't remember and they played it FFIV or was it FFII I get confused because our F6 is Japans FFIII or something like that in the beginning.

So I think thats the general theme for all final fantasy games

11-20-2007, 02:58 PM
FF8 does not have a main theme , Uematsu has stated that he could not decide what song to use so he ended up without having a FF8 theme.
Of course we have the fithos lusec repetition all over the game and stuff, but I thought you should know that .

11-20-2007, 09:28 PM
If you ask me, though, Balamb Garden and its variations, at times, sound a lot like "Eyes on Me."

Oh, and as for IX, there's a version of "Eiko's Theme" that also contains elements of "Melodies of Life," but it's only played once, during the scenes with her at Alexandria Castle at the start of the third disc.

I think that almost every song in the FFIX soundtrack has a trace amount of the elements from Melodies of Life and or The PLace I'll Return Someday... not to get off topic

11-25-2007, 02:23 AM
In many fantasy films/games, there's two themes: one for the antagonist and one for the protagonist. This suggests that both Liberi Fatali and Eyes on Me are the respective themes for FF8.

11-25-2007, 08:17 AM
Well, I totally agree with Agent. Balamb's theme does sound like a variation of "Eyes on Me". And more variations of the song can be found throughout the game "i.e. in the first Laguna dream/hallucination sequence".