04-03-2002, 03:59 PM
witch character do u want to be?

id licked to be selphie cuase shes soo coll and i really like her shinbous

Cetra Angel
04-03-2002, 07:35 PM
yeah selphie rocks, like whoo-hoooooo! lets have a selphie convention!

04-03-2002, 08:30 PM
For character, I would want to be Selphie because her personality reflects me the most. Crazy, Wild, Fun-Loving, Weird. Selphie is cool!!

Jedi Kain
04-04-2002, 01:08 AM
Maybe Seifer or Irvine, they be cool. I really like Quistis though, but i wouldn't want to be her. She always be depressing like. Seifer and Irvine are both mad cool lookin', (Irvine-cowboy, Seifer-just plain cool) They also have great weapons and limits. It doesn't hurt to have the women fallin all over you either.:D

04-04-2002, 01:29 AM
Character If I could be any character then I would be Laguna because you get to travel the world as well being something else (not saying cos its a spoiler) Or even Seifer because you just need to thing about youself and your dreams.
gfI would be giglamesh because you live a little than odin. And you aren't owned by some human you come in when you please

04-04-2002, 01:31 AM
Rinoa, she's got a great personality! So I would like to be her!

04-04-2002, 01:43 AM
Zell, probably. He's the coolest character in ffviii, imo. I really like his limitbreaks. His limits are so reliable, since you get to control it yourself, and they look cool. It's nice to have Zell in your party because you know you can always use his best limits successfully. Squall's lionheart let me down... I've never seen it the whole time I played ffviii. Zell also has the nicest personality, and is a fun person to be with.

04-04-2002, 02:01 AM
I think i would be Seifer, I have a sort of Anger against authority (that dosen't mean I don't follow it), and I do things without thinking a lot (something I'm not proud of).

04-04-2002, 03:17 AM
If I were a character, I'd be Ellone 'cause she has a really cool power, plus she's pretty! And if I were a GF, I'd be Siren or Shiva. Those two rock.

$quall Leonhart
04-04-2002, 08:55 AM
Character - Squall, yeah! Nice sword AND he got Rinoa:D
Guardian Force - ....Giglamesh . He just 0WNS:D

04-04-2002, 10:40 AM
id like 2 be zell. he just rocks & he dosent think before he does stuff (like me really).

04-04-2002, 12:15 PM
I'd like to be Rinoa because she gets Squall who is so cute for a computer game character.

04-04-2002, 02:03 PM
chubby chocobo :D

04-04-2002, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by Jedi Kain
I really like Quistis though, but i wouldn't want to be her. She always be depressing like

Same here. I think Quistis and Fujin rule but I wouldn't want to be either of them.

I think I'd be either the card queen or the hotel owner in the shumi village. :)

04-04-2002, 05:01 PM
Mr Monkey, so i can chuck rocks at people looking for crappy treasure.

GF: Cactuar...all i have to is shake my arse and i'l cover ppl with cactus thorns :D

04-04-2002, 07:02 PM
Character: Zell
GF: Ifrit.

04-04-2002, 07:09 PM
The GF I would be would be Siren. If anybody talks too much smack or something, I CAN SHUT THEM UP!

04-04-2002, 08:44 PM
I'd have to say taht I would be Squall. I just relate to him the most.

GF: Eden, so I can annoy you with my 2 minute long intro.

04-05-2002, 01:16 AM
I'd most like to be..


These d00ds r00l....and two of them have long hair! Just like me! J0Y!

...Not to mention Irvine gets Selphie. ^^ Isn't that GREAT?! ^^

..Umm..I know this probably isn't how you pronounce it, but I pronounce Irvine as Eye-er-veen. ^^ Actually, i KNOW that isn't how it's pronounced..but it's fun for me. SO SCREW ANYONE ELSE WHO THINKS DIFFERENT!! ^^

04-05-2002, 09:50 AM
I'd be Seifer cause he looks kewl and acts kewler.

Cetra Angel
04-05-2002, 01:40 PM
Garnet's Lover, Irvine is pronounced:


To make sure i'm not spamming or whatever, the gf i'd like to be is Carbunkle, cos its so cooooot!

04-05-2002, 03:23 PM
for characters i'd be raijin coz i use a wooden pole when i work out


for gf it would have to be diablo coz hes the master of darkness

and its cuuuuute not cooooooooooot

04-05-2002, 04:11 PM

04-05-2002, 04:21 PM
I would have to say Seifer. I mean think about it. He's evil.....kinda. He gets a bad-ass weapon. (Can I say bad-ass?) He's got a neat battle scar. And best of all is that he gets that cool trench coat. I mean talk about pimp-tyte. Seifer is definitely the best character in this game. Maybe not very colorful but he's the best. Besides that, I think he's got a thing for Quistis and do I.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
04-05-2002, 07:29 PM
Character - I would like to be Zell, because he's pretty cool and he knows Martial Arts

GF - Bahamut, because he looks so cool and is pretty powerful.

quistis lover(iverine)
04-05-2002, 10:21 PM
charecter: ivrine with quistis as my girlfriend
gf: diablos can kill people when at lv 100

quistis lover(iverine)
04-05-2002, 10:27 PM
i thaught you prounounce iverine eye-ver-een

Bahamut ZERO
04-05-2002, 11:33 PM
Seifer, he's the only character I truly cared about towards the end of the game. His motives were true, and I believed in him, even when I had to fight him.

proBuM 8 8
04-06-2002, 02:28 AM
i think i'd be squall, mainly cuz i think its cool how he changes soo much from the depressin dude he was at the beginning, or laguna, cuz he's funny and travels the for gf, i'd be bahamut! i dunno, i think he looks cool

04-06-2002, 04:16 AM
Character: Seifer just because I'm alot like him I don't care about what other people think everyone uses me for what I can do for them I don't have to for bullsheit and I just can't stand it when people don't do what they are supposed to do

Angel Aeris
04-11-2002, 01:58 PM
I would like to be Rinoa. She was sweet and kind, I liked her limit breaks and plus the wings she had back of her costum... And in the love things, she is kinda like me... But I'm not gonna tell how ;)

By the way, ~Cloud~ and I are looking for more family members. PM to one of us if you want to be part of our family!!!

My *best dad ever* is Cloud
My *favorite mum* is Jade
My husband is ~Cloud~ *Love & kisses*
My super-sis is Angel*Rinoa
My super-bro is DevourerOfSouls
My brothers-in-law are great guys quistis lover(iverine)
Kounan.Rey & $quall Leonhart

Love you all!!!

04-11-2002, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by Selphie Tilmitt
Garnet's Lover, Irvine is pronounced:


To make sure i'm not spamming or whatever, the gf i'd like to be is Carbunkle, cos its so cooooot!

B]i would like 2 be selphie and carbunkle 2[/B]

Setsuna Yuna
04-12-2002, 07:17 AM
I would like to be Rinoa, of course. She is so free-spirited and carefree. I'm somewhat like her, but I don't get to enjoy much freedom. I guess I sort of envy her, but she's my favorite character in the game, so I really don't feel that jealous.

Princess Dagger
04-12-2002, 12:11 PM
Character: I would like to be Rinoa

GF: I'd be Shiva or Carbunkle

04-13-2002, 03:14 AM

04-13-2002, 05:18 AM
I'd say Quistis cause she's cool and calm, quite the collected chica. :D

GF wise...I guess Shiva, since she's a girl and can kick some serious booty. ;)

04-13-2002, 09:20 AM
Character: Laguna

GF: Well, that gotta be doomtrain. Suffer!

04-14-2002, 07:24 PM
Well I really look like Rinoa, but i hate looking like her, it pisses me off!!!!!! :mad:
But I would prefer to be her, cause she has a really nice personality
As for GF I think i would be Siren....dont know why :eye:

Jeff Hardy
04-16-2002, 03:59 AM
I would like to be Squall so that I could have Rinoa in the end.

Garnet aka Dagger
05-24-2002, 10:30 PM
I would want to be Rinoa. If I had to pick out of all the Final Fantasies who I would want to be ..that would be Garnet. But Rinoa is really kool and she reminds me some of myself. I know she can be annoying at times. But I think she is kool.

Neo Xzhan
06-14-2002, 12:14 AM
I'd b the GF DoomTrain cuz (in my eyes) he's plain evil, he hits u with every stat change in the book (like my sarcastic remarks).

Safer Sephiroth
06-19-2002, 07:19 PM
I would want to be Seifer or a Galbadain Soldier(Since they look really cool even though they aren't strong)

06-19-2002, 09:08 PM
I guess Selphie. She seems to be the one who has the most fun. Haha.

07-11-2002, 03:31 AM
Rinoa, shes sooooo cool!!

Psuedes Psyche
07-11-2002, 03:33 AM
Seifer or Zell

Selphie Kinneas
07-11-2002, 11:23 PM

Black Mage
07-12-2002, 08:03 PM
Diablo or doomtrain or even Eden!

07-14-2002, 07:58 PM
Seifer almasy!!!!


07-27-2002, 11:20 AM
I'd either wanna be Rinoa cuz she is pretty and has a great personality (and she gets Squall, but that wouldnt be one of my reasons! :D), Selphie cuz she is hyper lots just like me, Zell since he has a neat tattoo and is kool, or Seifer because he is very manly! and tough! :D

eh... but most likely I'd choose Rinoa ^_^

and for Guardiian Force it'd be Shiva cuz she;s just plain 0\/\/nage


06-07-2004, 11:24 PM
seifer!! hes cool tough. sliced the crapola outta squall and barely flinched when squall got him back for it! and he has his own view on things like me

06-08-2004, 09:26 AM
Me?.............I would like to be EdeA for sure....................cause she is a perfect woman.....full of mystery, tragic and most influence me.....her black beauty style and elegence.................EDEA RULES!

Beauty, Power, Style, Elegence, Knowledge, Passion................EdeA got it all!!!!!!!!! Vote for EdeA......our future ambassador!:swoon:

Bukit P51
06-17-2004, 11:06 PM
Squall cause he can get all the ladies
Doomtrain, he can fuck some people up

06-19-2004, 06:18 AM
Character: Raijin ya know?
GF: Cactuar, id love to go around pricking evryone with my needles.

Dot Centaur
06-22-2004, 12:39 AM
I totally wanna be Rinoa!! She's the prettiest of the three and I would wanna attracked Squall! Rinoa's the sweet and happy type too! Just my personality!

07-03-2004, 07:08 PM
Laguna, he's funny, a good fighter, and a dunce. :D

07-03-2004, 08:49 PM
Bahamut, hes one of my most favourite summons on any FF

07-03-2004, 10:54 PM
I want to be Seifer. He is strong. Possibly stronger than Squall. He even killed Odin LOL. I like his clothes too.

07-04-2004, 10:27 AM
Definitely squall

Only look at that cool sword he has....

and a very nice girl who likes you too!!!

What else do you want???

The Sage
07-04-2004, 08:44 PM
Squall because Rinoa is hot

Dot Centaur
07-04-2004, 09:04 PM
The Sage has excellent tast in characters! I would be Rinoa cause she is Da Bomb!

07-04-2004, 09:54 PM
i woukd be diablo ,he can scare whowhever he wants to just by saying "booooooo!!!"

07-05-2004, 09:33 AM
I would like to be Julia.
GF . . .Shiva

Dot Centaur
07-05-2004, 10:07 AM
I would probably be the GF Ifrit because I love the heat! I like Shiva though.

07-05-2004, 03:46 PM
if i were a character i would be kiros ,his fitghing stile is deferent than the oders in the hole serie of the ffs

07-05-2004, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by leo
i woukd be diablo ,he can scare whowhever he wants to just by saying "booooooo!!!"

....Bahamut would still kick his ass. hehehe thats my opinion anyway.

Aerith Gainsborough
07-06-2004, 04:44 AM
I�d like to be Rinoa or Ellione, because they�re both sweet an pretty. ;)

But probably Rinoa, because there�s a happy end for her at least (not like for Aeris in FF 7 *snief*) :)

07-06-2004, 01:36 PM
*pats Aeirth Gainsborough on the head* It's okay. She's not really gone. Remember she was unified with the planet-- and Cloud saw her at the end.

And in kingdom Hearts Aerith is reunited with Cloud. So she gets a happy ending too.

07-06-2004, 06:36 PM
bahamut,that little dragon that dude is like barney but th only different is that he is a dragon please boy don't make me laugh diablo could kick his ass in one sec XD

Dot Centaur
07-06-2004, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by Rinoa_Yuna
*pats Aeirth Gainsborough on the head* It's okay. She's not really gone. Remember she was unified with the planet-- and Cloud saw her at the end.

And in kingdom Hearts Aerith is reunited with Cloud. So she gets a happy ending too.

That's very nice of you Rinoa_Yuna!

Aerith Gainsborough, I think you'd be Ellone because you're like a big sister to me and Ellone was like a big sister to everyone. I think you'd be Ellone because I think alot of people here look up to you!

I'd be Rinoa 'cause I like angels and I use an Angel deck in Magic the Gathering. I would be the GF Ifrit because I like it when its hot! Think God It's Summer Time!!

07-07-2004, 03:58 AM
Originally posted by TifaGirl

Aerith Gainsborough, I think you'd be Ellone because you're like a big sister to me and Ellone was like a big sister to everyone. I think you'd be Ellone because I think alot of people here look up to you!

Yeah thats true, im sure ALOT of people DO look up to her, i do, i think of her as my big sister. So yeah she does suit Ellone.

Dot Centaur
07-07-2004, 04:53 AM
Totally! I don't mind calling her Sis' if she doesnt' mind. She's like my big sister!

07-07-2004, 04:57 AM
Maybe shes the Shrines big sis, you know someone everyone can look up to.

07-07-2004, 07:56 PM
Hee That's a cool idea TifaGirl. I haven't been on the shrine that long but, Aeirth Gainsborough always has a mature, kind response to give.

Aerith Gainsborough
07-08-2004, 11:01 AM
Damn, I just looked at this thread here, and I didn�t know you people were talking about me since the last two days. :laugh:

Well, I don�t know, what to say...... :rolleyes:

quote: Originally posted Rinoa_Yuna

*pats Aeirth Gainsborough on the head* It's okay. She's not really gone. Remember she was unified with the planet-- and Cloud saw her at the end.

Thanks for these nice words .....

quote: Originally posted by TifaGirl

Aerith Gainsborough, I think you'd be Ellone because you're like a big sister to me and Ellone was like a big sister to everyone. I think you'd be Ellone because I think alot of people here look up to you!

Was Ellone like a big sister to others? Well, I never thought about that. But that was not the reason why I picked her.....

Do you really believe, a lot of people look up to me? I�m not sure about that....

She's like my big sister!

Jep, you are like my little sister I never had in real life. ;)

quote: Originally posted by 1_W1nged_Angel

Yeah thats true, im sure ALOT of people DO look up to her, i do, i think of her as my big sister. So yeah she does suit Ellone.

Damn, I become everybodys big sister now....

Maybe shes the Shrines big sis, you know someone everyone can look up to.


quote: Originally posted by Rinoa_Yuna

Hee That's a cool idea TifaGirl

Another sister......? :laugh:

I haven't been on the shrine that long but, Aeirth Gainsborough always has a mature, kind response to give.

Thanks..... Well, I�m trying at least. :)

Dot Centaur
07-08-2004, 01:33 PM
Originally posted by Aerith Gainsborough
Was Ellone like a big sister to others? Well, I never thought about that. But that was not the reason why I picked her.....

Oh Yeah! Remember when Ellone would help Edea watch the kids in the orphanage? Squall and the others always called her "Sis"! They all looked up to her as a big sister.

Jep, you are like my little sister I never had in real life. ;)

Awww thank you! That's the nicest compliment!

Another sister......? :laugh:

Everyone seems to like you here Aerith, and you've earned it! I love you alot now!

Thanks..... Well, I�m trying at least. :)

You're more than just trying, you're doing;) :D !

Aerith Gainsborough
07-11-2004, 12:05 PM
quote: Originally posted by TifaGirl

Oh Yeah! Remember when Ellone would help Edea watch the kids in the orphanage? Squall and the others always called her "Sis"! They all looked up to her as a big sister.

Yeah, now after you mentioned it ...... I didn�t think about that, when I picked her.... :)

Awww thank you! That's the nicest compliment!

You are very welcome.... :D

Everyone seems to like you here Aerith, and you've earned it! I love you alot now!

Well, don�t know...but thanks.....Love you too! :)

You're more than just trying, you're doing

*face just turned red* Thanks, you�re so kind. :D

Dot Centaur
07-11-2004, 01:18 PM
Of course you've earned it! Don't be so modest sis' :D ! Any sweet person deserves respect!

You don't mind me calling you sis' like Ellone do you? I could be Rinoa.

Aerith Gainsborough
07-11-2004, 01:54 PM
quote: Originally posted by TifaGirl

Don't be so modest sis'

Well, I am. And I�m not used to it, that�s why...... :rolleyes:

You don't mind me calling you sis' like Ellone do you?

It�s ok, I don�t mind. :)

07-11-2004, 02:03 PM
damn you are just like my two fucking sisters palying that annoying shit XD well i could be squall XD:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

07-24-2004, 01:42 AM
For a character i'd be Squall for sure, but i gotta say i wouldnt want that scar, it looks good on a game, but you go try that on real life to see how good you look! lol
For a GF i'd be Bahamut, cause hes not just a dragon, hes the king of them flying god-like creatures :D

07-24-2004, 05:37 AM
Squall, no competition....I have a scar exactly where his is from a lawnmower accident 6 years ago when I was ten

not to mention I unfortunately have, to a tee, squalls attitude, and I dated a girl who looked exactly like Rinoa

07-24-2004, 11:18 AM
I would probably be Squall because he could defeat anyone with the Lion Heart, not to mention he has a hot girlfriend!

07-24-2004, 11:56 PM
Im probably most like squall because hes a real loner and I dont like to be around other people Id rather be alone

07-26-2004, 06:12 AM
I dont understand how people can like being alone better...i've never met anyone like this here in Brazil...

07-27-2004, 06:15 AM
Im probably most like squall because hes a real loner and I dont like to be around other people Id rather be alone

Yeah, me too. The other day I was dragged into going to this party by my friend. When I got there I just sat down over the side. People don't understand how I can be this way. I don't get them either.

Dot Centaur
07-28-2004, 12:16 AM
Anyone wanna take the test to see which FFVIII character you are? Just click on the link on my sig!

07-28-2004, 03:28 AM
Cool. I got Squall!

Originally posted by Squall_leonhart724
Squall, no competition....I have a scar exactly where his is from a lawnmower accident 6 years ago when I was ten

Maybe I'll have to have a lawnmower accident as well...

07-29-2004, 01:06 AM
Rinoa,Cuz she's fun 2 be around!:)

07-29-2004, 06:07 AM
Squall becase i am just like him tho I dont have the scar
would be cool to have it tho
or Laguna

11 squall
07-30-2004, 11:00 AM
squall, coz i relate to him the most
and bahamut, because ........ well, did u see him in 9!

07-31-2004, 06:51 PM
Sadly Squall, His bitter personality is alot like mine in reality.

08-01-2004, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by Renia
I guess Selphie. She seems to be the one who has the most fun. Haha.

Would you mind me asking who that is in your avatar?

Lunatic HighVII
08-07-2004, 11:37 PM
character: I have a mixture of selphie and rinoa's personality, so either of them, or ellone.

gf: i like carbuncle. id go around casting reflect on things :D

i agree with everyone talking about Aerith Gainsborough! She DOES always have soemthing mature and nice to say, you're absolutely right! we love you aerith!

Nanaki Claws
08-07-2004, 11:44 PM
I am most like Squall, but with my friends I think I am more like Zell.

08-09-2004, 04:38 AM
Character, Squall because he's pretty lonely and i'm lonely and reflective
GF, a guy version of Shiva i always loved her Diamond dust!

Dot Centaur
08-09-2004, 06:27 AM
Whoa, Aerisfreak91 you're a guy:shock: !? I never would've guessed.

I'm definetatly Rinoa! I have Selphie's hyperactive in me too!

I would be the female version of Ifrit because I love warm temperatures. I'm always happy laying under the sunO:] !

08-09-2004, 10:41 AM
I would be Kiros! Imagine having blades on your hands and having dreadlocks!

08-09-2004, 10:02 PM
i would be squall just so i could weild a gunblade

08-10-2004, 06:45 PM
I would be Selphie!

I'm Hyper and fun!

And for a Gf...Shiva,i love Ice!(Dunno why though lol)

08-12-2004, 11:30 AM
Bet you cant guess who id wanna be ey??
Squall is the daddy. S'pose cos I can relate to the moody git!

08-12-2004, 03:35 PM

08-21-2004, 01:47 AM
i would be Squall becasue are personalty is alike and because he is strong. as for a GF i would most likely be Bahumut because he kicks ass.

Lunatic HighVII
08-21-2004, 03:36 AM
I'd be a Selphie-Rinoa, and.....

Shiva or Carbuncle!!

08-30-2004, 10:46 PM
Me well i would be Riona/Shiva;)

08-31-2004, 01:11 AM
I would be Zell because of how cool but rowdy his charcter is. And is limit break is pretty cool as well (although the button combinations are a bitch).

As a GF, I would be Diablos because he is devilish looking, and his gravity magic just owned (especially against those damn tonberries).

09-07-2004, 01:47 AM
Quetzacoatl, Eden, Bahamut, Seifer, Squall, Laguna, Kiros, or Diablos. All awesome guys/GF's.

09-12-2004, 02:02 PM

09-12-2004, 10:36 PM
i would also pick squall for i see my self in him and he kick ass with his tight ass limit breaks and weapons

for the GF i would like to be odine cause he is strong and tight. but it's kindda stupid that he was sliced by seifer in the near end of the story

09-18-2004, 12:26 AM
hehehe DOOM TRAIN or dioblos (spelling)

Celes Chere
09-20-2004, 06:57 PM
Edea/Bahamut. :P

Dot Centaur
09-21-2004, 05:58 AM
I changed my mind;


Celes Chere
09-21-2004, 05:13 PM
So did I. :P

Edea/Gilgamesh xD;

I'm gonna cosplay Gilgamesh one of these days...when I get the money to buy aaaall that fabric >O<~! *shakes fist*

09-23-2004, 04:19 PM
i wanna be selphie and the gf i would be would be catuar as he is cool and she is just selphie

09-24-2004, 02:43 AM
Character I Wanna Be - Irvine
GF I Wanna Be - Doomtrain

09-24-2004, 08:36 AM
The character I wanna be would be either Laguna or Squall\

For GF than I'd be Diablos of Bahamut

10-03-2004, 06:31 AM
Definitly Seifer coz he's a real kool character for me, his motives are very chivalrious like bieng a knight to edea (whose like a mother to all) even thou mis-guided. best gf without a doubt wud be bahamut, griever is also gud

10-04-2004, 12:49 AM
siefer or griever

10-04-2004, 01:15 AM
Character- Edea (shes beautiful and kicks ass..) or Selphie

Gf- Bahamut or Shiva

Helen Gurley Brown
10-04-2004, 01:34 AM
id licked to be selphie cuase shes soo coll and i really like her shinbous"I'd like to be Selphie cuz she's so cool, and I really like her..." what's that last word supposed to be?

Anyway, my favorite character had to be Selphie, but I'm not sure that I'd want to be her. I liked that she was so cheery and optimistic, but she also went through a lot. I wouldn't want to have had her past, but I'd like to have her optimism and cute cheerfulness, even if other people think it's uncool to be so happy. ;)

10-09-2004, 01:39 PM
All the FF8 characters are sooo kick-ass cool~! I'd either like to be Quistis or Rinoa. Quistis is someone who's the strong and the smart type, and she's pretty. I think I'm more like Rinoa, though, because I'm a free-spirited type of person, but not so cheery like Selphie ... and I'm also trying to solve my ever-mysterious crush and get him to open up >__o I'm also a bit like Squall ... sometimes I can be pessimistic, quiet, and desolate......

10-09-2004, 06:00 PM
The person who made this topic should really learn how to spell.

I would like to be Anima because hes a weirdo chain/eye/seymours mother/ evil pigeon attached to the bottom of.

10-10-2004, 03:17 AM
The person who made this topic should really learn how to spell.

I would like to be Anima because hes a weirdo chain/eye/seymours mother/ evil pigeon attached to the bottom of.
The person who replied to this topic should really learn how to tell what section of the forums their in.

Huntress Krystle
10-12-2004, 04:44 PM
Female= it's pretty obvious who i wanna be like. It's Rinoa. She's an angel (hands down)
Male= Laguna. Love this guy's sense of humor and stupidity. (Squall's in 2nd)
GF= Man this is tough. It's a triple tie between Bahamut, Greiver and Diablos. i love to be any of these three. I couldnt decide on just one particular Gf sorry. I wanna be Phoenix too but it aint a Gf in 8, just an item/ordinary summon.

10-12-2004, 10:08 PM
I would be Rinoa. She gets Squall. Plus it said I was her on the test

10-13-2004, 04:36 PM
Character - I would like to be Quistis. I don't know why, she's just so... like me:)
GF - I'd like to be Shiva. She just rocks!

10-14-2004, 05:08 PM
id like to be squall cus he can survive on his own and he's got a very cool weapon.

gf id like to be ifrit cus he my favourite summon in every final fantasy...leme put it this way i like fire!!