the guy watching you
07-25-2007, 11:21 AM
so the game looks pretty sweet right now (

07-25-2007, 04:50 PM
just what sony needed to sell their PS3's (along with FXIII & versusXIII)

07-26-2007, 04:41 AM
This is the main reason I want a ps3. I'm still confused a little from MGS2 and 3 so hopefully this will cover up all the plotholes. Like how the hell is Vamp alive.

07-26-2007, 06:34 PM
Dammit!!! Now I don't know which to get first! 360 or PS3?

07-26-2007, 09:31 PM
Dammit!!! Now I don't know which to get first! 360 or PS3?

You should read what people are saying about the new Heavenly Sword demo. Short but worth it. I'm still downloading it now along with the MGS4 video.

edit: Oh, one more thing.

Source. (

At the Metal Gear Solid 20th Anniversary event in Japan today, Kojima productions revealed that the game first announced at last week's Sony event, Metal Gear Online is coming exclusively to the PS3.

There is no set date or price yet. The game will allow up to 16 player action online and will feature many game mechanics introduced in the MGS 4 game,as well as others that are unique to the online game.

In addition, a special Metal Gear themed Cell phone game was revealed at the event that will probably not come stateside.

One last announcement and that was a digital graphic novel for the PSP called MGS2 Bande Desinee.

07-27-2007, 02:33 AM
That was absolutely incredible.

I may have had some reservations with the PS3 but seeing this just might push me into buying the system. The demo has me greatly anticipating the title more than ever now.

07-28-2007, 08:13 PM
Can't wait. Really love the whole throwing the grenade while on your back feature. Also really like the FPS option.

MGS ONLINE sounds pretty awesome especially with the newly introduced mechanics. PS3 is lucky to have MGS exclusively.

07-29-2007, 11:49 AM
I don't have a PS3 (for now ...), but I ever get it one day, the first game I'll get will be MGS4 ! =)
I also would love to get RE5 & Tekken 6 =).
And maybe a future Crash Bandicoot game, if Crash comes to the PS3 one day ...