08-08-2007, 10:01 PM
Heylo all, I own a DS lite and i love it to pieces, but i find myself getting bored with alot of the games I have.

-I enjoyed but got bored of the turnbasedness of Advance Wars(Tho i must say it is quite a good game)

-I've Played and enjoyed Final Fantasy III (though its not as good as most, but the fact its portable is wicked! :))

-I'm on the verge of completing Hotel Dusk: Room 215, and to be frank, its foocking amazing.

-I've brain trained myself into a boredom hole.

-I've Marioed my way to the end and saved that peachy princess.

-I've gone to court with Phoenix Wright, and once again...F***** AWESOME!

-Not to mention Monkey Ball, Clubhouse games and a few others i fail to remember.

But i find myself bored of most of the slow gameplay, i got Metriod but i culdnt get used to the controls enough to enjoy it.

I personally LOVE First Person Shooters for all consoles, and i own a bunch for the PS2. Aswel as the GTA's

And im heavily considering trading in my DS with its games for a PSP, to play about with sum new fun adulty (ie violent, mature sorta things) games, and i was wondering if anyone could aid in my dilemma of tryina choose.As the only reason i want it is for games, as i have a Creative Zen Vision: M 60Gb, so i dunt need it for music and vids.. I've also noticed PSP games have gone really cheap and i just dunno wat to do, HELP MEEE!


08-08-2007, 10:09 PM
If you like Hotel Dusk, you could try Trace Memory, which is equally delightful and made by the same people, if I recall correctly. Also, have you ever tried Pokemon? That would a major reason to keep your DS :D

08-08-2007, 10:12 PM
keep the ds, psp games right now all sucks, except a few. espically if ur into rpgs, dont get a psp; cause so far no good rpgs are out for psp, probably except for one or two that are kind of good

08-08-2007, 10:22 PM
also a new phoenix wright game is coming out, so it might a another reason to keep ur ds, if u like the series.

08-08-2007, 10:23 PM
Thanks for replying :)

And trace memory is made by the same people(an independent company no less) but i may just give that a whirl..is it as good? as i love the story... i presonally think the plot to phoenix wright the first four chapters are the best ever murder mystery plot..was soo good..

I'm not a pokemon kinda guy, i do think its wiked, but i think i just kinda got bored of it, anyone know if theres any good shooters? or whether they are any funner sorta games..i looked at that loco sumfin or other and that looks wiked...

08-08-2007, 10:24 PM
also a new phoenix wright game is coming out,

yea i'm considering whether to get that..

Am abit short of cash ATM, but i culd do a trade in maybe...Hmm.....

08-08-2007, 10:31 PM
yea i'm considering whether to get that..

Am abit short of cash ATM, but i culd do a trade in maybe...Hmm.....

i read that the third game will be the end of phoenix wright's career, and the fourth game will star a new main character, which will take place 7 years after the 3rd game

08-08-2007, 10:32 PM
but the 4th game hasn't been locialized yet, i believe it might be out around next year

08-08-2007, 10:42 PM

Interesting...but i don't wanna wait about just for one game...i really wanna sorta fast paced kinda games..uno?

and i see on the PSP theres sum wiked ones..

AND my sister has one so i culd always buy it and use hers for playin it...

08-08-2007, 10:44 PM
well if are really planning to get a psp, u should wait for psp slim to come out

08-08-2007, 10:51 PM
Yeah, Ashley and D from Trace Memory are all kinds of win. Isn't Touch the Dead coming out for DS? It's a rail-shooter and it's heavy on the Zombies :D

And, here it is: http://www.amazon.com/Eidos-STOUCEUS00-Touch-the-Dead/dp/B000N0WBKE

I also have an e-buddy who swears by Elite Beat Agents, since you mentioned "funner" games. Seemingly it's fun if quirkiness equates to fun for you.

08-08-2007, 10:59 PM
I also have an e-buddy who swears by Elite Beat Agents, since you mentioned "funner" games. Seemingly it's fun if quirkiness equates to fun for you.

Yeah that does look good, but im confused bout the gameplay and stuff..

08-08-2007, 11:06 PM
All I know is that it's a rhythm game :(

08-08-2007, 11:08 PM
All I know is that it's a rhythm game :( and has something to do with music as well, i think

08-08-2007, 11:10 PM
Am downloading a gameplay movie off gamespot...so I'll soon see..

08-08-2007, 11:34 PM
i have 2 questions, i wonder if u can help me answer it? the first one is is final fantasy 3 for the ds a good game? and wat kind of game is Hotel Dusk: Room 215, thanks

08-08-2007, 11:48 PM
i have 2 questions, i wonder if u can help me answer it? the first one is is final fantasy 3 for the ds a good game? and wat kind of game is Hotel Dusk: Room 215, thanks

FF3 is a good game if ya like the game play side of things, storyline, its kinda thin, but i love the graphics, and the music is fantastic. The battle system is fun, and though i played the original, The DS one is funner, and the characters are quite funky too..And i enjoy playing it compact, it makes training seem more fun when ya outside or on the bus and stuff.. So:
Storyline-Bland but OK
Game play-Fun

Another quip i have with it, is the fact the top screen is barely ever on..qhich is a shame really.

Hotel Dusk is a Fantastic story based kinda game(with an amazing story) where you search for your lost partner(cop, not gay) in this hotel, and you talk to all the residents and solve puzzle and do a billion little minigames, how it uses the touch screen is wiked, from knocking on a door, opening your suitcase to bowling..The graphics are cool with the 3d mixed with handdrawn stuff, and i really like the music too.
If solving puzzles and going through a story based kinda game is your thing then i highly reccomend it. I love it, and the dialogue is superbly written too..scarily so actually, seems really natural for text..if that makes any sense..

but yeah..both games are very good if they are your cup of tea, Hotel Dusk though is still making my jaw drop i enjoy it that much.

Hope that helps :)

08-08-2007, 11:51 PM
Thanks so much for replying:)
well i am very into rpg games so i will probably buy Final Fantasy 3, and i might consider Hotel Dusk.

08-08-2007, 11:53 PM
I would say stick with the ds!

08-09-2007, 12:16 AM
More games will come out for the DS. If you get rid of it you might end up regretting it later when you want to go back to it. You could save to get a PSP as well, instead.

Valerie Valens
08-09-2007, 05:34 AM
I am agreeing with TK here. Keep the DS, save for the PSP. Both handhelds are great enough to have so yeah. Don't trade it in.

08-09-2007, 06:27 AM
I agree with Joan-Michele. Keep the DS, and save up for the PSP. Both handhelds have their uses. For me, I keep stalling to get a PSP, but then again, it'll take releasing the PSP version of Tales of Phantasia in English with Yume Wa Owaranai intact to convince me that I absolutely need a PSP now. Other than that, my DS is pretty satisfactory, and I only have a handful of games for it! (latest in the library being Sim City DS).

08-09-2007, 10:28 AM
DJ Max > Elite beat agents

08-09-2007, 11:11 AM
is elite beat agents really good as im considering getting it today..?

Thanks for replying everyone.

08-09-2007, 09:31 PM
I highly recommend Mario Kart DS. If you want to play a game on Wi-Fi, get this game. It's fun!

And you also like FPS games right? You should get Metroid Prime Hunters.

Some cool games that are coming up are:
Call of Duty DS
Tony Hawk's Proving Ground (if you're into TH games)
Mag Kid
Geometry Wars Galaxies
Worms DS

That's some of it. There's more to be known, I unno. Just check up on the web or something.

08-09-2007, 11:44 PM
buy a flash memory and download bunch of ds games.

hell lot easier than pirating PSP games...

08-10-2007, 03:14 AM
i say DS pwnes.

08-10-2007, 03:25 AM
Also, there's the old handheld favorite for the DS- Tetris DS. I tend to go on Wi-Fi a lot with that game (although it's the only game I have that supports the Nintendo WiFi Service :/ ).

08-10-2007, 11:49 AM
I highly recommend Mario Kart DS. If you want to play a game on Wi-Fi, get this game. It's fun!

And you also like FPS games right? You should get Metroid Prime Hunters.

I did play mario kart ds, i really enjoyed it untill i finished everything, it got kinda boring after that.

And as i said before, i didn't like metroid, i couldn't get used to the controls..which is a shame as it was an awesome game otherwise.

and how to you emulate a touch screen on a psp? :s

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
08-10-2007, 02:17 PM
and how to you emulate a touch screen on a psp? :s

You don't.

I use my PSP to run emulators for all of my favorite games from the NES through N64, plus Castlevania: SOTN and the Ace Combat games.

But, you know, whatever. Everyone has different tastes.

08-10-2007, 10:51 PM
What ever the fuck has happened to Odin? and 2 avatars?

08-10-2007, 11:01 PM
Elite Beat Agents is such a great game.
Agents are Go!!!

08-11-2007, 06:34 AM
i'm guessing someone said this already by now but...

if not... why do poeple trade in at all? that's collectors gold your holding! you have any idea how much a ds will be worth 50 years from now? like wow man!

collectors value. am i the only one who keeps like everything he buys? >.<

keep the DS, AND get a psp. have BOTH!

trade in? pfft.

the only thing worth trading in ever is copies of a game you already have or sports games which all suck cause sports are dumb. :p

08-11-2007, 06:54 AM
That's the same with me. I still have my fucking Gameboy Booster and the Virtual Boy!

08-11-2007, 09:50 AM
I sell everything to get new things cheap, which I always end up regretting but then again I forget with time.

But DS and PSP are still going strong IMO and they both have their own individual game titles. So I suggest you get both/keep both.