08-08-2007, 02:12 PM
Wow it's been a long time since I've been here. And I will be updating the BeForU/Kosaka Riyu thread I made a while back (I'll be updating it with an up to date discography). As for now, I'm looking for a song that I could not find anywhere, and my searches are more than thorough, so I've come to see if anyone here has it.

I'm looking for the song played in this Legend of Zelda commercial. Although the song used in the commercial and the actual full version are both different (as far as lyrics go), I would prefer if someone could upload the regular full version if at all possible. Here is a link to the video, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Torg4VAtUhc

The song is called "Game Boys" and it's performed by Scha Dara Parr. If anyone has it and would be kind enough to upload it for me, then it would be greatly appreciated.