08-08-2007, 08:18 PM

I'm having problems trying to find any Gintama songs/mp3's from the anime <_< Can anyone please help me? I'll really appreciate it :)

Heres the list of the opening/ending songs of the anime and the artists. *(copied from Wikipedia)

*Opening songs:
1.Pray Tommy --heavenly6
2 Tooi Nioi --YO-KING
3 Gin Iro no Sora --redballoon

*Ending themes
1 Fūsen Gam -- Captain Straydum
2 Mr. Raindrop --amplified
3 Yuki no Tsubasa--redballoon
4 Candy Line-- Hitomi Takahashi
5 Shūra -- DOES
6 Kiseki Snowkel

Thank you for reading! :)