08-08-2007, 11:39 AM
well i didn't see a thread on this anywhere and it's been a fair while since the game came out so i'd like to request a game music rip from this game.It's for the Nintendo Dual Screen

unfortunately i haven't finished it myself so i can't provide anymore information than this sadly...

oh right the composer is Yuzo Koshiro. Hope this helps and thanks again

as a side note, i'm also trying to figure out how to rip the music myself so wish me luck and hope i don't get too lazy.

Thanks in advance to anyone who replies

08-09-2007, 10:56 AM
got it ripped i'm not sure if it's the whole thing but yeah.

anyways i'll just zip it and post it up a bit later.since i ripped it i have no clue what the names of the tracks are though... so they're just the default naming the ripping program i used gave me :P sorry bout that

and one more thing >> << it spits out midis so sorry bout the quality.. :P i'm no programmer so i guess i'm gonna have to live with it till someone develops one which spits out mp3s

also the OST is up for sale now (http://www.vgmworld.com/catalog/index.php?table=cocoebiz_music&item_num=1203) and a remix made by a group called IOSYS.

either one of those would be appreciated ^^ for now i'm gonna stick with my midis...

gah over the limit by a bit. :P i'll split it into smaller archives a bit later i'm a bit lazy right now

08-12-2007, 10:44 PM
Why didn't you just download the OST? It contains both the FM and the PCM versions of the tracks. But I can't help you with the IOSYS album. I'm starting to wonder if it's even out, since I haven't seen it *anywhere* yet. Maybe the fans are just too loyal to leak it to the internet.

08-12-2007, 11:21 PM
... i claim stupidity... didn't think of looking for one doh >_<

on the other hand... i managed to find the iosys album but not the ost... no comment.... don't suppose you could point me to where you found the ost if you know where to get it? =3

oh i'm not sure if posting links to sites with torrent is allowed or not so if you're looking for the iosys album just pm me :o

08-12-2007, 11:51 PM
You can get the OST here (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=K0ARXCKA). Also, I've already found the torrent with the IOSYS album. Too bad it only has one seeder... But I'll manage.

08-13-2007, 05:11 AM
Thank you very much for your help!

Have yet to download the OST but i will soon(just got capped by my ISP dangit... sweat sad....)

Also i think i got the same torrent but it's with 2 seeders at least >> <<

08-13-2007, 09:19 AM
Should you still need a direct download to the IOSYS album, I'm uploading it in several formats here (Thread 43473).

08-14-2007, 11:54 PM
thanks but i got it already.thanks for the help i really appreciate it ^^