08-06-2007, 10:27 AM
Hello. I just make a thought for this thread just in case if anyone out there play Pokemon Rescue Team in DS. I can post a mail if you like to (a password from Pokemon Rescue Team which contains only rescue mission). Just put it if it is Wonder, SOS, A-OK or Thank-You Mail.

Ok, I'll start posting the password for my SOS Mail.

F??N6 7RTT+[female sign]?? [...]-??K
3X??? ??SX2?!? -SMP6
??X?[male sign] +[female sign]3?P6?? KP59[female sign]

Note: This bracket means you need to input the sign which is available while in password screen.

For example: [female sign] means you will input the female symbol.

Let me know if you have come to help me by putting the A-OK Pass.