07-31-2007, 10:02 AM
Name your favorite BEST ACTION MOVIE EVER! Feel free to name/describe some action sequences or memorable scenes that would give it that honorary title.

There are so many action movies out there and with 300 coming out today on DVD (as well as Hot Fuzz) I was thinking of what the shriners picks were.

Personally I have a lot of favorites, but recently Live Free or Die Hard has taken that spot. Fav scene would be the fight between McClane and Maggie Q (the hawt terrorist girl). SO much stuff happened that made me go.."WOW, are you serious?" Lol.

Well that's my choice. What's yours? Also if you have a blatant spoiler. Plz give a warning.

07-31-2007, 10:25 AM
The Matrix Trilogy, of course.

Trinity Chase
Neo Chase
Burly Brawl
Chateau Fight
Freeway Chase/Rescue
Niobe's Run
Mexica...I mean Matrix Standoff ;)
Dock Raid
Super Burly Brawl

etc., etc. You've all seen it.

ben panced
07-31-2007, 11:20 AM
Kung-Fu Hustle

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
07-31-2007, 11:24 AM
Hard Boiled or The Killer by John Woo plz

07-31-2007, 09:02 PM
Great selections. Definitely up there on my list too. Matrix was tripped out with action and John Woo films are always crazy cool and filled with style.

Kung-Fu Hustle was a good movie. IMO it was a lot more comedy than action, but to each his own.

Keep'em coming guys.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
08-01-2007, 11:57 PM
Let's get ultra obvious

Die Hard. Yippie ki yay mother fucker, nothing more need be said

Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Simply one of the best, certainly in Arnold's career, and an absolute marvel of effects work - still holds up well today despite it's age. The chase scene with Arnold in pursuit of the T-1000 as he chases down John from the mall is probably my favorite bit.

Aliens - if sci-fi can also be action, this certainly applies. Another James Cameron gem, and quite a ballsy ass movie. Ripley vs. the Alien Queen is wonderful

Rambo: First Blood part II. Can get very cheesy, yes, but absolutely classic regardless. The Metal Gear games have drawn a lot of inspiration from the Rambo films, this one especially. Explosive tipped arrows...haha, holy shit. The first one is really a better movie, but this one is a bit more adrenaline filled. Added plus: the parody of this in Weird Al's UHF film is one of the funniest fucking things ever.

Escape From New York - features one of the most bad ass action characters in existence, and obviously another huge source of inspiration in the Metal Gear games, Kurt Russel as Snake Plissken is a joy to watch. This is one of many great John Carpenter/Russel collaborations. Whatever you do though, even if you really enjoy this, really....ignore the sequel

Air Force One - One of the last times Harrison Ford was a bad ass. GET OFF MY PLANE.

Hot Fuzz - Though essentially meant as a loving parody/homage of the action/buddy cop genres, it's still completely worthy of mention. The much talked about climax really is action at it's finest. One of my favorite films.

that's all for now

Pimp Daddy McSnake
08-02-2007, 12:03 AM
I need to name Robocop & Starship Troopers here. Paul Verhoeven ftw.

jewess crabcake
08-02-2007, 12:05 AM
Action comedy's way better than plain old action movies

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
08-02-2007, 12:08 AM
Action comedy's way better than plain old action movies

If the jokes are good, those type of films are fine, but sometimes it just adds a whole other layer of cheese. Stinky, moldy cheese. Check out Tango and Cash for example, an hour and a half of corny one liner on top of corny one liner combined with the way over the top bad guys and random futuristic tanks at the end and...jesus christ I can't go on

Pimp Daddy McSnake
08-02-2007, 12:14 AM

haha oh man, I don't even remember if I liked what I saw. I know I've seen it thought. :D

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
08-02-2007, 12:22 AM
It's very much a guilty pleasure sort of film. If you do like action movies, and you like those two guys, then it's worth watching, but it's really one of the most flamboyantly over the top movies ever made. You'll probably cringe more than a few times.


I forgot to mention Heat. It's more of a crime drama overall but it has one of the best shoot out scenes ever on film imo, bunch of guys in the middle of the city versus the cops in very heavy fire after a bank heist. The sort of scene that makes you root for the "bad guys". Val Kilmer totally kicks ass in that scene. The rest of the cast, and the movie in general, is really good too

jewess crabcake
08-02-2007, 01:36 AM
Yea that's true, But things like Rush Hour, and Hot Fuzz are better than edge of your seat action.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
08-02-2007, 01:38 AM
Just depends on taste

Check out this trailer:

Haha holy shit, that looks like the most over the top movie ever made

jewess crabcake
08-02-2007, 01:46 AM
Yarp, sad thing is those 2 minutes are most likely, half all the action in the film. Nice gun-fight choreography though.

08-02-2007, 06:19 AM
No matter what, an action movie can make me laugh. Whether it be cheesey one-liners, well written comedic dialouge, or just plain WTF moments from ridiculous stunts.

No one has mentioned Commando? Lol. That's a movie where AHnold is portrayed as invincible. He jumps out of a freakin airplane and lands on his feet and the only thing he does is check his watch afterwards. No PAIN no NOTHING. Still it's one of my favorite ones.

Rambo: First Blood part II. Can get very cheesy, yes, but absolutely classic regardless. The Metal Gear games have drawn a lot of inspiration from the Rambo films, this one especially. Explosive tipped arrows...haha, holy shit. The first one is really a better movie, but this one is a bit more adrenaline filled. Added plus: the parody of this in Weird Al's UHF film is one of the funniest fucking things ever.

Rambo is a classic. One man army. One thing I always remember from that movie is the musical score. Man, it really matched the action. We need John Rambo to go to Iraq with some explosive arrows (Hell, even a combat knife will do) and get things done. Probably what Rambo 4 is about? Dunno.

I'd like to comment on everyone's selections but that's kinda crazy. Good stuff so far.

EDIT: Just saw that trailer. Man...that's some action right there. Looks awesome.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
08-02-2007, 01:20 PM
I didn't mention Commando because I think it's a little far on the "mindless" spectrum sometimes, haha, for things like jumping out of the plane and the bits where he doesn't even take cover, just stands in open fields blowing away tons of guys who somehow miss him. It's hilarious.

Thought about mentioning it though, it certainly is up there with the guilty pleasures eh

Speaking of Arnold again, the original Predator is worthy of mention IMO, another classic sci-fi/action blend

Oh and True Lies. Definitely a comedy-action, but lots of zany action going on, particularly in the last half. Another James Cameron film so it's pretty decently directed.