Cetra Angel
04-05-2002, 07:25 PM
I know you can only name Squall, Rinoa, and Angelo(the dog)

but did you name them?

i called squall Xavier (i've got a thing with that name...)
rinoa is Celeste (it sounded nice)
and the dog is Sebaste (it sounded nice again!)

weird names i know but... i like them.

if you named the chars, what did you name them?


What did you call your gf's?

04-05-2002, 08:10 PM
first time i played, i name Squall after me, and Angelo after our pet dog

04-05-2002, 08:36 PM
I named Squall Ceasar, Rinoa was Joan, and Angelo was Oreo... Hehehehe

quistis lover(iverine)
04-05-2002, 08:38 PM
i kept ebeyones name next to shiva,siren,diablos,and behamut (gf's) I named the girls selphie 2 and 3 because they're strong and cute like selphie and the boys iverine 2 and 3 because they rule
2 nd game same names but selphie was replased w/ quistess

04-05-2002, 09:19 PM
the second time i played, 4 a laugh this is wot i called um

Cetra Angel
04-05-2002, 09:36 PM
so far i've named my gf's

shiva - icebreeze
quezacotl - shockpheo
ifrit - burnflame
siren - songharpy

because they sound nice!

when i get them
carbunkle's gonna be Mirrorgem
alexander's gonna be Gundam000
diablos - Helldemon
leviathan - Aquawyrm

ect ect ect

04-05-2002, 10:01 PM
I renamed Cerberus "Fluffy." You'd have to read Harry Potter to get that one... :uh?:

04-05-2002, 10:58 PM
<font color="4422BB"> i never name my characters. just get stoo confusing. </font>

Bahamut ZERO
04-05-2002, 11:27 PM
I named the dog Frank once. Simply because I was bored. And I always changed Squall's name to my own name because Squall sounds kinda.......... Crap, really.

Rinoa was always Rinoa, because if I had made it a name of a girl I fancied, I'd have gone off her within a week or so, and would've played through the game with a name I no longer liked.

04-06-2002, 01:23 AM
oh yeah

i once name Diablos, Bob

$quall Leonhart
04-06-2002, 01:58 AM
First time playing i remember i changet Squalls name in to mine, the rest i didnt change. Didnt change any of the GF`s names ether.

The characther names waz ok so i didnt change it mutch after playing secon, third, fouth time..

Once i called the Doomtrain, flytoget. You must live in Norway to understand that one... ;)

God of Death
04-06-2002, 11:09 AM
Hey O
I named Mine

Squall was named Tai
Quintis was named Washu
Zell was named Ryu
Rinoa was named Pan
Irvine was named Matt
:eye: :eye: :alien: :notgood: :alien:

04-06-2002, 12:56 PM
Hey God of Death, you can't name Zell, Quistis or Irvine, so how did you name them those??:notgood:

I named Squall: Kie
Rinoa: Aeris
Angelo: Bob XIII
and since you can name Grevier i named it Cloud

04-06-2002, 02:02 PM
i always change the main character on all ff's the Markus
rinoa was rinoa
angelo was rover coz it makes his moves sound better (ie rover rush and rover recover)
and Grevier i named leo coz hes a lion

Cetra Angel
04-06-2002, 03:01 PM

i've just thought!

im gonna name greiver - Pikachu

that'll be funny

Ultimecia: The most powerful GF! Pikachu!

Squall: o_O?

Selphie: It's so cute!

Anima Relic
04-06-2002, 05:10 PM
i also never name my characters.

04-06-2002, 06:38 PM
when i did it

Quezacotal: TJ
Shiva: Freeza
Ifrit: Diablos
Siren: Jess (cuz she really knos how 2 shut people up)
Brothers: Frere (Brothers in French)
Diablos: Matt (cuz my brother really is a devil...even tho he's Mary Poppins)
Carbuncle: Ruby
Leviathan: Liz
Pandemona: Twisty
Cerberus: Ginger (cuz that's what my puppy looks like...HONESTLY)
Alexander: Alex (obveusly)
Doomtrain: Chu-Chu (my cousin was over)
Bahamut: Bahamut
jumbo Cactur: Spike
Tonberry King: Pokey
Eden: Eden

Squall: Chad (my bf)
Rinoa: Becka (that's me)
Angelo: Annie

Dat is a lot...isn't it?

04-06-2002, 06:41 PM
i also named griever Leo
nifty huh

Tonberry King
04-06-2002, 09:30 PM
I named Squall after Me and named Rinoa, Riona
I just didn't like the sound of Rinoa

04-06-2002, 10:02 PM
Squall: Austin
Rinoa: Greta
Angelo: Dexter (My dog)
Shiva: Icee (hehehe)
Ifrit: Fury

Thats all I can remember...

04-07-2002, 02:08 AM
The first 2 times through I kept everything normal. Then when I played it through the 3rd time I changed the names:

Quezacotl---> Raiden (MK)
Shiva---> Freeza (DBZ)
Ifrit---> Charizard (Pokemon)
Siren---> Sindel (MK)
Brothers---> Twin Rover (Zelda: OOT)
Diablos---> Archangel (X-Men)
Carbunkle---> Mew (Pokemon)
Leviathan---> Snake Eyes (G.I Joe)
Pandemona---> Storm (X-Men)
Doomtrain---> Astrotrain (Transformers)
Alexander---> Metroplex (Transformers)
Tonnberry---> Squirtle (Pokemon)
Cactuar---> Togemon (Digimon)
Bahamut---> Bahamut Zero (FFVII)
Eden---> Mirage (???)

Squall---> Will (Me)
Rinoa---> Kate (My Girlfriend)
Angelo---> Sonic (...The hedgehog)

04-08-2002, 08:24 PM
I have a tendency to name the main character after me..so sqaull was named after me.rionoa?...oops.. i forgot what i named her! i named the dog after one of my own dogs,my akieta dog kiera! :PuppyDog:

04-09-2002, 04:14 PM
I don't see what the big deal is with naming the characters. I mean you're just gonna beat the game anyway and then you gotta start over and think of new names. Why bother? Oh well. I never change the names. Well, I take that back. Once I played FFX and I named them this.


Ifrit=Artanis(StarCraft: Brood War)

I can't even remember the name of the last Aeon so.......

04-09-2002, 04:27 PM
I left all of the GF's with their regular names.. but I gave the other characters names from the book series Wheel of Time

Squall- Rand
Zell - Matt
Quistis- Nynaeve
Rinoa- Eqwene
Selphie- Min

04-10-2002, 03:47 AM
What version of the game do you have? in the US version you can only name Squall and Rinoa.

Surprised you didn't name Angelo "Perrin." Closest you're going to get to a wolf in that game.

Hey, not to be off-topic but any idea when book ten's going to be out? I'm kind of out of date with what's been going on with the WoT series.

I don't think FFVIII and WoT mix. I keep picturing Fujin saying "SNIFF." :uh?: Or how about Seifer? "I'm the Sorceress' Warder!"

(EDIT: I just looked at my avatar and it hit me: UNO! :D "Blood and bloody RAGE.")

$quall Leonhart
04-10-2002, 07:32 AM
... lol, i know how thye named them that, i mean Zell, Selphine, Irvine and Qustis, they cheatet. They used a trainer or so to change there names!:eye:

Cowboy Irvine
04-15-2002, 04:23 PM
i named em

Squall - Ash

Rinoa - Misty

Angelo - Growlithe

hee hee hee

oh yeah! and greiver was pikachu!

Ultimecia: The most powerful GF, Pikachu!!!

hee hee hee

Oh well...

quezathingy - zapdos
shiva - jynx
ifrit - entei
siren - aeriole (i made that one up)
alexander - scarmory???

:eek: eekums! pok�mon all over again! *runs for the hills as the togepis come to his house armed with machine guns*

i'm sorry...

04-15-2002, 04:33 PM
Pokemon rocks man! Togepis with machine guns? Now THATS entertainment. That's the only thing would make Pokemon BETTER!