08-10-2007, 07:09 PM

Star Wars : The Phantom Menace (Bootleg) 2CD // ( No Star Wars : The Phantom Menace Ultimate Edition)

Track list:
Disc 1
01. Fox Fanfare (00:23)
02. Main Title / Arrival at Naboo / Darth Sidious Appears (04:49)
03. The Jedi Knights / Amidala & the Nemoidians / The Invasion Begins (05:11)
04. Jar Jar Binks / Swim to Otoh Gunga / Boss Nass / There's Always a Bigger Fish (06:49)
05. Darth Sidious & Nute Gunray / The Bongo Trip / Droids Invade Theed (03:10)
06. Queen is Captured / Bombad Jedi (02:02)
07. Freeing the Pilots / Escape from Naboo / Heroics of Artoo Detoo (02:33)
08. Jar Jar & Padme / Tatooine Landing / Mos Espa (02:28)
09. Jar Jar & Sebulba / Sandstorm / Meet See Threepio (03:00)
10. "At Last We Shall Have Revenge" (00:32)
11. Qui-Gon & Shmi / Kids at Play / "It's Working" (03:40)
12. Arrival of Darth Maul (01:09)
13. Gambling with Watto / The Flag Parade (03:51)
14. The Podrace / Anakin is Free (03:42)
15. Anakin's Theme (03:10)
16. Passage Through the Planet Core (04:41)
17. Watto's Deal / Kids at Play (04:59)
18. The Arrival at Tatooine and the Flag Parade (04:03)
19. Anakin Defeats Sebulba (04:24)

Disc 2
01. Duel in the Desert (01:39)
02. Sio Bibble & Nute Gunray / Padme & Anakin / Arrival at Coruscant (03:33)
03. Senator Palpatine (00:54)
04. Anakin will not be Trained / Midichlorians (03:55)
05. Back to Naboo / Being Friends (04:09)
06. Gungan March / Courtyard Attack / Deploying the Battle Droids (03:07)
07. "Get to your Ships" / Appearance of Darth Maul / Jedi Duel (03:49)
08. The Space Battle (02:20)
09. Anakin Blasts the Droidekas / Battle Cadences / Lightsaber Duel / Anakin's Crash Landing (03:14)
10. The Gungan's Retreat (01:58)
11. Qui-Gon's Noble End (02:20)
12. Anakin Destroys the Reactor (01:30)
13. The Deaths of Darth Maul & Qui-Gon Jinn (01:14)
14. Palpatine Comes to Naboo / Yoda & Obi-Wan Kenobi / Funeral for Qui-Gon (03:10)
15. Naboo Parade & End Credits (10:00)
16. Duel of the Fates (No Choir) (01:24)
17. "Tone Poems" (01:59)
18. The Sith Spacecraft and the Droid Battle (02:36)
19. The Droid Invasion / The Appearance of Darth Maul (05:10)
20. Queen Amidala / The Naboo Palace (04:53)
21. Duel of the Fate (04:14)


11-17-2007, 03:56 PM
I take it this is a fan-created fully expanded score, then.

I'm working on something similar. For it to be finished, I'm looking for Duel of the Fates (orchestral) fragemts to reassemble the Orchestral version (in Full, I hope). Some tracks arenot going to be included (never heard of "Tone Poems" - is that what I know as "High Council Meeting (alternate)?)