08-04-2007, 05:08 AM
It's been ages now that I've been looking for Weiss Kreuz's OVA OST. I've only found the Weiss Kreuz TV OSTs, but the Ova's OSTs are either super rare, or that Google isn't my friend...
Weiss Kreuz featured 2 Ova: Verbrechen & Strafe
I'm dying for the Ova's soundtracks, so if anybody can help, I'd be most grateful!!!!!
Thank you all guys!!

12-27-2007, 07:50 AM
It's been ages now that I've been looking for Weiss Kreuz's OVA OST. I've only found the Weiss Kreuz TV OSTs, but the Ova's OSTs are either super rare, or that Google isn't my friend...
Weiss Kreuz featured 2 Ova: Verbrechen & Strafe
I'm dying for the Ova's soundtracks, so if anybody can help, I'd be most grateful!!!!!
Thank you all guys!!

I'm looking for the OAV's OST as well, as well as the Gluhen TV OSTs. (not to confuse it with the Gluhen drama albums~)
If someone could help both of us, that would be splendid. > <

widow maker
12-27-2007, 02:33 PM
i'm also looking for anime soundtracks, mainly Coyote Ragtime Show, if anyone can help me out. But that ova OST seems to be extremely rare to me too. hope you find it.

12-27-2007, 04:06 PM
Coyote Ragtime Show ost

12-28-2007, 04:04 AM
Coyote Ragtime Show OST 2:

12-29-2007, 09:50 PM
widow maker you're so lucky :( ... I hope someone will help me find the osts I'm looking for...

12-29-2007, 10:39 PM
Still lookin chrisangelo but no luck so far

12-30-2007, 02:19 AM
Sorry chrisangelo, you really picked one that's almost impossible to find...I can't come up with anything.

widow maker
01-04-2008, 05:50 PM
i found the cd here:
and found the download here:
however this format is a .wma file not .mp3
and here:
not sure whether this is the OVA 1 though.

hoping this is what you were looking for Chrisangelo2k7.

P.S. thanks to all those who helped me out with the Coyote Ragtime Show OST, however i can't seem to get to work so i've hit the proverbial brick wall with that one. Thanks anyway for your help, i'll just have to continue searching.

01-04-2008, 08:18 PM
P.S. thanks to all those who helped me out with the Coyote Ragtime Show OST, however i can't seem to get to work so i've hit the proverbial brick wall with that one. Thanks anyway for your help, i'll just have to continue searching.

Well, you're not the only one - lots of people have trouble with MU, but others really like it. It's just where I already had them up, but I can probably put them on another site if you'd like.

widow maker
01-04-2008, 11:23 PM
if you could that would be great, it would need to be in a .mp3 format preferably.

01-06-2008, 12:17 AM
Coyote Ragtime Show now has its own thread: