magic king15
04-05-2002, 12:49 AM
1.I don't mean to be rude but my handle is magic king15 not magic knight15 people have been calling me that and it's sort of annoying2.why are people closing threads? They don't dissapear and if people don't want to post they don't have to, you shouldn't close them so they waste space closed or not3.where's the ff family site thanks;)

04-05-2002, 05:41 AM
<font face="lucida calligraphy" size="2">1. People misread things often... perhaps its a mistake.

2. We close threads for a number of reasons... it could be spammy, offensive... whatever. When they're closed, they'll go away and stop pointless discussion or flaming from starting.

3. Family threads belong in general discussion, but for the moment, I think we're giving them a break... when they're up for so long, they tend to reduce to people chatting back and forth.

If you have anymore questions about FFS, feel free to PM me or another Admin/Mod.. but this really has nothing to do with FFT, so it will be closed.