04-03-2002, 07:14 PM
I am (as everyone here knows) TheUltimate and since i am TheUltimate it is hard for me to admit that... *tears well up*... I SUCK AT FFT! *falls to hands and knees and breaks out in tears* I heard of how great this game is then when I get to playing it I absolutely suck at it. Why?!?!

Can somone help me! Give me helpful hints. some strategies. Should I level up like in traditional rpgs or just go on with the story. I think thats why i suck to tell you the truth, all my soldiers are weak!


magic king15
04-03-2002, 07:40 PM
how sad *starts to cry* level up your people so ramza,another girl squire, and another squire can become a geomancer pretty high in lancer also(lv.2 lancer, lv 4 monk and lv 3 knight makes samurai) the girl squire should be high in lancer also (lv.4 in both makes dancer), another a laner trainded pretty high in geomancer also(lv.2 geo lv.4 thief and lv 3 archer makes ninja), a male chemist into a meditator trained as a summoner also(lv4 in both bard ), anoter into a summoner
to get a calculator= lv. 4 priest and wizard, lv.3 time mage and oracle
mime= lv.8 squire and chemist lv. 4 geo, lancer,meditador and oracle

too comfusing? go to

magic king15
04-03-2002, 07:43 PM
another good site is

04-03-2002, 07:56 PM
too comfusing?

Just a little:confused:
thanx for the help and the sites, tho. I really do appreciate it.

04-04-2002, 06:41 AM
Wheer are you ifrst of all if you are still in story one by the end of it you should be around lvl 15-20 or so just so youll have an easy time and follow the jobs that the other guy said for ninja samurai and all of them also have ramza get to ninja for the 2 sword ability cause later on you will probably want to leave him in his squire form at around the beggining of chapter 4 cause he is the touphest in that class also you should raise a summoner or 2 for later on anyway bye cause you need one at high lvl and low faith to get the ultimate summon i will not tell you how to get it unless you really want to know also if you have more trouble contact me at my email

04-04-2002, 08:23 PM
So are u saying that I should level up

04-04-2002, 10:51 PM
Do not be at level 15-20 by the end of the first chapter! thats just absurd. My highest person was at level 6 by the end of the first chapter. If you level up too much then you destroy the challenge and thats what makes this game so much fun.

just had to get that out, if you say what part of the game your at it would be much easier to help you out.

04-05-2002, 01:36 AM
right now im at the rats nest (i think) not very far i know but i'm just having so much trouble. But I know if I were good at the game I would like it a whole lot more. Anyways, are you people telling me that I should level up or not?

04-05-2002, 01:40 AM
You nkow that if you are still lvl 17 or so you can get all the stuff you need your eq and you still will have a challenge like with the mustadio battle where you save him if you are at only lvl 10 you are going to have a hard time there also if you are 20 you might have a hard time there and if your ganna lvl be sure to level up lots after you see this one guy wiegraf change form cause after that its the hardest battle and so id say levl up now and you will still have a challenge i mean at like 5 battles after chapter 1 you fight guys at lvl 20 so jeeze and all the battles outnumber you and unequip gafgarion before you go to a water fall in chapter 2.K anyway you can email me if you have any problems with the game.Im just starting a new file myself:cool: :D :p anyway tell us where you are at and I will tell you the way:cool:

04-05-2002, 01:42 AM
Just go down to your fav battle area at that part and level and you should try to get a monk for counter skill

04-05-2002, 05:06 AM
Originally posted by magic king15
level up your people so ramza,another girl squire, and another squire

Umm do you think Ramza is a girl? Or was it just the wording throwing me off?

04-05-2002, 06:07 AM
Originally posted by Durendal
Do not be at level 15-20 by the end of the first chapter! thats just absurd. My highest person was at level 6 by the end of the first chapter. If you level up too much then you destroy the challenge and thats what makes this game so much fun.

just had to get that out, if you say what part of the game your at it would be much easier to help you out.

Actually, I believe it's quite fun. By the end of Chapter one I was at level 20. It's fun, considering that the same enemies have been beating you for days, and all of a sudden you come back and kill them like flicking ants off the table! ^^

In my opinion...SO SO much fun..

04-05-2002, 07:36 PM
Hey, thanx Endless. You've been a load of help. See, I wasn't sure if you had to level up like in RPG's or just play the game like most strategies. I should've know that I had to levelup cause the comp is wayyy too strong for my characters the way they are right now.

And, Durendal, how in the hell did you beat shapter 1 at level 6?!?!

04-05-2002, 08:51 PM
I got to the last fight in chapter one at level 4 and couldn't beat it, after leveling up to 6 it took me 4 tries before I beat it and I just barely beat it. That thing was one of the hardest fights in the game I think.

Anyway tips for the rat nest, like the guy said, get a monk with counter (prefferably a guy, they seem to do more damage as a monk), I'd also suggest a wizard with fire, bolt, ice and white magic with cure and a priest with the same abilities.

Zidane 2020
04-06-2002, 06:36 AM
I was at like level 60 - 74 at the part where you save Reis the Holy Dragon in chap 4. I rented it and I was really bored so I leveled them up a lot. I couldn't save her and then I had to take it back to the Video store:(

Great King Dragon
04-06-2002, 10:20 PM
1:If you can, Attack an enemy from behind.
2: Always goes for the The weaker enemys. You get more EXP and they wont get a chance to piss you off by helping out the stronger enemys.
3:Learn some weaker abilitys first, then save up and learn a big ability, then master the class.
4:When fighting someone much stronger than you are, use the squire skill that boost up you're speed untill you can have about three to four turns in a row. The fuck the guy up by getting in a bunch of free hits!
5: Forget #4 If the enemy has counter attack. If he does, try magic.

Those are some of my tricks.

04-11-2002, 05:19 PM
I would just like to say thanx to everyone that helped me to get a hang at this game. It's simple if you just levvel-up a little and use common sense. The only time I really had to level up was for the battle with all the knights, monks and that one archer (I think its after the rats nest) after that I've just been kicking ass and taking names thanx to the people at FFshrine who helped me.:D

BTW, I just finished Chapter 1 and I was level 7 when I accomplished this. I don't know how you people were level 15. That just takes up too much time and I think it would take away from the enjoyment of the game.

04-30-2002, 10:03 PM
don't feel bad that you suck, I had a lot of trouble too. Get ninjas or samauris(which ever has the thing where you equip 2 swords) and use the weapon duplication trick when you get the Excalibur and the Save the Queen swords. The final guy didn't do any damage to me. If you level up you should be all set. Even if you do level up a good amount, there is still going to be atleast 5 battles that will make you cry with frustration.

05-01-2002, 12:38 AM
Thanx, but you should've let this thread die. I'm actually pretty good now (I made it all the way to Chapter 3:cool: ) and besides, I'd like to beat the game with my people haveing as low levels as possible.

05-01-2002, 01:56 AM
I'm throwing my hat in with Durendel. If you want to get some
good battles out of this game, you shouldn't be levelling up.

At the same time, it was programmed with that sort of obsessive
levelling up in mind, or it seems like it.

If you suck at FFT, and you start levelling up to make up for it, remember: You still suck. The fact that you have to put yourself in
such an advantageous position is proof.

not that anyone minds.

tactics ogre ahs the story enemies level up with you. :D

05-01-2002, 04:24 PM
I agree, Rezo, read my post right above yours

05-01-2002, 07:47 PM
i dont see y u suck at fft[COLOR=teal]

05-02-2002, 05:21 AM
oh yeah?

and besides, I'd like to beat the game with my people haveing as low levels as possible.

its always good to see this. :) good luck.

05-03-2002, 03:03 AM
Originally posted by rezo
I'm throwing my hat in with Durendel. If you want to get some
good battles out of this game, you shouldn't be levelling up.

At the same time, it was programmed with that sort of obsessive
levelling up in mind, or it seems like it.

If you suck at FFT, and you start levelling up to make up for it, remember: You still suck. The fact that you have to put yourself in
such an advantageous position is proof.

not that anyone minds.

tactics ogre ahs the story enemies level up with you. :D

:notgood: u know the enemies level up with u also all my enemies i fight are mostly level 99..

05-03-2002, 03:15 AM
Most of the time I pay attention to the story, as opposed to the story battles. That's my "excuse" for levelling up as I usually do. The real fun lies in random battles, where you get to pick on enemies your size, no matter the level, and the rewards are far more satisfying.

05-03-2002, 11:38 PM
I don't think that the enemies level up with you. So I try not to level up, cause I find it more satisfying to use strategy to defeat my enemies than brute strength. I like the sory but the game would be a waste of time if you could just whup anyone due to shear power.

05-04-2002, 01:02 AM
Story battle enemies have levels within a set range. Random battle enemies will have levels similar to your highest-levelled unit.