07-26-2007, 11:52 PM
I've read that if you can defeat the 4-legged crawler 8 times during the Seed test, you get like 400 exp. I've tried it, but it didn't seem to work for me. I tried beating it down until it prompted me to run, and then letting it catch me 8 times. No dice. Then I tried fighting it and killing it the 1st time, which doesn't work because it regenerates its life.

Just wondering.

07-27-2007, 12:28 AM
Never heard of that trick. I'm not sure what the point of it is. 400 EXP? That's nothing in this game. And besides, bosses don't give EXP anyway. Did you mean something other than EXP? Because that just sounds like weirdness to me. Anyway, if you're going to beat it, why not just beat it down properly and get the 100 point bonus on the SeeD exam?

07-27-2007, 07:07 AM
No, terabyte meant AP. I've read that it is possible to beat XATM092 up to 8 times, and with giving 50 AP per battle, you can get up to a maximum of 400 AP. However, you need Quezacotl to have Sum Mag to its fullest, you need to have close to 1000 compatability for the character summoning it, and you need to be extremely quick about depleting the machine's HP. When I start a new game, I only beat it once to get the 50 AP, since you lose SeeD points every time you deplete its HP. So to answer the question: No, I have never beat XATM092 8 times to get the full 400 AP.

07-28-2007, 12:49 AM
All right. Well, no, never tried it. Doesn't seem like it would really be worth it, anyway, on the whole.

Fatalis Prime
07-28-2007, 01:49 AM
I have permanently killed XATM092 before, and it was not worth it. Namely because you miss out on that awesome FMV where Quistis blows it away with the heavy machinegun. T.T

07-28-2007, 03:53 AM
^^ Zomg, just what I was looking for :D

New member here, this is the 2nd(maybe 3rd) time I'm playing FFVIII. I do remember killing X-Atm before but now I totally forgot how and since I'm playing the game again I was looking around for a solution........

If Quezacotl is doing 7000+ damage, it won't die would it?

Err.....nevermind now, I figured out

07-29-2007, 12:30 PM
Well, if you read around, there's a thread here where I detailed my escapades to defeat that pesky mecha-webhead (heh, always wanted to say that).

See here: http://forums.ffshrine.org/showthread.php?p=815376 . Please don't revive it tho, it's an old thread.

You don't get 400EXP (as Agent said, bosses don't give EXPs), but you get 40APs, which all things considered, doesn't really help much, plus it's such a sore training up and will cause problems with your characters' levels later on in the game (right now, as of leaving FH, my Squall is almost 70 while the others are just beween 20 to 40).

07-30-2007, 08:08 AM
I've beaten it before, but as Fatalis Prime said, it's not worth it.

07-30-2007, 12:30 PM
I've beaten it as well. Note for those who want to beat it: Make sure you can actually deal damage so you're not left with 3 seconds on the clock as you're leaving. It's not pleasant having to get from the bridge to the boat with about 2 minutes and random encounters.

07-31-2007, 01:15 AM
Mmm Can't say I've ever run into that problem before. That would be pretty harsh, if you actually beat the sucker and then ran out of time. Of course, if you didn't run out of time, but were still really short, that would cost you a whole bunch of points, not to mention that if you're escaping from battles, it's going to cut you even more.

07-31-2007, 03:25 AM
Right. Note that I did build my characters' and GFs' levels pretty high just to try taking X-ATM092 on. I don't think you could even make it at lower levels because that sucker actually heals itself.

07-31-2007, 07:04 AM
I cheated and used my gameshark so I was freakishly strong and level 100 when I beat him. lol.

08-13-2007, 09:50 PM
[I'm not offically back yet, i just happened to be looking at the forums at an internet caf�]

I've tested against this dear spider, and there is something in the games coding which prevents you beating it before the bridge.

In other words, it is ONLY possible to kill the XATM092 once you are on the bridge.

I always do this to get a bonus 100 points to the seed exam.

Kind regards to all, I cant wait to get back!!!

08-13-2007, 09:55 PM
likewise. i only managed to kill it at the bridge. but yes it will die,eventually.

08-14-2007, 01:24 AM
No, no, no that is not true, that's a false rumor. It says very clearly in the SeeD rank guide at GameFAQs --- "The X-ATM092 can be defeated, but it may take a bit of preparation beforehand. You can kill the X-ATM092 in any battle except the first (despite what the guides say, you do not need to kill it on the bridge). The X-ATM has anywhere from 3 to 5 "lives" that you need to take away before you can kill it."

I've killed it before it before after the very first battle that you have to escape from --- I can confirm personally that you do not have to wait until the bridge to kill it.

08-14-2007, 03:14 AM
Well, I only managed to take it out at the bridge as well. But I take Agent's word for it that it should be possible (maybe I SHOULD get a PSP and a 2GB memory stick, and then hack it - if not just to play FF8, since I might be moving overseas in a two weeks, and I will not have access to my computers for a while if I do).

08-14-2007, 04:05 AM
It is definitely completely possible. I'm not sure where this whole thing about it being beatable only at the bridge comes from. It's just like the guide says --- you can defeat it anytime after escaping from the first battle, it just has a few "lives" that you have to wear down before it will finally klonk out.

08-18-2007, 02:20 AM
ok i just had a flash of memories and i will confirm that it can be defeated before the bridge because i now remember, realizing, that when you go back to dollet and sneak past the guard another spider comes down, but falls on its back and becomes stuck, preventing you from passing, if you had killed the spider at that point this amusing scene would not happen...

memory is cloudy at the moment - sorry about that misinformation, ive just always killed it at the bridge


08-18-2007, 02:23 AM
:) I remember that scene --- that entire sequence was a hoot.

08-21-2007, 11:32 PM
Interesting, because I've killed it as many times as three during one battle, before the bridge, and I've only ever been able to completely kill it at the bridge.

This whole concept of another spider coming after you, yet hilariously falling on its back, sounds like a rewarding spectacle, so maybe I'll try it again.

08-22-2007, 01:49 AM
"Three" to "five" lives, the SeeD rank guide says, so you probably just didn't wait long enough for it to give up the ghost.

And yeah --- that scene is quite amusing.

08-22-2007, 01:53 AM
To be honest, i firimly believe that it has 3 - 5 lives from the bridge onward, i also believe that it has more prior to the bridge.

we all find out shortcuts in life, and this one i think, although subconsiously , for me was that the quickest way to kill the spider was to run to the bridge without any extra encounters and take it down.

i developed this through time, though ive never given it much though as i am now.

Though what i am going to do is start playing up to this point again, upload the file on here for people to test out them selves.

02-27-2008, 05:16 PM
I have killed X-ATM092 before on the bridge. I didn't bother trying before that, but it isn't really worth it. It does give you an extra 100 on your test scores, but if you take too long it could take away from your time score. I'd say that you should create an extra save file and kill X-ATM092 just to feel accomplished, but it really isn't anything special in the game. I like watching Quistis shoot it with the machine gun much more.

02-27-2008, 05:31 PM
Thanks for telling us a bunch of stuff we already knew, or figured out around six months ago.

02-27-2008, 08:07 PM
Well, I'VE got something new to contribute.

The easiest way to beat this boss, as a matter of fact, is to learn T mag rf, Card, and Card Mod, and then play around and get Abyss Worm cards and mod them into windmills and into tornados. Junction 100 tornados to Squall's str stat, get him into yellow health, and Renzokuken your way to victory. It's far, far easier than using Quezacotl.

02-27-2008, 10:41 PM
We wernt on about HOW to defeat it as such, more the fact that you had to run a few times to defeat it. and I'm telling you , I've even edited the save file to have everything at tops, and he does not die untill the bridge, regardless.

- M3nAc3
- Bepai
- Ace

02-27-2008, 11:05 PM
Given that the topic asked rather broadly if anybody had done it, I figured it was relevant to include an easier strategy to do so.

Anyway, perhaps different versions of the game follow different rules? I play the PC version, although I haven't really tried to defeat him before the bridge anyway.

02-28-2008, 12:16 AM
It's simply not true, he does not have to be at the bridge to kill him. Period. I don't know how to convince anyone of this, maybe it's different between PC/Playstation, I dunno, but I have most definitely killed him before the bridge.

02-28-2008, 02:23 AM
I think it depends on the version. I have the official strategy guide and it says the only place you can beat him is on the bridge. Otherwise, he'll just keep reviving himself. I haven't played this game for forever and a half, but maybe the author of the guide was wrong?

02-28-2008, 03:22 AM
I'm thinking it's a version difference.

Oh, and I know the original poster in this thread has long since gone, but the boss's name is X-ATM092. And I know this is really, really sad, but I do in fact have that memorized.

02-28-2008, 05:29 AM
Well, I know for a fact that he's beatable any time after you first escape with him on the PC version. So I'm just going to have to do some testing, break out the Playstation copy again, see if I can take him down before the bridge on the Playstation version.

The problem with having to escape with him every time before the bridge is that every time you escape from him other than the first time docks you points on the exam. Now I'm not sure, though, but I think it might actually be possible to avoid another encounter with him before you get to the bridge -- that I don't know.

02-28-2008, 05:34 AM
i beat him before the bridge in the playstation version.

02-28-2008, 07:32 PM
Well Agent it must well be a version difference, but i would like to see screen shots, ill do the same my end.

I have PAL(uk) and NTSC(us) versions of the game on PS1 and a version on the PC which just says EU.

but i do realise that i have infact, ( ONLY on the pc version) beaten him on the cliff, where he becomes stuck on the stairs; but if you do this, later you cannot see the amusing cut scene later on when you return to dollet, as the trash of metal is already there.


02-28-2008, 07:39 PM
The problem with having to escape with him every time before the bridge is that every time you escape from him other than the first time docks you points on the exam. Now I'm not sure, though, but I think it might actually be possible to avoid another encounter with him before you get to the bridge -- that I don't know.

I know the following

1: when he comes down at u from tower, 1st run
(assuming u run away from him in the next two scenes)
2: on steps / rock-side 2nd run (u can defeat here, apparetnly on only certain versions)
3: bridge, run (defeat)


the rest of the way, if u run properly you wont battle him again and quistis will just shoot it to hell.

02-28-2008, 08:27 PM
Yeah, and you can also dodge it at the bridge by turning around when it jumps over you and running until it jumps again. After this, you can make it out the side of the screen.

execrable gumwrapper
02-28-2008, 09:45 PM
I'm thinking it's a version difference.

Oh, and I know the original poster in this thread has long since gone, but the boss's name is X-ATM092. And I know this is really, really sad, but I do in fact have that memorized.


02-29-2008, 01:26 AM
Yes, I know XATM092 by memory as well.

Anyway, mystery solved it seems. You really don't have to make it to the bridge to defeat it.

Marshall Lee
02-29-2008, 01:47 AM
Well, I'VE got something new to contribute.

The easiest way to beat this boss, as a matter of fact, is to learn T mag rf, Card, and Card Mod, and then play around and get Abyss Worm cards and mod them into windmills and into tornados. Junction 100 tornados to Squall's str stat, get him into yellow health, and Renzokuken your way to victory. It's far, far easier than using Quezacotl.

But I love my Quezacotl and have max compatibility with it...that was until I obtained Eden Cursed, love/hate relationships :(

02-29-2008, 02:20 AM
It also says in the guide that if you do beat that robot, it deducts points. So either way you look at it (assuming running from it deducts as well), it seems like a lose-lose situation when it comes to the final results.

02-29-2008, 04:00 AM
No, that's not right. Beating the robot gets you a 100 point bonus. I think what you're getting hung up on is that anything that delays you from making it the ship within the fastest time deducts a small amount of points. But those are more than made up for by the bonus points.

02-29-2008, 04:18 AM
It doesn't say what exactly you'll be losing, but it says you will lose some points if you do defeat him. I dunno, it's all kinda stupid if you ask me. You can just take the SeeD tests to get a higher rank anyways.

Marshall Lee
02-29-2008, 04:20 AM
No, that's not right. Beating the robot gets you a 100 point bonus. I think what you're getting hung up on is that anything that delays you from making it the ship within the fastest time deducts a small amount of points. But those are more than made up for by the bonus points.

I hate the concept of the SeeD ranking system. Everytime I'd turn a corner I'd be smacked with a demotion; a nagging flaw of FFVIII. I guess I have to be Sonic in order to pass even 90% in compliance with the game's set expectations :rolleyes:

02-29-2008, 04:31 AM
I actually have the answer to that, because I *gasp* payed attention to one of the written tests: you lose a rank if you haven't fought enough battles. If you're at A, it's ABSURDLY easy to lose a rank if you do anything besides fighting.

Marshall Lee
02-29-2008, 04:45 AM
I actually have the answer to that, because I *gasp* payed attention to one of the written tests: you lose a rank if you haven't fought enough battles. If you're at A, it's ABSURDLY easy to lose a rank if you do anything besides fighting.


02-29-2008, 04:45 AM
IDK -- I wouldn't go with that guide. I would go with the SeeD Rank Guide at GameFAQs -- I've found it to be extremely reliable, detailed, and accurate.

And yeah, the ranking system is flawed, but it's also absurdly easy to cheat -- all you need to do is take those tests. I pretty much learned to live with the fact of not maintaining the "A" rank, though.

02-29-2008, 05:28 AM
Well, I'VE got something new to contribute.

The easiest way to beat this boss, as a matter of fact, is to learn T mag rf, Card, and Card Mod, and then play around and get Abyss Worm cards and mod them into windmills and into tornados. Junction 100 tornados to Squall's str stat, get him into yellow health, and Renzokuken your way to victory. It's far, far easier than using Quezacotl.

Why in hell would you go through all that trouble just to take down this piece-of-shit metallic abomination?

02-29-2008, 05:35 AM
Yeah, I don't really get it either. Seems like it would actually take a lot longer.

Marshall Lee
02-29-2008, 05:37 AM
And thus more shitty SeeD demotions :(

02-29-2008, 05:39 AM
Well, no, the demotions only come if you piddle time while the ticking clock is on the screen.

Edit -- what I'm trying to get at is it would take a lot longer to get all that stuff built up, as opposed to just using Quezacotl.

execrable gumwrapper
02-29-2008, 08:53 AM
You're asking for a time consuming explanation from a guy who played FF1 with all thieves... He obviously doesn't give a shit about time constraints.

02-29-2008, 05:32 PM
Edit -- what I'm trying to get at is it would take a lot longer to get all that stuff built up, as opposed to just using Quezacotl.

It really doesn't; I've done both. It takes a really long time to learn all the Summon Magic increasing abilities, and it really doesn't take very long to learn Card, Card Mod, and T Mag Rf. Also, these abilities will be MUCH more useful as the game progresses. The Abyss Worm cards take some time, yeah, but once you get 100 tornados you can basically wipe the floor with any boss in the game.

It takes a little bit longer to beat him this way, I suppose, but this way leaves you much better prepared for the rest of the game than using Quezacotl. I can have Squall doing 1000 with a regular physical attack at the Field Exam with not too much effort.

03-01-2008, 01:43 AM
or, as we've already said, you could just run and get the fricken awesome scene of quitis shooting the heck out of that machine.

03-01-2008, 08:56 PM
or, as we've already said, you could just run and get the fricken awesome scene of quitis shooting the heck out of that machine.

Well, given that you can watch that scene on Youtube and that it's pretty easy to start with a SeeD rank of 10 if you get the bonus, I think it's quite worthwhile to beat it.

03-15-2008, 06:36 AM
i live in the middle of nowhere with dial-up and youtube doesn't work on my comp so i have to go to a library, so honestly, i believe it's much easier to just go and play up to that part.

03-15-2008, 06:39 AM
If you have the PC version, you could just rip the scene. Or even find and download a downloadable version, even on dial-up, files like that can be downloaded -- believe me, I know.

03-15-2008, 06:50 AM
sounds interesting. thanx.

03-15-2008, 06:53 AM
Do you need any help? I can get you hooked up if you need either of the above options.

03-15-2008, 06:55 AM
nah i'm good, but thanx for the offer!