07-26-2007, 09:40 AM
Lately I re-watch one of my favorite anime, "Shingetsutan Tsukihime" and reminded how disappointed I was about the ending. Yes, it is not a happy ending like most of people wants. It is a bittersweet ending: makes your heart feels sour and you can't concentrate all day. Well, I kind of relieved that actually "Shingetsutan Tsukihime" is one of "Tsukihime" visual novel route and you can get a happy ending, but that's not really the point.

Next, I am into an anime named Fate/Stay Night. Which stupidly and UNFORTUNATELY has a similar kind of ending. The ending of it broke my mind all day long, I kept reminded how Arthuria (Saber) disappeared in the last scene.

You may experienced it too. Some anime has painful endings. But I think the bittersweet one is far more worse than a sad one. It leaves some weird feel inside you.

Feel free to comment about anything. About Shingetsutan or any anime which has an ending with that kind. A kind that haunts your mind even until very now.

07-26-2007, 05:18 PM

In Fullmetal Alchemist in the last epi. Edward died because Envy trasmutated his hand and transformed it into a very pointy piece of wood or whatever and stuck it in Edwards stomach and you could see the blood all over and shit.

He had to go live in the other world and the series ended with his brother looking for a way to bring him back.In the movie some things get fixed ^_^

07-28-2007, 09:07 PM
i like anime but sadly
all of them end bad
either they just cut it off or they leave
you unsatisfied

07-28-2007, 09:23 PM
Well,not all of them.Meaby it just so happens that the ones that you have watch end like that.

07-30-2007, 03:43 AM
The ending to Star Ocean EX was bitterswet in a way...but more...cliff-hanger than anything.
Plus...they said Claude like 'Claode' ^^;

08-23-2007, 01:03 AM
*spoilers, of course*

air, made me cry twice, then when i was rewatching it, at one point when i cried (and it makes me pissed off) my gf called and i couldnt think... it was embaressing... and the ending is like... sad... im still emo, and the last time i saw it was like 2 yrs ago.

hanbun no tsuki... we know shes gonna die... y not kill her in the series?

tsukihime's ending didnt piss me off at all, but they could have included more stuff in the series from the games...

Utawareruramono---WATCH IT ITS AWSOME!!!!--- the ending was soo depressing and it made me not able to think for weeks...

a few others but i cant think right now... cause this thread made me think of those... im crying now...

if the typing is bad, imn using a keyboard that is wierd to me
and im a guy btw...

08-23-2007, 01:45 AM
try watching byosoku 5 centimetres. the ending REALLY feels more to be desired. i watched shingetsutan s=tsukihime and yea i noe how u feel abt the last epi. felt kinda... rushed if u ask me >.<

Mister Niggo
08-28-2007, 05:41 AM
I hated the end of Chrno Crusade, so empty. It made me feel like i wasted my time watching the whole series to se a final like this. I personally hate tragedies. I prefer happy endings.

For example, I liked that Fullmetal Alchemist had a movie that continued with what happened after the end of the series and somehow filled the void left.

Silver Butterfly
09-11-2007, 05:17 AM
Bittersweet endings are just the beginnings to the story of what happens when you turn off the TV.

I am in love with them. They bring people together, you need to talk about them. More important, they make you realize how beautiful and fleeting what we have really is...

11-11-2007, 06:39 AM
Well, I don't think I can describe my attitude towards bittersweet endings better than what Silver Butterfly has said.

11-11-2007, 06:22 PM
Afraid it's generally not a good idea to renew threads over a month or so old. :(

Still, on this occasion I'll also add my comments.

I personally don't see the problem with bittersweet/unhappy endings in anime movies, or any other film type, and strongly disagree that the use of these automatically makes an anime suck. Not that I think that there's anything wrong with happy endings either of course, but if every film ended in exactly the same kind of way it'd become pretty boring. Plus, there are cases in which a happy ending just isn't appropriate to the kind of message that the film creator is trying to get across to the audience, and therefore wouldn't be suitable.

I think that a pretty good example of this is Grave of the Fireflies. While the ending is a pretty depressing one, it puts that extra emphasis on *spoiler here* the reality of the types of negative effects that war had on people in that time period. Had the ending been happy, it would have detracted from this.

11-14-2007, 05:41 AM
Midori Days and Kare Kano have the worst endings ever!!!!

11-20-2007, 09:05 AM
just try watching Air TV Series! the ending so saaaaaaaad and I cried a whole week!! >_<
Dude, every story doesn't always have happy ending to be good, sometimes sad ending is just the way how it end...
Like this world, there must be good and evil, tragedy and happiness, black and white, life and death...it's like different side of coin...

11-28-2007, 05:27 AM
Gungrave. Couldn't concentrate a whole day.

11-28-2007, 05:48 AM
I felt this way about Grappler Baki. It didn't make the anime bad but still, cliffhangers can really suck sometimes.

11-28-2007, 05:49 AM
I'm sure I'm one of the few who thinks both evangelion endings were awesome

to the max

I'll tell you what was a horrible ending. The ending to nadesico. What the fuck was that? They wrapped up an awesome anime in about five minutes right at the end and raised about a billion more questions right before they did that.

Anyway you must hate this song lololol


its funny because he's walking into people

11-28-2007, 08:23 AM
From what i've seen, in the fantasy genre, whenever one of the main characters is from another planet/time/dimention, they almost always end up leaving, e.g, in Fate Stay Night, which kind of makes sense.
Still, I guess everyone wishes that they could all live happily ever after.

11-28-2007, 10:39 PM

Wolf's Rain had one of the most depressing endings, but that was true to the atmosphere of the series, so it wouldn't have been right if it had ended in another way, and I enjoyed the bittersweet and tragic moments, which gave a lot of depth to the storyline and really resonated within me after I reached the end of the series's emotional journey. The symbolism in the ending and how it was eventually connected to the opening song (and its visuals) was great in how many layers it had and how it left room for interpretation because it was open-ended.

Of course the final episodes in general were quite depressing with the main characters being killed off in brutal ways and the whole world coming to an end, and it all reaches a big climax in the very final episode when the final battle takes place and the aftermath follows. After everything the heroes had been through, they never managed to reach the Paradise they had hoped for (they were so close and yet so far in reaching the goal), and thanks to an ironic twist things got screwed up. The most depressing part in the ending is how the characters actually pass by each other but they don't recognize each other, and the audience is left with an extremely meaningful and bittersweet moment as the series reaches its end.

04-13-2008, 11:06 AM
i personally dont mind if an anime hav sad ending; what i dont like is they cut e ending short, ending e anime

04-14-2008, 02:38 AM
i dont mind either, as long as the ending kinda/sorta makes sense...unlike stuff like evangelion or eureka, which went completely off the deep end...no clue what the hell happened at the end of those

Cross Clown
04-14-2008, 05:49 AM
Yes, those were pretty screwed animu. Eva had the whole mind-screw while the manga of E7 was just stupid, the anime end of it was actually pretty nice.

I remember Air tv. God, I, and I'm not ashamed to admit it, cried for quite a bit when I saw those final moments of that show.