08-16-2007, 06:03 AM
Really though? (

Xbox 360 Ultimate in the pipeline?

Mon, 13 August 2007 06:27 PM

Hold fire on that Elite. Word is there might be a range-topping 360 bundle yet to come � with HD DVD built-in

The jury's out on whether Microsoft was right not to equip the 360 with an HD DVD drive from the off. On the one hand it meant we were playing Call of Duty 3 on an affordable machine long before the PS3 ever arrived.

On the other hand, now that it's finally here, the all-in-one PS3 is pretty much winning the hi-def format war for Blu-ray all on its own.

Until now, Microsoft's compromise has been the external HD DVD player add-on, but could things be about to change? There are whisperings that an 'Ultimate' package could be on the way with the lowly DVD drive ripped out and a fresh new internal HD DVD spinner slotted in its place. Other stats being banded about include a 320GB hard drive � double that of the Elite (pictured).

The source is fairly ropey � staff at Gamestop in the US have apparently spotted a stock code � so we wouldn�t bet our grandmother on it, but it would make sense. It'd allow storage intensive games like Grand Theft Auto IV to be sold on high capacity discs (as with the PS3) rather than crammed and compressed onto DVDs.

We�re just wondering how far Microsoft is planning to push the 360. What�s next Bill, the Xbox 360 Super Mega Good Fantastic?

08-16-2007, 07:10 AM
So basically, it's a bigger hard drive with a built-in HD DVD player? The Elite HDD is fine, you don't need 320Gs of memory. Looks to me like they just want more money. We all know they need it.

08-16-2007, 09:32 AM
Just release the 320gb HD on it's own. Otherwise the ps3 fanboys will be having a field day with how shit and extortionate.

I've got the premium set, and it's been fine for me. I've never been bothered with all the HD stuff. =|

08-17-2007, 08:27 AM
I'm not in either of the 3 camps.
I'm questioning the Xbox though. Microsoft is being too "hush-hush" about the overheating problems causing the Red ring of Death, and they have yet to really fix the problem.

As for the BluRay/HD stuff, regular DVD's will soon go the way of VHS, so that is something to think about!

08-17-2007, 09:24 AM
Well, I'm thinking of getting the Elite someday (still don't own a 360), but I don't see why I would want this. I don't buy movies anymore, so I don't need an HD-DVD player, and the Blu-Ray is winning anyway. Also, Microsoft has said multiple times that they wouldn't build it in or use the HD-DVD player for games because there would be other customers that wouldn't be able to play the games. That would basically make it the Xbox 360 2. You can't just do that. The PSP slim is gonna have more RAM that games programmed for it can make use of, but the games will still work fine on a normal PSP, just with more loading times. Stuff like that is fine. So I dunno, seems kinda bogus to me.

08-17-2007, 12:18 PM
Well, I'm thinking of getting the Elite someday (still don't own a 360), but I don't see why I would want this. I don't buy movies anymore, so I don't need an HD-DVD player, and the Blu-Ray is winning anyway. Also, Microsoft has said multiple times that they wouldn't build it in or use the HD-DVD player for games because there would be other customers that wouldn't be able to play the games. That would basically make it the Xbox 360 2. You can't just do that. The PSP slim is gonna have more RAM that games programmed for it can make use of, but the games will still work fine on a normal PSP, just with more loading times. Stuff like that is fine. So I dunno, seems kinda bogus to me.

I don't believe there motivation is mostly for selling movies. The problems are with game issues such as Unreal Tournament III and GTA IV. Dev's are finding it hard to a) fit all the game they want onto a DVD9 and b) not all the 360s have an HDD. So far UT3 is expected to have more maps on the PS3 version due to the space limitation with the 360. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe they're also making it cross platform online between the PS3 and PC but not the 360. Microsoft did once say they would never build an HD-DVD drive into the system but now the way some of the next-gen gaming is going, it may have been a smarter idea that they did in the first place.