Mr Muay Thai
08-07-2007, 03:40 AM
I'm looking for these two soundtracks, which have eluded me for years now.

Spyder Games was this soap opera that was on MTV back about 6-7 years ago, about a fictional game company, the family who runs the company, and its sordid affairs. Sounds like every other soap opera out there.

The Rage: Carrie 2 is a shitty sequel to the original horror classic, came out in about 1998 or so. I had the soundtrack before, but I sold it to a used cd store.

If anyone has these and can upload them here, I would appreciate it greatly and love you forever until the end of time.

edit: I actually found the Spyder Games soundtrack at FYE, so I don't need it any more. Now if I can find the soundtracks for The Rage: Carrie 2, then I'd be set. If someone uploads that one, then I'd still love you.