04-05-2002, 04:56 AM
I was just wandering if anyone can come close to TheUltimate PS2 collection of games compiled by me and my roomate. Games are:

Metal Gear Solid 2
Final Fantasy X (of course)
Gran Tourismo 3
Grand Theft Auto III
Devil May Cry
Madden 2002
Silent Hill 2 (this game sux)
NBA Street
Fifa 2002
NCAA Football 2002
Shadow Hearts (its an rpg)
Tekken Tag Tournament
Max Payne
Dark Cloud

All these games are good if not classic except Silent Hill. I only bought that cause it was 25 bucks, tho. Anyway post your list. The games that I actually own areabout half. We traded alot of them, too. So post all the games you currently own and all that you've ever owned.

04-05-2002, 05:27 AM
I have

Off-Road Fury
Final Fantasy X
Bloody Roar 3 (have entire series)
Gran Turismo 3(have entire series)
Devil May Cry

and a few others that are just lying around or at a friends

fascist socialist
04-05-2002, 05:37 AM
Smackdown 3

that's it i think

04-05-2002, 09:16 AM
Grand Theft Auto 3
Gran Turismo 3
State of Emergency
Zone of the Enders
Silent Hill 2
Dead or Alive 2
Jak and Daxter

I got all 7 in a deal just recently...for a sweet price too. :D I havent played GT3, DOA2 or SH2 yet. The others are all quite good though. I'm borrowing Max Payne right now too.


04-05-2002, 02:03 PM
Well I dont have alot,
i have

Metal gear solid 2
Devil may cry
Jack and dex
silent hill 2
boulders gate

and i think thats it, i would have FF10, if i did not live in da uk *lol*

04-05-2002, 03:48 PM
bigfoot, how is that game State of Emergency. I heard it wasn't theat good but I'm still thinking of buying it.

04-05-2002, 04:32 PM
I have FFX, Rayman 2, Klonoa 2, Dark Cloud, All Star Baseball 2002, And Dynasty Warriors 2. I dont really have much, but im planning to get lots of games in the future

04-05-2002, 04:41 PM
(State of Emercency is cool for those who like killing and murder in every way, but it gets very boring after a short while - so I recommend you not to buy it.)

I have:

Resedent Evil:Code Veronica
Devil May Cry(shame if ya don't have that one!)
Sunny Garcia Surfing
H30 Surfing
Escape of Monkey Island
Evil Twin
7 Blades
Virtua Fighter 3
Shadow Man 2
Capcom V.S. SNK2
Streetfighter Ex 3
State of Emercency
Grand Theft Auto 3

Borrowed/finished some games lately: Zone of the Enders, The bouncer, and I have already the next list 'ordered'; some games like, Omnisha Warlords, Shadow of Memories, etc.

hmmm, looks like I'm quite close to your record buddy, except for the fact all my games are illegal as hell(very cheap- don't think the 'real prices' are worth computergames). Ah well, I'm very into Devil May Cry, 7 blades, and Sunny Garcia Surfing(da real thing goes first!!) right now..

The phattest games, so MGS 2 and FFX, I'll buy from the store off course, that is if they come out here over a few months..

04-05-2002, 07:52 PM
Well, Holy Zell, you are truly a gamer after my own heart. Your collection is impresive, legal or otherwise. I have a question for you, tho. How are your games illegal? PLease tell me you have the infamous PS2 chip! I heard so many rumors like it doesn't exist or that it will be made soon but its not out yet, and things like that. If you have one tell me how you got it. You can email me or something, cause games arent cheap these days and I'd rather spend that money on other things like hooking up my car or adding to my collection of DVDs.

Vivi FF
04-05-2002, 08:51 PM
I'm far behind...

Metal Gear Solid 2
Final Fantasy X
Tony Hawk 3

That's it... :( I am waiting for Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2, the best racing game ever!!! I wonder if SOCOM is any good? I also is waiting for Tekken 4 (probably for my B-day) and Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness.

Kool Ranch
04-06-2002, 03:18 AM
I got all the ones I intended to get when I decided to buy a PS2:

Virtua Fighter 4
Capcom vs. SNK 2

04-06-2002, 03:27 AM
I'll get more, but as of right now, all I own is:

Final Fantasy 10
The Mummy Returns

I only really play FFX....NFL2K2 is my dad's, and THe Mummy's is the family's...otherwise, i just play original PSX games on the PS2. I really wanna get Silent Hill 2 and Capcom vs SNK2...^^

04-06-2002, 05:58 AM
Originally posted by Vivi FF
...Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2, the best racing game ever!!!

Not even close! It couldn't even come close to GT3! Anyways, seeing all your lists made me realize one thing.... how much of a geek I really am! It should be a sad thing that I've owned so many PS2 games (especially when you consider that I've only had the system for about a year) but I'm happy with my collection of games and all of the precious hours of my life I've wasted on them *sob* No, really I am *sob*.

No, but seriously, who out there can dethrone the king of Geekdom! Prove it to me with your game list! Muahhahahahahahahahah!

04-06-2002, 06:09 AM
Perhaps you've defeated me in the amount of PS2 games owned...but I bet I own more NES games then any of you!! :D :D

104! Not gonna bother listing them all!

Beat that! :D

04-06-2002, 11:18 AM
Onimusha. JUST Onimusha:notgood:

04-06-2002, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by TheUltimate
Well, Holy Zell, you are truly a gamer after my own heart. Your collection is impresive, legal or otherwise. I have a question for you, tho. How are your games illegal? PLease tell me you have the infamous PS2 chip! I heard so many rumors like it doesn't exist or that it will be made soon but its not out yet, and things like that. If you have one tell me how you got it. You can email me or something, cause games arent cheap these days and I'd rather spend that money on other things like hooking up my car or adding to my collection of DVDs.

Thanx, well firstable check my location first. Those things will come here a little bit later, but I guess it wouldn't be a big difference because of 'illegal-import' and stuff. Anywayz, I have not the 'infamous' PS2 chip you mean I guess. I' just brought it at a shop which rebuilded it so I can play illegal PSone/2 games on it AFTER I put in a 'start-disc'. So that's a lil' bit of disadvantage, but those 6 seconds per game are surely worth those thousand dollar I have to pay otherwise.(I surf and skateboard quite intensive, so I need enough money for that..). The 'infamous chip' as you call it will pretty soon come out here, if it isn't already, and I expect it to come out in New York during this year too...
So my PS2 has some chip in it, but I'll have to start up with a 'start-disc' first everytime I play a game . Another disadvantage is the fact that FMV/Chinematics most of the time is deleted by my 'illegal producer/copy-man' because the games wouldn't be able to be copied completely-not enough space to put it on a cd-(in that case the games have to be copied on dvd, but that'll be almost as expensive as that you'd buy a game from the store, so pretty pointless..) and my 'illegal man' isn't even able to copy dvd yet.

So I have this illegal 'link' who has a lot of contacts from different countries and hires by himself games for just copying for me and other people. He always gets them quickly, and calls me again if he has ten pieces lying at his place.
The games are like: 5 euro(1 euro is like one dollar), if the games are more cd's or difficult to get, they can be like 10 euro or so, but it stays the lowest cheapest price you can possibly get them if ya ask me. It's sad the FMV's and stuff are gone sometimes(with THPS 3 I was like quite pissed because I always collected the video's in the TH-series, even the intro was completely deleted), but the ingame-graphics do work always (So with -for example- Devil May Cry I have no problems because everything is ingame-movies, the game was spread over 3 discs though and the FMV(?)-intro is missing(so that wasn't a good example hehe)
With klonoa 2-for example*again*- I had no problems, only the (background music was missing(not the sound-effects)....
? damn, that was another bad example...
Anywayz, with monkey Island 3, I really have no problems, except for the FMV's wich are missing...ow sorry..!!!
uhm, well, I precisely picked the wrong games by coincedence(serieusly I just checked it and with the rest is nothing wrong), the rest of the games works perfectly..except for the fact that Evil Twin was a little bit of a disappointment..but hey, that's another story.

To cut a long story short, I've like 15 PS2 games for the price of..ehrm..110 dollar(+rebuild cost; 100 dollar), so let's say 210 dollar all together. That's 1100 dollar in the store(!!)1/10th-(calculated by taking the price of one PS2 game in stores-50 dollar(!))
The few disadvantages(startdisc,sometimes no FMV's, but then again I haven't mentioned the advantage of getting illegal games much faster-if there not out yet or so-) are those 1100 dollar more than worthy, isn't it, and if I want a complete game, I'll always have the choice to buy that one in particular from the store (wich is what I still wanna do whit MSG 2 and FFX- FFX has to come out here next month).
hmm, enough illegal talk. Seeya, if you have more guestions P.M. me or place it right here on your 'illegal topic'

Vivi FF
04-06-2002, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by TheUltimate

Not even close! It couldn't even come close to GT3!...

Nah... GT3 is too confusing... I played it and got lost and all... Atleast in NFS:HP2 (that's it; it's now gonna be called Hot Pursuit 2 or HP2). It's easy to know which car to use and all. Plus you think racing away from the police with pretty high AI (10x better than GTA3's...) is boring?

04-07-2002, 12:56 AM
Ok, here is what I got

Dynasty Warriors 2
Grand Theft Auto 3
Gran Turismo 3
SSX Tricky
Final Fantasy X

thats it, I rent most of my games and beat them that way, or I let my friends buy them and I borrow them for a few weeks.

04-07-2002, 01:39 AM
i have:

and i borrowed GTA 3 (beat it)
and MGS2 and beat it

i have like, 40 something PS1 games (not illegal...bargain bins and mates who sell them to me cheap :D )

i have 40 something Mega Drive (Genesis in states) games

and 20 something Atari 2600 games

so, there we go!

04-07-2002, 07:10 AM
I have:
Final Fantasy X
Tekken Tag Tournament
Virtua Fighter 4

Yes yes, not great, but hey, they are still good.

04-07-2002, 03:49 PM
Garnetts Love that is impresive, but if you wanna talk about old-school gaming I got a ton of games. of course they are all roms but that is beside the point

Holy Zell, thank you for clearing that up.

And Vivi, your right if you like the arcade feel to racing games but I'm addicted to GT3. Sooo many cars...*homer drool*... soo many specs...*drool*....soo many tracks...*drool*... sorry about that. I guess the games depends on the taste of the player.

04-07-2002, 05:00 PM
Devila May Cry, Onimusha, The Bouncer and Kessen.

04-07-2002, 05:33 PM
I have...

+ Devil may cry
+ Jak and Daxter
+ GTA3
+ Red faction
+ Klona 2
+ Time crisis 2
+ Zone of the enders

Not too shabby ^_~


Vivi FF
04-07-2002, 05:58 PM
Oh yeah, if you have more games that means that you are rich, you have a big family, or your parents are the best! :)

Look if each game costs $50 (which they do) then you take that and times the number of games you have... see? look at all the money you used.

If you have a big family, then on certain holidays and such, you'll get lotsa games as presents or alot of money to buy them.

If you parents bought the games for you for like little reasons of for no reason, then you have the BEST parents!!!

Also the more games you have show that you work hard for the money and that you make a great family member.

Also I would have more games if I didn't have to buy my PS2 with MY OWN MONEY!!! Well... all my friends have like 5-10 games but they got their PS2 as presents, they didn't have to use $300 like I did for it but instead, they couldve gotten 6 more games (or about 5 if you count tax :))

04-07-2002, 06:36 PM
I don't have much:( Very short on money. We usually just rent games.

Final Fantasy X
Silent Hill 2

WOW! What a happening list ^_^

04-07-2002, 08:39 PM
Heres mine:

Final Fantasy X
Grand Theft Auto 3
THe Bouncer
Metal Gear Solid 2
Tony Hawk 3
ESPN Skateboarding
Underground Jampack Winter 2001

All good except for:
ESPN Skateboarding: THPS3 came out after it and blew it away
X-Squad: Worst Game Ever, Sucks alot of Balls and blows em too...don't ever buy it, its sooooo bad, i only got it because it was one of the only games wen i got my PS2(i got it the day it came out)

HOLYZELL, wut is this chip you are talking about? wut is it and wut does it do? i'm curious....

04-07-2002, 10:08 PM
Originally posted by StupidSkaterGuy

HOLYZELL, wut is this chip you are talking about? wut is it and wut does it do? i'm curious....

Have you read my complete reply, because I thought I explained it quite well in it. If ya don't do it now, do it later...:D I don't feel like going to tell it all over again(btw; it's just a regular chip wich was rebuilded in my PS2 for like a 100 bucks and you have to put in a 'start-up' disc before ya play a game)^-^...

Oh and Vivi FF looks like your aren't quite right about that one.
If ya wanna know why read my reply...:)

04-08-2002, 02:40 AM
Uh Vivi, if you saw in the beginning I said "my" game collection is a actually a compilation of my roommates games and mine. I actually only bought 7 of the games and 4 I bought were used:D I actually come from a low income neighbor hood and the only reason i can afford college is because i'm on a scholarship. ;)

04-08-2002, 10:34 AM
I think TheUltimate is a cool guy for having such big collection even so the fact he lives in the ghetto...;)

04-08-2002, 06:19 PM
I would like to refer to my wealthiness in games and my current living situation as "ghetto fabulous":D

04-08-2002, 09:01 PM
I have my games, followed by my opinions.

Orphen (blech)
Eternal Ring(meh)
Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2(yay!)
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2(What can I say, I like Vampires)
Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland(farming=fun)
Legend of Alon'Dar(okay)
Dynasty Warriors 3(My current favorite. MUCH better than 2)
Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance(meh)

04-10-2002, 03:59 AM
What I have for PS2 is FinalFantasyX,MetalGearSoild2,TwistedMetal:Black,T onyHawk's ProSkater3 & VirtuaFighter4. I love my Sony:cool:

04-10-2002, 04:39 AM
This isn't including my JPN games (cause I have 2 PS2s, one is US, one is JPN)

Metal Gear Solid 2 Demo (with the Free game Zone of the Enders)
Dark Cloud (.... it's just Diablo again..)
Resident Evil: Code Veronica X (I have NO idea why I got this... maybe it was the Devil May Cry demo...)
Final Fantasy X
Dyansty Warriors 2
Dynasty Warriors 3
Kessen 2

Thats about it for the US list....

04-10-2002, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by Dj MogK'

Resident Evil: Code Veronica X (I have NO idea why I got this... maybe it was the Devil May Cry demo...)

Is the game no good? Thats to bad if it sux cause I really wanted to get it.:notgood:

04-11-2002, 07:46 AM
Originally posted by TheUltimate

Is the game no good? Thats to bad if it sux cause I really wanted to get it.:notgood:

Nah, yk i'ts really just all about own opinions. I had a great time with(it was the only game I've bought in store yet, and the first one too)Resident Evil. Veronica. It's just that stupid action from me by throwing away my savefile while having played for about 20 hours or so. That's the reason I never really contineud butr the story was getting sicker and sicker. If you like the genre, buy it. If you're only obsessed by fast-gameplay-like-games like DEvil May Cry it's crap.
Frustating things is that the amount of ammo quick decrease to 0 and stuff like that. I thought it was a quite hard game.

Princess Dagger
04-11-2002, 03:25 PM
I've got :

Final Fantasy X
Tekken Tag Tournament
Klonoa 2
Jak and Daxter
The Bouncer
Devil May Cry
Crazy Taxi
SSX Tricky
Grand Theft Auto 3

04-11-2002, 10:18 PM
I own:

The Bouncer
Jak and Daxter

Total of 5 in my collection. Next up if FFXI and Kingdom Hearts. ;)

04-11-2002, 11:47 PM
my sweet games:

max payne
nba live 2002
nhl hitz
nba street
ff7 (i play it on ps2 cuz i dont have a psx)
madden 2002
gran tourismo 3
i think i have more, they suck though and i never remember them.

04-20-2002, 03:46 PM
Here's mine:

~Silent Hill 2
~Super robot Wars Impact(My fav game)
~AC2:another ages
~AC3(Jap version)
~Legacy of Kain 2:Blood omen
~Legacy of Kain :Soul reaver 2
~Devil May Cry
~Kessen 2
~Herdy Gerdy(I'm very stupid to buy this ugly game>_<)
~Forever kingdom(Boring)
~Fatal Frame(I like ghost in Japan.....scary)
~Shadow heart
~Shadow of Destiny
~Army men:RTS
~Tony hawk blabla 3

I think this is enough for now.
I can't wait for FFXI,Suikoden 3,Grandia X,Star Ocean 3,ROTK 8 and Kingdom heart(English version)

04-21-2002, 07:03 PM
Final Fantasy 10
Onimusha Warlords
Metal Gear Solid2
Knockout kings 2001
Dead or Alive2
Zone of the Enders

Crazy Chocobo
04-22-2002, 12:32 AM
I prefer PC, but...

Metal Gear Solid 2
Jak and Daxter
Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeonic Front

04-22-2002, 04:10 AM
Originally posted by Crazy Chocobo
I prefer PC, but...

Really? The only really good games on PC are RTS's, in my opinion. Those and first-person shooters.

04-24-2002, 05:15 PM
I got....

Aqua Aqua: Wetrix 2 (My lil' sis bought it. No really. But it's quite addictive)
Fur Fighters (She bought that too!)

Ok, here's some 'I' bought.

Tekken Tag
The Bouncer
Unreal Tornament
Red Faction- you have to get this!
Dynasty Warriors 2
Dynasty Warriors 3- at last!!!
Devil May Cry- who could resist?

I'm still waiting for FFX (out May 31st!!!), FFXI (oh, god knows), Vampire Night (I gotta get one!!):D

04-25-2002, 02:55 AM
I have:

1.Devil May Cry
2.Smackdown! Just Bring It
3.Mr Mosquito(addictive but short)
4.Final Fantasy X
5.The Bouncer
6.Thme Park Roller Coaster(sucks)
8.Orphen:Scion of Sorcery(sucks)
9.Armored Core 2
10.James Bond 007:Agent Under Fire
11.Grand Theft Auto 3
12.World Destruction League:Thunder Tanks
13.Twisted Metal Black
14.Monster Rancher 3
15.Ready to Rumble Boxing: Round 2

Crazy Chocobo
04-25-2002, 03:09 AM
Originally posted by TheUltimate

Really? The only really good games on PC are RTS's, in my opinion. Those and first-person shooters.

I don't like fighting with my parents for the TV. Plus, there's Half-Life, for relieving stress by killing the scientists, among other games.

04-25-2002, 11:17 PM
RikkuLover comes close to crushing my library of games but I think I have more quality games. :p I heard somwhere that Mr. Mosquito isn;t that good but I was thinking of at least renting it. What do you suggest RikkuLover?

04-26-2002, 12:18 AM
Mr Mosquito is pretty fun but its REALLY short. It's only like ten hours. Its a pretty weird game too. You wonder around sucking blood from this Japanese family and you drink blood by pressing down r3 and then rotating it. Its fun at first but after you beat it which should take like 5 hours to beat the first year. The second year is the same as the first except for different dialogue and the stages are slightly harder. If you want you can rent it but you probably don't want to buy it since it has extremely short legnth and low replay value.

04-26-2002, 01:59 PM
i usally rent more than i buy. I always rent, esspically dynasty warriors 3(ive rented it 5 times)

Stealth assasin
04-30-2002, 02:39 AM
Originally posted by TheUltimate
Well, Holy Zell, you are truly a gamer after my own heart. Your collection is impresive, legal or otherwise. I have a question for you, tho. How are your games illegal? PLease tell me you have the infamous PS2 chip! I heard so many rumors like it doesn't exist or that it will be made soon but its not out yet, and things like that. If you have one tell me how you got it. You can email me or something, cause games arent cheap these days and I'd rather spend that money on other things like hooking up my car or adding to my collection of DVDs.

There is a chip i have it BUT it is very complacated it all has to do with timing and you need a gameshark its very hard to do sometimes i cant even do it

04-30-2002, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by Stealth assasin

There is a chip i have it BUT it is very complacated it all has to do with timing and you need a gameshark its very hard to do sometimes i cant even do it

I have a start-up disc wich with you have to time a little too(you have to put the start-button just before the disc-holder closes), but nothing with a gameshark though. Can you tell something more about this chip you have? (how expensive or so)

Let's call this topic 'What chips do you have 4 the PS2?' from now on..:D jus kiddin Ultimatey..;)

05-02-2002, 07:23 AM
Let's see, I only get the prime choice games. My brother on the other hand...

I, myself, bought:
1. Final Fantasy X--$49 day of release
2. FFIX----------------$16
3. FFVIII--------------$12
4. FFVII---------------$12
5. FFT-----------------$9
6. ICO----------------$18
7. GT3-----------------$22
8. Buldur's Gate-----$29
9. Onimusha---------$20
10. Dark Cloud------$12

My brother bought (ugh):
11. Madden 2001---$14
12. Gauntlet----------$50
13. Dark Angel-------$16

05-02-2002, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by Stealth assasin

There is a chip i have it BUT it is very complacated it all has to do with timing and you need a gameshark its very hard to do sometimes i cant even do it

How much did you pay for it and where did you get? Is it that complicated that you don't even know how to play it?

05-02-2002, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by wally_the_cat
Let's see, I only get the prime choice games. My brother on the other hand...

I, myself, bought:
1. Final Fantasy X--$49 day of release
2. FFIX----------------$16
3. FFVIII--------------$12
4. FFVII---------------$12
5. FFT-----------------$9
6. ICO----------------$18
7. GT3-----------------$22
8. Buldur's Gate-----$29
9. Onimusha---------$20
10. Dark Cloud------$12

My brother bought (ugh):
11. Madden 2001---$14
12. Gauntlet----------$50
13. Dark Angel-------$16

It's good to see you pay so much money for it. Congrats man.
Jus kiddin, I think your collection is quite cool.

05-03-2002, 02:05 PM
Metal gear solid 2
Grand theft auto 3
Gran turismo 3
Tony hawk 3
Tekken tag tournament
Resident evil: code veronica X
SSX tricky
Red faction
Quake 3 revolution

05-04-2002, 07:55 PM
well iv got
dark cloud
metal gear 2
tony hawks 2
grand theft auto 3
ssx tricky
and when ffx comes 2 england im gonna get that.

05-08-2002, 05:17 AM
finalfantasy x