Cetra Angel
04-05-2002, 03:42 PM
what did you think of the original grandia on the psx?

i loved it, a lot.

feena has got to be one of the coolest characters ever created.

and Guido! i loved the little mogay!!!!

and justin! such a clutz, so funny...

and sue! so sweet!


remember Rah Rah Cheer? sue's first curing magic thing?

Rah Rah
Rah Rah
Puff, Lets Go!
Here We Go!
Puuf puuuuuuuuuf!


04-05-2002, 04:12 PM


i liked puffy's fireball attack!

04-06-2002, 04:46 PM
i bought the game and played for a few hours but stopped. Is it worth playing, how long is it, and why is it that when I save in more than one spot, my data is ruined. I beat Grandia 2 and thought it was pretty good. But yeah, Justin seems like a clutz and Feena seems really cool, and hot.:D

04-07-2002, 02:23 AM
hey uhh should i buy it? i've been looking into it and on gamespot it got a 9.2 and a 8.9 , seems good to me, but i'd like to hear from ppl who played it.....so up front: should i buy it?

the same thing goes for grandia 2 except for those scores....is it as good as the 1st should i buy it?


04-08-2002, 09:02 AM
This is one of the PSone games I still have yet to play. I can't believe I haven't even given it a look yet. If its as good as some of you say, then I should give it a whirl...but there are many other PS2 games to tempt me as well.

Soo, anyone wanna describe the game some more for me and whoever else? Battle system, story and whatnot...

Bahamut ZERO
04-08-2002, 05:41 PM
Bahamut ZERO's Unofficial Review To Grandia.

Unofficial, mainly because it's my opinion...

The game centres around the character Justin, a boy who wishes to follow in the footsteps of his father, grandfather and great grandfather as an adventurer. The game starts in a town called Parm, which is just about to enter the industrial age. Justin owns an object called the Spirit Stone, an ancient artifact handed to him by his father that is meant to be part of the lost civilisation of Angelou. He is led onto an adventure to discover the true significance of the spirit stone, and one that leads him further than he'd ever believe he'd go...

... The graphics of the game, while not as stunning and visually impressive as the Final Fantasy games, still are fairly good. There are times when the camera angle can be awkward, but other than that, they are pretty good.

The sounds are excellent. There are cut scenes with voice speech that is believable. The music can be addictive, especially the battle music on the second disc, which I hummed to myself when I was playing the game.

The battle system itself is simple to use, yet has some levels of complexity. It's a mixture of turn based and ATB combat system, where the battle freezes for each decision made, and the characters move around a small character map to perform their actions. Some of the characters can equip more than one weapon (for instance, Justin can use a sword, an axe and a mace.) The weapon "levels up" the more you use that weapon. The levelling up of the weapon adds to stats like skill, dexterity, strength and varies from weapon to weapon.

On top of that, there is magic. Magic is gained using an object called mana eggs, and these are traded at a store in exchange for the magic in question. There are four elements, fire, water, earth and wind. Like weapons, magic "levels up" the more you use it, and you gain higher powered spells the more magic you use. In addition, a combination of two elements can happen to create new elements (eg Wind and Fire for Lightening.)

Each character has their own individual Spirit skills. These increase in accordance to skill with weapons and magic, the higher the level, the more skills the character gains. The battle system overall is pretty good. Battle is initiated by walking into creatures in the dungeon, so it is possible to avoid battles if you wish to, although it is advisable to do so to level up.

The gameplay is pretty good. There are times where it drags and going through dungeons again and again can be tiresome. The story, however, keeps your attention throughout. It is as deep as in Final Fantasy games, and you can feel the emotion of the characters as the game progresses.

The lifespan is also pretty long. It took me 53 hours to complete the game first time through. Although I have yet to play the game through a second time, as I just can't find the drive to play it again, although it could be a rewarding experience.

Overall, I would highly recommend Grandia. If for the storyline. It's an amazing emotional rollercoaster of a ride. While awkward to play in places, and with little in the way of sidequests, I still feel that it's a worthwhile addition to any gamer's collection.

This is Bahamut ZERO... Finishing boring you people to death...

Black Mage
04-08-2002, 10:20 PM
I have never played Granida 1 but i am working my way though Grandia 2 at the mo and think its a cool game
so should i get Grandia 1???

04-12-2002, 01:13 AM
if you have spare change, you should get grandia 2. i am going to pick up on grandia agian, stopped after 3-4 hours into the game, but that review was haert rentching enough to get me to play.

Cetra Angel
04-12-2002, 09:51 PM
you should all play it! its great! my mum ordered it from gameplay, and she's finished it too.

everyone who has not played this game should at least give it a go, the graphics are far from brilliant but the gameplay is superb

it even has some good humor
*cue part of the game*

..::Justin, Feena, and Sue are crawling through a tunnel on the ghost ship, Feena is in front, followed by Justin, then Sue::..

Justin: Huh? What's this? It's kinda warm and soft...

04-14-2002, 10:01 PM
I've only played G2. x.x; And not even that much. Is it anything like the first one? if so, i must get it.

Bahamut ZERO
04-15-2002, 08:41 PM
Well, I've already said my two pence in my review styley thing. (I get bored easy.) I'll reiterate my main point. It's worth playing Grandia at least once just for the storyline, because it is right up there for the best storyline of any game ever. I was emotionally moved and drained by the time I got to the end of it.

Buy it, or rent it. It is worth the money, without a doubt.

04-21-2002, 08:40 PM
I started playing Grandia again. I am about 39 hours into it and I just got*spoiler*Liete in my party and it seems pretty good. I know what you guys meant about memorable characters, I love all of them.

04-23-2002, 02:03 AM
Ive played both of them...but when it comes to the story. I liked Grandia the best...it was a lil more cooler and the they were all comical sometimes...that damn Puffy was so damn cute :D.

04-29-2002, 12:15 PM
yeah grandia 2 is phat! I'm now at 20 hours or so and I think the story is quite good, but most of all the battle system, it's SO much better than any ff. The graphics are quite simple but cool.
Haven't played grandia yet though....maybe later.

04-30-2002, 12:50 PM
Grandia 1 is good i think but ive never plaed it

uf u liked grandia 1 u should try GRANDIA II!!


05-02-2002, 09:12 PM
Originally posted by Ryudo
Grandia 1 is good i think but ive never plaed it

uf u liked grandia 1 u should try GRANDIA II!!


I think if ya are named Ryudo you are phat....

05-08-2002, 07:43 AM
I loved it !!!! it was great!!
as soon as i stuffed it in my tiny grey box i was hooked!

It was great i loved feena , justin, sue , guido etc. I even started to like that damn puffy!!
My sister is in luvvvvvvvvv with puffy but i think it's to damn cute but thats jus me i guess!

05-08-2002, 07:51 AM
umm...weelll. i wanted 2 admit that i really really like u, and ,.....will you like,,,um,,,, email me back if u like my or not

love Andie :uh?:

05-08-2002, 07:58 AM
OMI GOD my friend hacked on here and did this stupid one above sorry bout this........ really sorry well i'm off to KILLLLLLLL HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pardon the mess.

05-08-2002, 08:03 AM
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Does this guy really think that well belive dis, He is trying to tell some 1 that hes got the woooo pooppss 4 her ( or is it a him), this guy is seriously mad, realy, well if u like him message me ( iknow every1 will cuse he is mad ( i know him from skool ( hes sitting right nexty 2 me in the libary on computers swearing

hez mad

05-08-2002, 08:09 AM


..................................errrrrrr sorry bout this........ errr i mean we'll take this argument to the private massages sorry......................
pardon us........................


05-08-2002, 08:10 AM
wow, meantal problem, hez next 2 me having a teary neally, he wants 2 kill m3e wow mad person alert, hez havin a spaz alright,
u loik at da post ppl ,he admitted it the 1st time , se, hes da biggest liar, seriously, hez saying " ur ruining my reputation" bla bla bla fruit cake

grrrr can u be serious is this like a pick up line or somthing, is it meantr to be more odf a gggrrttrrrr in a seductive way

now hez sorry well whatr the .....take it to private.
well ill post whatvea he says 2 me in private, pardon him not me.
grr get ova it man
**** ur self mate, stab ..sorry im still alive u sillyhoganbofan
ell ive been slapped serverly by this socalled " thing" and it didnt hurt at all

05-08-2002, 08:18 AM
errr sorry bout this fight i said we'll take it to the pm's
but errr he's goin to keep postin so ignore this loon
I..... apologise for this idiot.

pardon us..... *KRAK* *POW* *GUAGE* *KRAK!*

05-08-2002, 08:19 AM
loon urself mate, loon what a wierd sayng, its obvously from a strangwe loner

i though i was killed the 1st time well what a strange young chinese chappo
ouch that hurt ( he punched me) see hes phisicly mad, he punching me.. and thwere he goes thrown out of da libary well that old a techer has finnaly done a good thing

05-08-2002, 08:21 AM
thaks 4 the support ppl , i realy apreciated it
well add spyro to ur buddies list to talk to me

i know u want 2, and id love u to.... talk to me on buddies list
( done in best kilie monogue voice)

05-08-2002, 08:24 AM
Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well, Well Well Well,
pant pant pant, that was hard
omg his reportinhme 2 da moderator and get me busted well well kill hiom\

whos wif me
luv ya

05-08-2002, 08:26 AM
this pic of the socalled " Maudun" is not real, he looks nothing like it

05-08-2002, 08:32 AM
uh i said i would'nt post another one considering this but...........
he's going to send sumthin else thats not true i know it he was typing it up b 4 i pulled out the power 4 his pc.

he's all going to annoy you all i know i'm really sorry people i never knew lunatics like this existed um welll sorry once again.....
uh i'd betta shut up now ........... sorry bout this moron............ :notgood:

uhhh and not to mention he looks nothin like cloud either!
this is the best face i could find that looks like me anyway!

05-08-2002, 08:38 AM
Madiun is a Freak : by Silverchair

He's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of natureHe's a freak , hes a freak of nature, hes a freak of nature

merci my little game obsessed ppls
kiss kiss ppls
your truly
lover of c.b

05-08-2002, 08:45 AM
well dats enough talking 4 2 day well cu ppl

05-08-2002, 05:54 PM
umm. o... kay..... o_O;

I'm unsure whether I should close this thread or not. ^_~ But post like this in here again and ill have to. =/ So quit double posting, quit spamming, and quit chatting in the thread. Or any other thread. only keep posting like this unloess you really want to get banned. ^_~ so, um... cut it out. x_X

05-08-2002, 09:38 PM
Why isn't spyro banned yet?

Bahamut ZERO
05-08-2002, 11:32 PM
(Looks to spam.)

........ Yeah. Moving back to the Grandia series.

I've recently purchased Grandia 2 for the PC (seemed like a good idea at the time.) I haven't played that far in it, because I am still trying to get through Final Fantasy VI and juggle other things like a social life, exams and coursework, but I've played through to the first save point I can find, and have to admit that the graphics are VERY good, bar the fact that shadows are just blocks (in the PC version, anywho.) Can't make any judgement at the moment, but it feels a lot like the first Grandia, so that can only be good.

05-09-2002, 04:37 AM
I wqas't da bad 1 Mausdin was, he was using terms of missuse on the fouromns
and whoeva said i was banned is worong



05-09-2002, 04:37 AM
Uhh... Well I have to say sorry again for all that.........
um.... Uh sorry Duo i did'nt mean to get you annnoyed like that.
Uh well..... on to Grandia who is everyone's favourite character?

05-09-2002, 04:39 AM
Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux Maudiun sux

puuff puff puff
Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux Maudiun really sux

bye ( heheheh)

05-09-2002, 04:41 AM
PPl i tell u, Show no mercy 2 stupid ppl
Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux, Maudin sux,

05-09-2002, 04:51 AM
What i said before was entirely tru and i just wanted 2 say that i realy like it:p

i really like duo

05-09-2002, 07:58 AM
Look I'm really sorry to post more stuff like this but look at post above me that was done by spyro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He made a new account with not even close to my reall username and posted that!!!
He could'nt even get the avatar right just look, at the name it was maudin not Madiun so that was not me........

Oh and not to make this a wasted post of annoyance to Duo or anyone.
But my fave grandia character was Guido he was cool !
like i said post yours!

Oh and he will try to make more names like mine so pay attention to the name!

Thanks for putting up with me !

05-09-2002, 12:33 PM
I got to the second disk on this game then i started to dislike it!!!!

05-10-2002, 04:33 AM
Why? Is the second disc bad or sumthin?
I'm only on the 1st disc so i don't know.

05-10-2002, 04:42 AM
Don't change da subject maudiun, we know u like duo you naughty little devil u

ur mamma hahahahahhehehehehehhhihihihi ( in best shorty voice

person ly i hated the 2nd disk but i liked it when general bawl got his head justins sword and his ghost haunts the palace, but he comes back 2 life again

05-10-2002, 04:52 AM
this socalled Mausiun just had a spaxz cause i threatednd 2 give out " personal details" on this foreum
PS ill give em out

if u see him he u will know and the 1st thing that will come into ur head will be

" wow, strange person"and " how hairy can u bee man,wow"
sighning off the 1 and only
poo poo head Maudiun rejhector

05-10-2002, 04:54 AM
the 3 clues to hunt down the duo lover

1. Blac hair

2. brown eyes

3. tofu

by byez ppl

05-10-2002, 04:54 AM
:eye: Really spyro?
Do you reeaaaally own grandiaaaaaa?
NO you don't! you just wrote all that crap to annoy me i know it !!! He is sitting next to me rite now annoying me!!!!

Oh yea!
You get some really good characters in disc 2 don't you?
so why is it so bad then?

And to you! spyro! ( i'm so kind i did'nt even use his real name! or send out personal info)
I do not have any sexual interests in duo! in simpler more understandable text I AM NOT GAY!!!!

05-10-2002, 04:58 AM
Same reasons of Ankita person and who is marc and where do i know u from Andr.....Maudiun, plz be normal and keep real

i would rather have perswonal details sent out cause in so good looking unlike some cough cough

Maudiun and duob, sitting in da tree, kissing, 1st come the love, denc da marrige, then the baby in the caarriigfgee
is dat hoew it goes

05-10-2002, 05:00 AM
I just wanted 2 appoligise 2 Duo about all dat stuff and i also wanted 2 apoligise 2 andr...Madiun.. naaaaaa i wont, he sux badly hehehehehe

05-10-2002, 05:02 AM
Message me if u don;'t like Madiun, we can start a club