Bus Driver
08-09-2007, 04:32 AM
I present to you a Resident Evil parody....

Barry: Appears to be some sort of mansion...

Wekser: Yes..some sort..*cough* moron! *cough*

Jill: Where's Chris?

Wekser: The bigger question is...who fuckin' cares?

Barry: Hey! Chris is our old partner ya know!

Wekser: Well, who gives a damn ya know!

Barry: Jill, I've found something!

Jill: What is it?

Barry: Hmmm...a red...blood-like substance...

Jill: Hmm...

Barry: Jill..see if you can find anymore clues...I'll be examining this.

Jill: Examine...it's a fuckin' puddle of blood...end of story.

Barry: Just get the hell outta here!

Chris: You son of a bitch!!! You killed whatshisname?!!?
Ah well, wonder what the others are doing?

Jill: Barry! For the love of all that is holy, it's blood okay blood!!!!

Barry: Hmmm....

Chris: Get away from me you crazy zombie bastards!!!! Where's my back up!!!!

Barry: Jill! The ceiling is coming down!!!

Jill: Really?!

Barry: But we have to be sure...*closes door*...I'll come back in a few minutes!

Jill: What dimension is this!?

Will Chris survive the zombie bastards? Will Barry discover logic and save Jill? And where the bloody hell is Wesker?!

Find out next time on Hazardous Resident!!!