07-25-2007, 09:39 PM
I am not sure of the release date of Lost Odyssey for Xbox 360. It's Mistwalker's second rpg after Blue Dragon(Xbox 360 August 28th).

Earlier in the year Rpgamer.com announced it would come in December. Then during the spring it was announced to come out in October instead. Recently I have been seeing three release dates. Sometimes I read that it's due out sometime in October. Sometimes I read that it's due out sometime in the end of this year. Sometimes I read that it's due out in January of 2008!

I found this January information troubling, since I read that release date on ign.com and gamespy.com!

The positive if it's delayed until January is that it gives me more time to beat Blue Dragon, The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, and Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings. The negative is that Lost Odyssey could possibly be more important than those other three games for me. I rank all four of those around the same importance for me, but I think probably FF XII: RW is most important and tLoZ:PH is least important with BD and LO about the same importance. Lost Odyssey by itself is more important to me than Blue Dragon but I also have to consider that Blue Dragon is Mistwalker's first rpg and could be the start of a long series of popular Blue Dragon games.

Lost Odyssey's official release date has not been announced although release dates have been announced for every other major rpg this fall(except for Mass Effect, which was confirmed for November recently though). This lack of a release date news article may mean that yes it will be delayed.

What are your thoughts on this and how important is Lost Odyssey to you?

08-15-2007, 07:55 AM
I'm bumping this. It was announced months ago for October. The articles I've read in recent weeks either say it'll come out in October, late 2007, or I see a January release date on some websites!

If it comes out in October it'll probably be the 16th or 30th. 16th it'll be up against FF XI expansion pack, Grand Theft Auto IV is gonna be delayed. On the 30th it'll be up against Guitar Hero III, there are some random rpg's coming out. I don't think it'll come out on the 1st because Zelda comes out then, even though the audience is a little different it's two huge games coming out on the same day. Oct 9th and 23rd are rest weekends, I don't think it'll be out then.

I want this game!!! I'm researching it.

By the way, can I play the Lost Odyssey demo(released in Japanese Famitsu magazine) on my Xbox 360 I bought in Usa? I want a demo! Is one available?