07-29-2007, 01:19 PM
okay i know this is really asking alot (that is if the Mods are gonna ban me fer doing this of course) but i'm having some problems with the Sephiroth Patch and need to ask a favor of those who have Final Fantasy VII for the PC

the procedure i've used to install it came off the readme that was in the Sephiroth patch and i've uploaded a 2.41MB version of it if anyone here would like it. the link for it is here:

Sephiroth Patch:

i'll post the instructions here and post the links to the files as well.

Part 1

1) Make sure char.lgp, flevel.lgp, menu_us.lgp, world_us.lgp, chocobo.lgp, ff7exe is v1.02 are the unaltered ones.
(i actually gave some time up to upload this to another location. the link to the official Final Fantasy 7 PC v1.02 is down here:

Final Fantasy VII Official Patch v1.02: )

2) Extract all the files in char.lgp with Ficedula's lgptools to the location you've installed the game to (the link to Ficedula's lgptools is also down here:

LGP Tools v1.60: )

3) Run NPC RP v0.6.exe (this is the NPC Reconstruction Project that's needed in order to get the Sephiroth patch to work, according to what i've read.
the link is below:

NPC Reconstruction Project: )

4) Run the Sephiroth Patch.exe (link is above)

5) Create a new char.lgp using lgptools and delete the char folder

Part 2

1) open your battle.lgp (again using lgptools)

2) Open your folder name Limit to Work

3) Click the file that's in the folder and drop it in the open battle.lgp then say yes and close

Part 3

1) Goto (directory of [data\field] in your Final Fantasy VII directory [example: C:\Program Files\Square Soft Inc, Final Fantasy VII\data\field])

2) Run the Text Patch

3) Wait until everything in the flevel.lgp to be updated and patched (which can mean half an hour to an hour)

now i don't know if i've followed these steps correctly and i've got some screenshots of the results to show how it went in my case. just a reminder if the size of these images are either too small to see of if you need them in a rather decent size or if the images don't show properly or at all or if the links don't work fer whatever odd reason either reply here or Privately Message me.

Sephiroth Patch Problem 01:


Sephiroth Patch Problem 02:

Sephiroth Patch Problem 03:

i'd like a few explainations on what i may have missed or what i need to change or whatever just so i can get an understanding as to how this problem may be solved.

i've been wanting to try out this Sephiroth Patch ever since seeing a fan-made development video of it working n YouTube and never seemed to have got it to work.

07-29-2007, 07:53 PM
wats d sephiroth patch do anyway????

07-30-2007, 01:03 AM
it's supposed to bring a means to change both the dialogs and positions around, for example Cloud only appears in that Nibelheim Incident and as the villain in Sephiroth's place and Sephiroth can have the role of main character in place of Cloud which unfortunately i haven't been able to do and am now wondering of anyone who has the PC version of the game have been able to do this?

07-30-2007, 04:47 PM
I have the pc version but that sounds a bit complicated for me.........
I had trouble getting the xp patch to work so I think the sephiroth patch is a bit beyond my computing skills

08-03-2007, 04:38 PM
which version of the XP Patch did you get and where did you get it from?

Argus Zephyrus
08-03-2007, 05:59 PM
What do you know about the XP patch? I could use some help.

08-03-2007, 09:05 PM
that patch fixes problems you may have throughout the game like freezes to the Chocobo Races or just about whatever you nmay have when running final Fantasy VII under Windows XP

Argus Zephyrus
08-03-2007, 09:45 PM
Yes, I know. I have GeForce FX 5200 and Windows XP. What patch(es) should I use?

I know the chocobo one I'll need for but which of the "official" patches? I've tried a dozen and none worked, at least, a long time ago.

08-04-2007, 04:31 AM

i think this might help solve your problems then Argus Zephyrus

08-05-2007, 12:33 PM
I just looked up ff7 xp patch on and then I used it and it worked, simple as:D:D

12-25-2007, 02:21 PM
Hey guys,

could anyone upload Ficedula's lgptools again? The link doesn't work! Thanks alot.


03-09-2008, 11:50 PM
yes plz re upload the links plz

03-10-2008, 05:21 AM
wow i didn't even know there were ff7 pc patches...time to bust out the old cds!