04-03-2002, 08:56 PM
It certanly looks interesting. Anyone played it?

$quall Leonhart
04-04-2002, 09:29 AM
<- have pc version:)

yeah! I played it and i have it:D It`s really FUN, but unfornaly my pc dont have the recomending demands for the game so its choppy and graphics bad:( But that doesnt mean i can play it... :)

Me and a friend hookep up a lan and played it all week:D Its like "Saving Privat Ryan", i mean the weapons, the time, the uniforms, OMAHA BEATCH(and yeah you get to see a guy blow up just like in the movie):D Its fun, you should try it.

04-09-2002, 06:15 AM
Well, I saw a friend of mine's father played it. It looked like your average spy type game, but with way too many controls. Not to mention it just looked REALLY, REALLY boring....but I'd rent it for myself just to make sure...

04-09-2002, 10:39 AM
This is a great game! Amazing graphics, missions, realism, and it flatterns the PSX version tottaly. You should see the 3rd mission, Operation Overlord. A complete remake of the Saving Private Ryan beach landing, but with you in it.
The only problem was the ending, which made the whole game expierence feel like a waste of time. A little short too, I finished in two days.