07-24-2007, 11:12 PM
Drew Carey (http://www.cnn.com/2007/SHOWBIZ/TV/07/23/price.carey.ap/index.php) has been asked to host The Price is Right in place of Bob Barker.

I didn't originally have a good reaction to this. Drew Carey... as the new Bob Barker? I guess Bob has to be replaced at some point or another, and although there's no one quite like him, I think Drew Carey is probably a pretty awesome replacement. I'm a big fan of his (although not of his new glasses ;-;) and think he's probably the only person who could pull it off.

Your thoughts?

07-24-2007, 11:41 PM
I guess a witty host ain't so bad. I guess I was just used to seeing that old mug of Bob's on tv telling people to give that wheel a spin. I'm not all for it yet...but I guess we'll see how this goes.

I vote Mr. T for host. (joke, guys. joke)

07-25-2007, 12:41 AM
I'm as surprised by Drew Carey becoming Bob Barker's successor as I was when I had found out that John O'Hurley was hosting Family Feud, due to their celebrity status. Then I came to the realization that O'Hurley's star was not exactly all that huge, laughed to myself, and got over it right after the fact.

I still find it strange that Carey will be the host of The Price is Right, though; it was definitely something I wouldn't have expected at all. Despite that feeling, I believe he'll do a terrific job, and to be honest, it was a much-needed change. The show must head in a new direction, because it was doomed to become stale with the same format and host since the days of Watergate.

In addition, I've always felt that Bob should retire in the first place. The man's in his eighties - at that point in his life, I'd rather he take it easy, enjoy himself, and spend his time with other endeavors, which seems to be the case. Most importantly, random "Barker's Beauties" can stop filing complaints claiming he had fondled their tits and "no-no bits," or whatever.

With that said, I'm really looking forward to it! ^_^

07-28-2007, 09:29 PM
I feel Drew Carry will bring his own comedic personality to the show, its been getting kind of old with the same thing over and over again. With the addition of Drew they should add a few different games to the show.