Ryugi Kazamaru
08-12-2007, 06:07 AM
I'm looking for just ONE SONG. And, since its from Naruto, I figure the die hard fans will know what it is. I'm NOT a die hard Naruto fan, so, I'm clueless.


The song is in that video, and plays during the battle between Naruto, Sasuke, and the bad guy. Its somewhat poor quality, and the sound is sorta low, but if someone could please watch and tell me what the name of the song is, I'd be very happy.

Hell, I don't even need a LINK to the song, I just want to know its name, and I'll do the searching for it myself. But, if you have a link and want to post it, it would be less work for me.

Thanks for your time.

Also, I spent a significant amount of time looking for this song already, and, unless I missed it, it isn't in the Naruto Soundtracks already on GH. If I'm mistaken, I apologize, but either way, help would be very appreciated.

08-12-2007, 09:21 AM
That's right, CN reran the OVA tonight (ok, last night...it's the butt-crack of dawn now). I knew the song was familiar by listening to the clip, and thought it sounded like something from Naruto OST 3, and sure enough, "Heavy Violence" is track 11. Shouldn't be too hard to find.

Ryugi Kazamaru
08-12-2007, 09:24 AM

I'll check and see if you're right, but I don't think Heavy Violence is the song I'm looking for, because I believe I HAVE Heavy Violence already. But I'll check anyway.

Ryugi Kazamaru
08-12-2007, 09:28 AM
Nope... It isn't "Heavy Violence".

The song I'm talking about in the video there is more upbeat and sounds more like a heroic fighting battle where the hero is winning the fight. Heavy Violence is darker and more brutal sounding.

But thank you for trying anyway. I much appreciate it. =)

08-12-2007, 06:15 PM
I'm not sure that there was any other song playing during that battle, but if you could you tell me what time in the clip the song you're talking about is, I'll take another look.

08-12-2007, 06:20 PM
Here get you help: http://forums.narutofan.com/showthread.php?t=62033&highlight=soundtrack+question

Ryugi Kazamaru
08-12-2007, 06:51 PM
Since I got a request for the time the song starts in the clip, I went back and listened to it again.

It starts at 3:02 and ends at about 6:45.

Throughout the clip there are times where the dialogue is quieter and you can hear the music reasonably clearly.

08-12-2007, 08:29 PM
GAH! It's like "Sarutobi" but without the flute; I've never been able to find that version.

Ryugi Kazamaru
08-12-2007, 08:50 PM
Oh no! T-T

My hope is dwindling!

08-13-2007, 01:00 AM
i'm afraid to say this but this track is on no Naruto OST

maybe some midis of it exist but i'm not quite sure

there are too much naruto songs that were never released on a CD

that's sad but true

here you got a site with a list, of all songs that were not released and maybe will never be released

they can be downloaded but of course it's only a TV Rip


i think they call the song "soya soya soya" because that's what you hear shouting in the background
just scroll down on this site till you got the link to it

but remember it's a TV rip but it's better than having nothing^^

Ryugi Kazamaru
08-13-2007, 02:55 AM
Well, thats the song alright.


At least I have the name now, and its pretty clear to hear too.

Thank you so much

08-13-2007, 04:46 AM
I listened to "Soya, Soya, Soya" earlier and thought that might be it, but it has the flute, too, which the clip didn't, and a lot more "soya" shouting. That's why I didn't mention it before. It's probably a variation, though.

Ryugi Kazamaru
08-13-2007, 05:07 AM
Might not have heard the flute due to the other crap taking place or something.

But really. Thank you guys.

10-04-2010, 07:16 AM
i'm afraid to say this but this track is on no Naruto OST

maybe some midis of it exist but i'm not quite sure

there are too much naruto songs that were never released on a CD

that's sad but true

here you got a site with a list, of all songs that were not released and maybe will never be released

they can be downloaded but of course it's only a TV Rip

www.shinforum.com (http://www.shinforum.com/index.php?showtopic=6666)

i think they call the song "soya soya soya" because that's what you hear shouting in the background
just scroll down on this site till you got the link to it

but remember it's a TV rip but it's better than having nothing^^

i have tried to go for shin.forum , it does not work for me . Is there other websites for getting TV rip?

Additional information :
please click this link for listening to the song :YouTube - Unreleased Naruto Soundtrack (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGihkOFoPp8).

Many of us wanting this song , we will be grateful to you if u could tell us song name or even download link. Thanks.