08-03-2007, 05:26 PM
Yeah, I'm new. Forgive me if I'm screwing something up. Lol. Finding this stuff is driving me nuts. I checked a few threads here so far and much of it deals with OST's or newer games. I've been on an NES gaming kick recently and was looking to get some music for when I'm in between games.

I would prefer MP3's so I don't have to fight with the NSF setup. I found many at GH, but not everything is there plus it is REALLY time consuming to DL each song seperately. Is there an easy way to get/find those 'all tracks at once' links? Or does anyone know of a few good, safe sites that offer what I'm looking for? If I knew how to rip the music from ROM's into MP3's I could do it myself for the ones I can't find.

Hopefully someone can give me a place to start. Thanks. And I'll keep looking around here too, it's possible the answer or links are buried someplace.