08-12-2007, 07:39 PM
*** This Part of the Competition is purely for the entertaiment of anyone not participating. Particpants can read this but it is just to add a bit of a story***

//Cheesy music starts
//Cheesy Music starts to fade and Applause starts
//Chessy Music Faded to Nothing
//Applause Fades
//A Man with Dark Hair, Smartly Dressed In a Tuxedo With A Crimson Red Tie Walks With his Left Arm Linked With a Busty Blonde with a Red Bustier/Dress Combo.
//They Stop In The Spot Light

Joe: Hi and Welcome to Final Fantasy Shrine's Signiture Competiton!
Hello, I'm Joesph Parsley and this is Stephanie Carrot.
Say Hi Steph!

Steph: Hi There Boys!!

//Steph Bends over slightly, showing as much as a pre-watershed TV show can afford to show, as if to say 'I'm Worth It!'

Joe: Woh there! Calm down! Them Water-Melons are about to burst-out!

//Steph Straightens Up, Chuckles and Winks to the Camera ;)

Joe: Heh, Heh. In the Practice They Did Burst-Out. What A Sight!
//Clears His throat

Well lets Get Down to Buisness...

//Looks at a diffrent camera

All the Sig makers are on the internet right now but we only have so many Places.

Explain It Steph!

//Camera Switches To Steph Who Is Adjusting her Strapless Bustier Dress Combo. She looks up and blushes as she realises that the Camera was watching her.

Steph: Right, Dont worry about that if I dont keep adjusting it or else it falls down revealing my br...

//Joe Interupts Steph From Continuing the Train Of Thought.

Steph: Ah Yes, Our Contestants need to be the in the first X number of Participants That Is Deicided By My Baby... The Super Computer!

//Camera Switches To Joe

Joe: Yes, Very Strange.

//Joe Looks Confused as Picture Fades to Black

*** Story Pauses Here ***
Right Everyone will need to Register here so I know how many People Will be partcipating. For this Competiton You will need only to make One Sig!

It will be a Straight Vote off But i ask that people who vote, vote because of the sig not the person that made it.

To Register Simply Post in this thread with these details.

That you understand the Rules for sigs on Final Fantasy Shrine:
Whether you think it should be a lot less messing about:

*** Story Restarts ***
Joe: Got That? Good? Well Get Posting!
*** Story Ends ***

08-12-2007, 08:23 PM
At first I'd like to ask something: Do they really have to be made by yourself? If yes, I won't participate. If not, here's mine: (I hope it's still animated, the gif)

08-12-2007, 08:28 PM
sorry but yes they do the story may have been goofy but its a proper competition

and i dont think that would win anyway its already annoying me :S

08-12-2007, 08:47 PM
Lemme nab off the rules I use for the ones that I run. I'll send em to ya Brotherhood.

Username: Shinryudan (sigs may display either that or Kazen or Flat Line)
That you understand the Rules for sigs on Final Fantasy Shrine: Duh...I helped write them.
Whether you think it should be a lot less messing about: Bingo, this is too drama based.

08-12-2007, 08:58 PM
Ok Ive had a Look At the Rules That Ryu Sent Me and with a few changes, (mainly the names) I thought they were a good set of rules.

Here they are:
1. All forum rules apply, images must be appropriate.
2. The signature must be made by you.
3. They must be sole works, no collaboration.
4. Do not post your entry anywhere, send it to me for the Competition.
5. Try to be on time.
6. If you cannot meet a deadline, tell me ASAP, I'll try to extend it for you.
7. If you wish to drop out for any reason please PM me.
8. Any problems, direct them to Me via PM.

Thanks Ryu

Oh and im going to edit the rules so its a straight vote off, But the story things staying, ITS A LAUGH!

jewess crabcake
08-13-2007, 11:15 PM
I understand i've bee making sigs for a while lol
I'm just fine with messing around.

08-14-2007, 12:49 AM
At first I'd like to ask something: Do they really have to be made by yourself? If yes, I won't participate. If not, here's mine: (I hope it's still animated, the gif)


I'MA CHARGIN MAH LASA!! Hey 4chan...

jewess crabcake
08-14-2007, 02:26 AM
dammit need .gif tutorials, the one sig type I can't master

08-14-2007, 06:31 AM
Humm...shouldnt there be a specific theme? I think that would be a good idea.

08-14-2007, 10:28 AM
Its the First one so the Theme is Freestyle... if it lasts any longer than 1 then we will have a theme

dammit need .gif tutorials, the one sig type I can't master

Game renders forum have a special forum for gif tuts so id go there

08-15-2007, 06:17 PM
Ignore This one i'll let people enter until a week after the thread was opened

Ive got my entry anyway

08-17-2007, 09:03 PM
Username: UltimateFFFan (sigs may display JimiF, Scorched Earth or Envision)
Rules: Not too complex, it's just like any other SOTW I've entered
Less messing around: Yeah, it's not exactly a national competition, so there's no need for that story, I reckon just Here's this weeks Theme and Deadline

08-18-2007, 12:22 PM
ok closing date is today so all entrants can start making there entry's if they have not yet done so. (I already made mine when i got bored waiting for people to enter :D)


The following Users have entered:

Shinryudan (aka Kazen or Flat Line)
Ultra Magnus (aka Smarties)
UltimateFFFan (aka JimiF, Scorched Earth or Envision)
Brotherhood619 (aka BH619)

Im entering to make up the numbers and because im not the one that chooses the winner.

You can still enter this competition until 08-18-2007, 07:39 PM FFshrine time. So Remeber to post here then send me your entry.

You have 1 week

08-28-2007, 07:21 PM
Ive left this Awhile longer than i should have because i still need UltimateFFFan and Ultra Magnus's Entries.

Come on guys anything will do!