08-08-2007, 03:38 AM
Plain and simple, is it possible to find Ultima Weapon and acquire Eden without having Siren? I missed Siren earlier in the game, and am now at the bottom of the deep sea research center. I believe I found the "hidden" save point right at the bottom, but where the heck is Ultima??

I'd hate to have to go back and forth, but is it possible to draw Siren in Ultimecia's Castle and then backtrack to the deep sea research center? Or is there a faster way?

Thanks so much!

08-08-2007, 04:07 AM
Oh, absolutely, to both questions.

1. Yeah, it's totally possible to find and fight Ultima Weapon / acquire Eden without having Siren. Siren is only needed if you want to have the "Move-Find" ability to find the Save Point. You access Ultima Weapon in the same way that you made your way down through the Deep Sea Research Center --- you use the RSP (reserve steam power.) There's a device that you access (just poke around towards the edge of the screen using "X" --- it should be there) and it takes ten RSP to activate the battle with Ultima. If you don't have 10 RSP remaining, then you messed up, and you're out of luck.

2. Yes, it's totally possible. All you have to do is get out of Ultimecia's castle and then one of the portals takes you a path to the Chocobo Holy Forest, where you can get a free chocobo to lead you back to the Ragnarok, which is waiting in the Kashkabald Desert. Once you have the Ragnarok back, you have free run of the World Map back, as well as access to any dungeons such as the Centra Ruins or the Deep Sea Research Center.

08-08-2007, 04:09 AM
I thought that the Deep Research Center had a wall around it? It's been a while but correct me if I'm wrong.

08-08-2007, 04:42 AM
You mean in Disc 4? Nah, as far as I know, it's possible to access it on Disc 4. I can check it though if anyone really wants me to.

08-08-2007, 06:16 AM
Thanks guys. I'm going to try finding Eden on disk 4. This game is just taking so long to find/level everything up enough to finish, it's quite frustrating. But I have to know how it ends!

08-08-2007, 09:55 AM
Well, you can youtube it. But that just takes away the experience though.

I can look for it myself Agent so don't trouble yourself. I was just hoping that someone knew from the top of their head so I didn't have to find my PSX version of the game (not that far yet on the PC version).

08-08-2007, 10:07 AM
It's open, I just checked.

08-09-2007, 04:26 AM
I thought so. The game seals away all of the town areas because of the whole "time compression" thing, but it wouldn't make sense to seal away the dungeon areas on the final disc, especially the toughest and most important of them all.

08-11-2007, 12:09 PM
You can draw Eden from Tiamat in Ultimecia's castle, but that way, you won't get Eden card. First time I played, I haven't found deep sea research center, and I drawed few GF's I havent found before from Ultimecia's servants.

11-06-2007, 08:21 AM
I was kinda wondering the same thing but also a different thing....
I have 10 or more RSP left in D-Research Facility, examining the RSP steam machine thing and BOOM Ultima comes out...
The thing is: I don't want to go through the trouble to game over then start from top to bottom to go to Ultima Weapon. The only save point I found was at the very top, where the first area to fight Tri-Face.
But I totally forgot to draw Siren earlier and never have the Move-Find ability, is it possible to find the hidden Save Point at the bottom where Ultima Weapon is?

Because it's very agitating and tiring to start from all the way up, then battling monsters I can't run away...then only reaching the bottom.

11-06-2007, 04:50 PM
Simple solution: beat Ultima Weapon and then you won't game over.

Other answer --- I dunno. I think it may be possible to access a hidden save-point even if it isn't visible if you access the menu when you're standing at the point where it's at. I've never tried it myself, though.

Oh, and you can draw Siren from one of the bosses in Ulti's castle.

11-06-2007, 04:54 PM
I remember trying to do that on my original file and finding that it wasn't possible. Could be wrong though.

If you want to get to the bottom easily though, complete the pressure gauge mini game properly (ie without having Zell punch the machine). Look up one of the various walkthroughs on to work out how. That way you won't have any forced encounters with high level monsters.

11-06-2007, 07:36 PM
Dealing with the Deep Sea Research Center without Zell:

"Without Zell: On level 2, expend 2 units to access sector 2 [14 RSP]. On level 3, expend 4 units to access the Steam Room [10 RSP] and use the terminal to add 7 units to your supply [17 RSP]. Return to sector 2 and expend 1 unit to access sector 6 [16 RSP]. On level 4, expend 1 unit to access sector 9 [15 RSP]. On level 5, expend 1 unit to access level 6 [14 RSP]. On level 6, expend 4 units to access the Deep Sea Deposit [10 RSP]."

Now you don't have to worry about dealing with all those monsters. Good luck!

11-06-2007, 09:35 PM
has anyone EVER gotten the Limit for Quistis, "Ray-Bomb"? It comes from the item Power Generator, and I've NEVER found one. I've had the "move-find" ability on in Lunatic Pandora, and did all that to be able to access it, and even mugged countlessly from a 30-100 lvl Blitz millions of times, but have not been able to get one.

11-07-2007, 12:09 AM
Please don't choose a random topic to ask a totally unrelated question. If you can't find one that suits your topic within the first couple of pages of posts, start a new one.

11-07-2007, 03:32 AM
Dealing with the Deep Sea Research Center without Zell:

"Without Zell: On level 2, expend 2 units to access sector 2 [14 RSP]. On level 3, expend 4 units to access the Steam Room [10 RSP] and use the terminal to add 7 units to your supply [17 RSP]. Return to sector 2 and expend 1 unit to access sector 6 [16 RSP]. On level 4, expend 1 unit to access sector 9 [15 RSP]. On level 5, expend 1 unit to access level 6 [14 RSP]. On level 6, expend 4 units to access the Deep Sea Deposit [10 RSP]."

Now you don't have to worry about dealing with all those monsters. Good luck!

so thats how you get to the Ultima Weapon...i was too lazy and didnt as much about every detail about VIII mainly since I think it sucks...just ask the SpoonyOne...what does Eden do anyways? and doomtrain since i got neither of them...

11-07-2007, 03:39 AM
Doomtrain inflicts a shitload of Status effects on the enemies, while Eden is the only GF in the game that allows the Boost counter to reach the maximum value of 250. I think it was the only one, anyway. Someone correct me on this, if indeed wrong I am.

11-07-2007, 05:10 AM
Isn't Eden also the only GF that breaks damage limit?

11-07-2007, 05:14 AM
Indeed it does, with its Eternal Breath attack. Too long of an animation, if you ask me. In all my playthroughs, I only used Eden once. After that, I just stuck to the Renzokuken. Because long does not equal better, in matters outside of the bedroom.

11-07-2007, 05:49 AM
Oh yes, I hear that. Speaking of long and boring, how about Squall's Blasting Zone special, which took forever to animate, but only ever did 9999 damage.

11-07-2007, 05:58 AM
Haha yeah, what a waste, but Lionheart was just as bad, though. Only difference is that it actually was more useful than the rest of that crazy emo kid's specials.

11-07-2007, 03:46 PM
Bahamaut can also reach 250 and it can also break the damage barrier; allowing it to inflict more than 9999.

11-07-2007, 09:19 PM
Isn't Eden also the only GF that breaks damage limit?

Nope, Cactuar can too. (10,000 at level 100)

And IDX, I seriously doubt that it's possible to reach 250 with Bahamut's attack. You must be thinking about a different game, b/c I've never heard of Bahamut going over the 9,999 damage limit in FFVIII.

11-07-2007, 09:46 PM
oh now i understand

11-08-2007, 01:32 AM
I loves Cactaur. He's my favorite GF. Quick and simple cinematic and I know he'll always cause the damage I need to my enemies :)

11-09-2007, 10:27 AM
ohhh okay I get it x.x thanks guys~

11-09-2007, 10:31 AM
Nope, Cactuar can too. (10,000 at level 100)

And IDX, I seriously doubt that it's possible to reach 250 with Bahamut's attack. You must be thinking about a different game, b/c I've never heard of Bahamut going over the 9,999 damage limit in FFVIII.

o.o I never seen Bahamut going over 9,999 damage limit but I would love to see it if that ever happens. So far, I only see Diablos doing 9,999 damage...out of all GFs

11-10-2007, 01:06 AM
all gfs can go to 250 on boost, it just depends on if youre fast enough.

i had a controller that had a turbo feature on it and i just had to hold down x and it would simulate the rapid press. i know brothers, pandemona and quezacolt ive gotten 250 with and i was able to get near 220 with shiva a few times.

none of them break 9,999 damage tho so getting it that high is usually pointless anyways.

11-10-2007, 02:31 AM
i had a controller that had a turbo feature on it and i just had to hold down x and it would simulate the rapid press.

I meant with the regular controller. I think Eden was the only one capable of reaching 250. I can't tell if Bahamut could too because I never had it happen to me.

11-12-2007, 02:10 AM
And IDX, I seriously doubt that it's possible to reach 250 with Bahamut's attack. You must be thinking about a different game, b/c I've never heard of Bahamut going over the 9,999 damage limit in FFVIII.
It can be done. Pop it in and try it if you want. Even if you don't reach 250 with him, he will still go over 9999 damage.