08-04-2007, 06:41 AM
This is the two albums from Game Over who remix old NES songs and add lyrics to some or just instrumentals. They do it in metal/hard rock style so if that's not your thing, you should still download it. It's pretty awesome.

Game Over - Nintendo Metal - NESperado (

08-04-2007, 03:06 PM
Nice, I love vgm rock.

08-04-2007, 07:04 PM
Listening right now. This is definitely interesting. You don't happen to have more vgm rock? I'm looking for stuff like Dracula Battle Perfect Selection, that kind of music.

08-05-2007, 10:47 PM
Sorry, that's all I have so far with VGM Rock. I'm trying to acquire the Metroid Metal collection right now and I'll keep an eye out for your Dracula Battle music. I'll upload it if I find it.

EDIT: Found Dracula Battle Perfect Selections 1 and 2. Downloading now and will upload tonight.

08-06-2007, 11:35 AM
No no, you don't have to upload Dracula Battle Perfect Selection, I have both cd:s. I just used them as examples of the kind of music I'm looking for. Sorry :)

Dhelor Aqari
08-06-2007, 07:10 PM
Well, I got to 156kb downloaded, and it stopped. Went back to retry and got this:

"The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable."


08-06-2007, 08:08 PM
No no, you don't have to upload Dracula Battle Perfect Selection, I have both cd:s. I just used them as examples of the kind of music I'm looking for. Sorry :)

No worries, I noticed that Goron Moron had them after I had uploaded. Oh well, I got them now too so no complaining. Would you be interested in Metroid Metal as I know that GoronMoron does not have that.

08-07-2007, 01:42 PM
Metroid Metal sounds interesting. If it's not too much trouble, please upload.

01-28-2008, 10:04 PM
Can you post on rapidshare? Thanks! The nesperado album I mean.