08-14-2007, 06:35 AM
This is a thread that I made over at

I like to discuss Zero from the Megaman series of games. Although it may not be anime, it is an anime-style game. I would like to discuss this topic with all who are interested.

Here is my original post and work:

For everyone who ever wanted to know what happened between the X and Zero series, Zero's armor, Omega, and robot design, read this:

Original Body of Zero

Classification: Advanced Robot
Model Number: DWN-Infinity
Date of Creation: 20XX
Date of Destruction: Unknown – Possibly 23XX-28XX

Zero was the last robot to ever be developed by Dr. Wily. He is not defined as a robot master, but rather an advanced robot with the capability of limited sapient thought. The reason his thought is limited is due to thought inhibitors installed by Dr. Wily. Bass was designed to be equal to the original Mega Man in every way, but was always defeated. Because of this, Bass defied Dr. Wily's command because of his pre-programmed ego and emotions. Had Dr. Wily installed inhibitors in Bass, he would have been more controllable and functional. Dr. Wily anticipated this "defiance" with Zero, and due to his revolutionary power and technological advancements, hundreds of years before its time, he could not afford to have Zero stray from his initial objective. With these inhibitors installed, Zero would potentially be at the full command of whoever manipulated the controls.

The power source for the original Robot Masters (other than battery cells in basic robots) were compact nuclear reactors capable of generating a power range anywhere from kilowatts to megawatts depending on the robot incorporated with it. A new type of energy was accidentally discovered by Dr. Wily when designing Bass. The material he named "Bassnium" (a.k.a. Fortenium). Later, Dr. Wily was able to refine Bassnium into what would be used as Zero's core power source. This power was beyond any other power source at the time and well into the future, even surpassing the Ceil System in true energy output for a single source.

This power source could not be activated without the use of what would become known as the "Zero Virus." Without the virus enabled, the refined Bassnium would only operate at a fraction of its true potential, though still being able to output a great amount of energy. Zero's body would act as two separate containers for these elements. When the Zero Virus was not active, the body would only operate on its standard power output. However, once the virus itself was active, the reaction with the refined Bassnium would complete the true capabilities that the body contained. The absolute maximum energy release was never measured, but scientific estimates would determine the output to be in the zeta watt range (~1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 watts). This would make Zero’s original body have a higher energy output than even the Ceil System in a single-source output.

It is interesting to note that X's power not only comes from his fusion reactor, but his human thought. When X attacked Sigma right after the missile launch (before the events of Megaman X) he activated his true power, which not only scarred Sigma's physical form, but the Sigma Virus as well, as it would too carry these "burn" markings.

It is unknown if Zero's body was used before its seal being released prior to the timeline of Megaman X. If it had been, the original Mega Man and other Robot Masters would have succumb to its almost god-like power. This body, even when not using both of its primary power sources, was able to outperform Sigma (at the time one of the most advanced Repliroids of the time period), nearly overcome X himself, and highly advanced war and guardian Repliroids build hundreds of years after the body's initial creation.

After Zero decided to seal himself (sometime after the time periods of Megaman X8 and Command Missions), it was discovered that Zero's body had the original Maverick/Sigma Virus, the Zero Virus. Zero's mind (soul) was removed from the body and extensive testing on the virus was put into effect. Zero's body was altered drastically to implement the advanced testing on the virus. This was due to the body's design being incredibly older than any other repriloids design at the time, and in order to enable the use of present techniques, the body had to be redesigned to current specifications and standards. After many years of studying the patterns and designs of the virus, scientists at the time along with X, were able to create a powerful anti-virus called the "Mother Elf." This anti-virus was used by X to obliterate all traces of the maverick virus and any other instances of Sigma which still remained.

After a short period, one of the scientists of the time period named Dr. Vile (Weil), found Zero's soulless body and designed a new robot consciousness called Omega. He fused this new robot-class mind into the body of Zero. Whether or not Dr. Vile feared Omega's true power or not is unknown, but it is known that an external "shell" was built to contain the body's full potential. The shell was also designed to have regenerative capabilities and to be compatible with the Mother Elf for the reason of using it's power to control all other repriloids (save X due to the fact that he is an advanced robot, not a repliroid).

When Omega was set free, X and Zero were heavily needed in battle. Zero, since having lost his body, was designed with an (nearly) exact copy of his original body. The only differences were the lack of the Zero Virus and the power source was changed to use a repliroid power source (currently unknown what the power source is, but it is assumed to be a fusion reactor similar to X's, as all repliroids are based off his design).

X and Zero (in his new body) proceeded to defeat Omega using the "Final Strike" technique. This did not destroy Omega, but simply stunned him long enough to contain him. Omega was then shot into low orbit in an imprisonment capsule never to opened again. Dr. Vile himself was illegally transformed into an ageless cyborg, with a body that could never die. He was then sentenced to exile for an indefinite amount of time. Later after Zero sealed himself again for fear of becoming a maverick himself, X knowing the Mother Elf's (now the called the Dark Elf) power, sealed it using his own body to act as the seal (firewall). X then transformed himself into a cyber elf, an electronic entity run purely off of energy and software (but in X's case, his body acted as the pseudo-energy source until the time of it's destruction).

At the end of the events in the time period of Megaman Zero 3, Zero finally succeeded in destroying Omega, but at a cost. The massive explosion destroyed the remaining guardians as well as the area where Zero was contained. Soon after these events, X "expired" (possibly to cyber space) and Zero was later destroyed at the very end of the time period of Megaman Zero 4. So what became of Zero's original body?

In the time period of Megaman ZX, hundreds of years after the destruction of Zero, Omega would return in an unknown area. When defeated again, the body released a "rock" or substance that appeared to glow. This substance may be the refined Bassnium discussed in the above paragraphs. Whether this is canon or not has yet to be seen.

It is also noteworthy to mention that Dr. Light designed X to have limitless evolutionary growth and potential; where as Dr. Wily designed Zero to be limited under a control source.


The Zero Virus (Zero’s custom program)

The virus' main function was to corrupt other robots beyond their initial programming. Theoretically, if the Zero Virus had corrupted Mega Man, he too would have become so unstable that retirement would have been the only option remaining. The virus, which is contained within the crystal on Zero's head, was broken by Sigma. When the virus was released, Sigma became infected with it. Now Spike, as you said, the virus is only designed to infect robots and not reploids. Here is how the virus transformed or "adapted" to its new environment.

Sigma, being a highly advanced reploid (at the time) was designed to withstand the virus using his own internal hardware firewall and advanced circuitry, which no other reploid had. Sigma's body was able to with stand the virus for an extended period of time, but due to the time in which the virus had spent in his body, it started to adapt to his body type, the reploid-class body. Once the virus adjusted itself completely and fused with Sigma's reploid body, it was no longer the "true" Zero Virus, but the Sigma Virus. The new virus was a combination of the Zero Virus, X’s Suffering Circuit program, and Sigma himself. This new virus now had the ability to infect not only robots and mechaniloids, but reploids as well.

X is not a reploid, but a highly advanced robot:

X is an advanced robot capable of sapient thought. Dr. Cain realized this after his discovery and decided to design a new type of robot using X's technology, thus reploids were the result. However, due to the limitations of technology at the time (and well into the future), Dr. Cain could not copy X completely. X's one unique feature over all other type of robot in existence (even to the ZX timeline), was his conscience. This part of X was not replicable, and because of this, reploids were at a high risk of infection from the Sigma virus. X cannot become infected by the Sigma/Maverick Virus, just as a human cannot become infected.

The diagnostics test run by Dr. Light on X was to ensure his safety (to make sure that he was not evil), because of his conscience, he not only had the capability of being good, but evil as well by his own free will. Dr. Light also wanted to seal X away because humanity would not be ready for such advanced technology to appear.

Types of Mavericks:

Currently, there are three types of mavericks. The first is a reploid or mechaniloid infected with either the Zero or Sigma virus. These machines have lost their pseudo-free will or programming to the virus' control without the right to choose whether they want to become a maverick or not. The second type of maverick is a reploid who wants and chooses to do evil without the influence of the virus. These reploids are similar to humans who choose to do evil by their own free will and without an external influence. The third type was created in the Megaman ZX time period. Dr. Vile, being a Cyborg (part human, part machine) was able to fuse with Ragnarok. Once Ragnarok broke apart in the atmosphere and fell back to Earth, Dr. Vile's remains, contained within the pieces of Ragnarok, were still active. This is how Model V came into existence. Model V is capable of driving both humans and reploids to insanity.

X is not compatible with the Maverick Virus since he is not a reploid. However, the Zero Virus is slightly compatible with X, as it was design to infect robots, and X being an advanced robot, is susceptible to a certain degree. This is shown in Megaman X6 with the Zero Nightmares roaming about, if X is touched by one, he can potentially become infected. However, his system may be able to rid itself of the virus due to his conscience and his mind's structure being the equivalent to a human being. Since humans are not affected by the virus, X wouldn't be to a certain extent as said above.

Also, the Zero Virus was not spread by Zero after Sigma was infected. Dr. Cain repaired Zero and his crystal, which acted not only as a container but as a shield for the virus, was repaired. Since the repair, there was no way for the virus to escape from Zero's body. If there is another way of transferring the virus beyond releasing it from the protective crystal, it is currently unknown.


As for Sigma and the first mavericks, yes, they were mavericks by will and not by the virus. However, all of the other reploids became mavericks due to Sigma losing his physical body or instance and turning completely into the virus (exposing all reploids he came in contact with). As for Lumine saying "the new type reploids can turn maverick at will," this means that all of the new reploids have EVERY previous reploids DNA code, including Sigma's. In turn, the Sigma/Maverick virus is laced within their genetic code, and if they choose to, can access that portion of the code and turn into a true maverick at will. Whoever the designer/creator of the copy chip is didn't think that one through too well...

Sigma was also designed to withstand the maverick virus using Cain Lab's most advanced hardware firewalls and circuitry. This backfired however, even though Sigma's body held out for a few months it was eventually overtaken by the Zero Virus, now mutated into the Sigma Virus.

The Zero Virus was not intended for X originally, as X had not been created at the time of Zero's creation. X was built at the near-end of Dr. Light's life, as he appears sickly and very tired. However, at the time of Zero's creation, Dr. Light appears healthy and active, thus leading to the fact that Zero must have been built months to years before X's creation.

Side note: As far as advancements go in technology, X's body is probably the most advanced piece of tech within the Megaman universe, with Zero's original body coming in second, and the cyber elfs coming in third.

It is also interesting to note that X's body was used to create reploids, whereas Zero's body was used to create cyber elfs.

After the events X1 (or Maverick Hunter X) all of the mavericks were due to the Sigma Virus infecting them. The only exception was Repliforce, as some of the members were judged wrongly as mavericks, even though no trace of the virus was found in them. When you fight the boss's in X4, look at the symbol below their life meter, some of them have Sigma's "Sigma" symbol (mavericks), and others have the Repliforce "R" symbol (wrongly accused).

Side note: Vile (VAVA) was originally not a maverick, but acted as one due to his violent nature, but later was fully converted to a maverick when Dr. Doppler (X3) installed the Sigma Virus into him.

The viruses, whether it be the Zero or the Sigma/Maverick Viruses do actually increase the power of the host in which they infect. The Sigma Virus only increases their power slightly, such as a human that is in a state of rage will become slightly stronger than a calm human. The Zero Virus however, will increase the victim's power substantially beyond what their normal capacity of power would be. This is due to its original properties on how it affects the victim's system. Gate from Megaman X6 was one of the few Reploids to actually be infected by the Zero Virus, thus causing his normal power (which was not high due to being a scientist and not being designed for combat) to be increased heavily. He is also one of the strongest bosses in the side scrolling Megaman X series (and possibly even compared to the Zero series) as he can only be damaged by reflecting his own attacks at him. Standard attacks will not damage Gate, making this ability something that no other boss in the X and Zero series has ever had.

As for the whole "Bass stealing the plans for X"... this was brought about during Megaman 7 when Bass went berserk in Dr. Light's lab. This is only fan speculation with no canon evidence; however, Bass did steal the plans for the Mega/Rush adaptor. This is how Bass and Treble are able to merge as one with the Arm Rocket technique, just like Mega Man and Rush are able to merge with the Homing Arm technique.

X did accuse the wrong reploids of being mavericks, but this only occurred in X4.

The "Suffering Circuit" was a program of X's which allowed empathy to be integrated into the system’s files. It was not completely compatible with Zero due to differences in his hardware/firmware designs, but was still installable. This is what caused Zero to change his mindset from pure rage to a calmer attitude.

As for the Zero and Sigma/Maverick Virus's capabilities of extracting power: The Zero Virus was necessary to unlock the energy source from the refined Bassnium by using its own energetic properties to create a type of catalyst or a chain reaction for the energy extraction to take place. Think of it this way; let’s say we have a hydro-electric dam with water drawing through it causing the electricity to be produced from the generators. When the amount of water is increased as well as the thrust (Zero Virus), the more the generators will spin and the more electricity will be produced.

The Sigma/Maverick Virus does not act the same as the Zero Virus, and here's why: the S/M Virus does not give a chain reaction or act as a catalyst for the reploids' fusion reactor (or alternate power source), it simply changes the thought process (to hate humans and defiant reploids alike) and alters the firmware (software built within hardware) settings. Here's an example of altering the firmware: a computer has BIOS which can control the amount of speed, electricity, and devices. If I change the CPU settings to over-clock the initial speed, it will produce more processing power, but at a price of higher heat levels. The same happens when the Sigma/Maverick Virus enters a reploid, only instead of more CPU processing power; the output of the power source is increased simply through the firmware. Another example could be changing the BIOS in a car or vehicle, by doing this, one can change a 100 horse-power vehicle to have 400 horse-power, but at a cost of burning the engine out. The same will happen to reploids who are infected with the Maverick Virus. Eventually their power source will burn out, as the Zero Virus (converted to the Sigma/Maverick Virus) initial intention was to destroy other robots, or in this case, reploids.

Since the Sigma/Virus altered to work with reploids, it will drive them to madness as well as give them an unspecified power boost (depends on the power source and reploid infected), but at a cost of a shortened life-span.

As for Dr. Weil's (Model W/V) version of the virus, it does not increase the power of those infected, it only drives them to insanity using his ideals and thought process (which was insane before Model V came around).

For reploids who choose to be maverick by their own will, their power is not increased as they are the same reploid, only with different reasons for doing what they do.

The copy-chip (new generation) reploids do have the Sigma/Maverick Virus built within them, and if they choose to activate it, it will increase their power just the same as a normal reploid becoming infected by the Sigma/Maverick Virus.

Another thing to point out, in the OVA of "Day of Sigma" the mavericks being fought were mechaniloids being controlled by Sigma or his followers through the use of the control panel in the missile silo base. They were not infected with the Sigma/Maverick Virus at the time. Although they seemed very powerful, they were still using their standard operational sequences and hardware. Sigma was the only "true" maverick in "Day of Sigma" as no others had been infected by the Sigma/Maverick Virus at the time. The first reploids to become infected did not get the virus until the events preceding X2 within the six month time span. Which reploid was the first to become infected with the Sigma/Maverick Virus is currently unknown.

EDIT: Heh, forgot the link to my original post. Here it is:,678.0.html

08-14-2007, 01:48 PM