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07-23-2007, 02:57 AM
Okay. So, I'm basically gonna make this thread one stop for all my rips. You'll find Justice League Unlimited, Batman: The Animated Series, Superman: The Animated Series and Smallville rips here. All of them(with the exception of "Destroyer") are DVD rips with the sound effects taken out to the best of my possible ability. Some do manage to sneak through, but for the majority, these rips lean towards "Music Only" and attempt to showcase these composers amazing work since the companies seem unwilling to let them be heard on mainstream CD releases. I have to stop doing requests, as I just don't have the time to take them anymore. I will upload the occasional release, but requests are out for now.

New Links(1/10/08):
Smallville - "Aqua"[Mark Snow]


Justice League Unlimited
Justice League Unlimited - "Destroyer"[Kristopher Carter] (
Justice League Unlimited - "Epilogue"[Kristopher Carter] (
Justice League Unlimited - "Hawk & Dove"[Kristopher Carter] (
Justice League Unlimited - "Patriot Act"[Kristopher Carter] (
Justice League Unlimited - "The Once And Future Thing, Part 1: Weird Western Tales" (
Justice League Unlimited - "The Once And Future Thing, Part 2: Time Warped" (
Justice League Unlimited - "To Another Shore"[Kristopher Carter] (
Justice League Unlimited - "Dark Heart"[Michael McCuistion] (
Justice League Unlimited - "Divided We Fall"[Michael McCuistion] (
Justice League Unlimited - "Fearful Symmetry"[Michael McCuistion] (
Justice League Unlimited - "Flash And Substance"[Michael McCuistion] (
Justice League Unlimited - "Initiation"[Michael McCuistion] (
Justice League Unlimited - "The Return"[Michael McCuistion] (
Justice League Unlimited - "For The Man Who Has Everything"[Lolita Ritmanis] (

Batman: The Animated Series
Batman: The Animated Series - "Appointment In Crime Alley"[Stu Balcomb] (
The New Batman Adventures - "You Scratch My Back" (

Smallville - "Arrow"[Mark Snow] (
Smallville - "Aqua"[Mark Snow] (
Smallville - "Vessel"[Mark Snow] (
Smallville - "Zod"[Mark Snow] (

Spider-Man 3 Fan Rip[Christopher Young, Deborah Lurie] (
Batman Beyond[Kristopher Carter] (

07-23-2007, 05:33 AM
OMG, Thank you so much! I love that series!

07-23-2007, 08:25 AM
this is amazing. Have they released any more tracks from the series?

07-23-2007, 08:47 AM
this is amazing. Have they released any more tracks from the series?

Not that I'm aware of. Only from the movies like Mask Of The Phantasm and Return Of The Joker. If anyone is interested, however, I have been isolating scores from JLU episodes recently. If anyone has any interest in me posting any of these, just let me know and I'll upload them. They sound quite good, I must say.


07-23-2007, 08:48 AM
Not that I'm aware of. Only from the movies like Mask Of The Phantasm and Return Of The Joker. If anyone is interested, however, I have been isolating scores from JLU episodes recently. If anyone has any interest in me posting any of these, just let me know and I'll upload them. They sound quite good, I must say.


thats would be great! Thanks

07-23-2007, 09:15 AM
"To Another Shore" now available in first post.

Chaos Moon
07-23-2007, 09:21 AM
You're incredible!

07-23-2007, 09:22 AM
This is amazing. Can't thank you enough. Do you background music from the episode The Once and Future Thing, Part 2: Time Warped? Especially the one when Batman, Green Lantern, and Gang are going for fight toward the end.


07-23-2007, 09:42 AM
This is amazing. Can't thank you enough. Do you background music from the episode The Once and Future Thing, Part 2: Time Warped? Especially the one when Batman, Green Lantern, and Gang are going for fight toward the end.


I haven't done the entire score for "Once And Future Thing", but I do have a crystal clear copy of the cue where GL and Bats are chasing Chronos, yes. It was featured as an isolated track on the JLU season one set. Sadly, no other cues from the episode were featured.

There you go. Currently, I have scores for the following episodes in the final stages of editing.

"For The Man Who Has Everything"
"Fearful Symmetry"
"The Return"
"Dark Heart"
"The Once And Future Thing, Part 1:Weird Western Tales"
"The Once And Future Thing, Part 2: Time Warped"
"Divided We Fall"
"Patriot Act"

07-23-2007, 10:38 AM
you are great! Yes this is also I was looking for but what I was talking is when Batman and Gang are on horses and going to get the time belt from that cowboy guy, oh my bad that was from The Once and Future Thing, Part 1:Weird Western Tales, isn't it. My bad.

How actually are you doing that? To my knowledge there isn't any score released but these tracks are flawless.

Are you going to post others too.

07-23-2007, 10:41 AM
"Divided we fall" is my favorite JLU episode. Could you please post that next?

07-23-2007, 11:17 AM
you are great! Yes this is also I was looking for but what I was talking is when Batman and Gang are on horses and going to get the time belt from that cowboy guy, oh my bad that was from The Once and Future Thing, Part 1:Weird Western Tales, isn't it. My bad.

How actually are you doing that? To my knowledge there isn't any score released but these tracks are flawless.

Are you going to post others too.

Ah. Yeah. Now I know what you're talking about. I'll definitely be doing the score for "Weird Western Tales", so that will be there.

As for how I'm doing them, well I rip the audio straight from the DVD's with AOA DVD Ripper, then I bring that audio into Vegas, a video editing software. I then use a program called Analog X to remove the vocals so that only the music remains. It's not really that easy, though, as the way these things are mixed, the explosions and other sound effects can still be heard.

That is fixed by editing the tracks, cutting sections out that have a sound effect(which are usually only a second or two for explosions and what not), so it is a lot of audio editing and work. I'm glad to know you're all enjoying them, and more will follow with a "Things To Listen For" primer, detailing what is good about a score, what themes to listen for, etc.

I've been doing this stuff for a while, so it's sort of become second nature to do them. I've done them for JLU, Smallville and Superman: The Animated Series.

Originally Posted by Mino_Dan
"Divided we fall" is my favorite JLU episode. Could you please post that next?

Per request, I'll put "Divided" on the fast track and have it uploaded soon. If anyone has any specific episode or cue they'd like, just put in a request for it and I'll see about getting it up, but the list of episodes above are the ones I currently have going. But as requested by Mino_Dan, I'll be putting "Divided" up very soon.


07-23-2007, 01:03 PM
I'm impressed that you've gone this far for the sake of the music of the series. Not surprised though, as the music had to have been one of JLU's strongest points. Why the hell is there no official soundtrack?

As for the quality of the work, it's very high. I do have one criticism: I think you recorded these songs at too high a volume. There are parts of Apokolips on Earth/I Am A God that have staticy noise (5:16). Of course I don't know if you have any control over the volume at which you record or if the static parts are a result of removing the FX.

If you can control the volume, I'd suggest lowering to about 70% of the original setting for future recording.

Thanks for uploading this stuff.

07-23-2007, 11:56 PM
I'm impressed that you've gone this far for the sake of the music of the series. Not surprised though, as the music had to have been one of JLU's strongest points. Why the hell is there no official soundtrack?

As for the quality of the work, it's very high. I do have one criticism: I think you recorded these songs at too high a volume. There are parts of Apokolips on Earth/I Am A God that have staticy noise (5:16). Of course I don't know if you have any control over the volume at which you record or if the static parts are a result of removing the FX.

If you can control the volume, I'd suggest lowering to about 70% of the original setting for future recording.

Thanks for uploading this stuff.

It's quite upsetting that this stuff has not been released. But the way Bruce Timm(the producer) talks about it, it seems as if there's some legal boundaries in the way regarding commercial CD releases. He's always saying, "If it were up to me, they'd all be out". So, it seems as if there's a legal thing involved between different companies and composers and such. Lame, and the fans suffer, but I do hope that the issues are one day solved and this beautiful music is one day released to the masses.

Yeah. That bit in "Apokolips On Earth/I Am A God" is too loud. It was something I had noticed way after completing it, unfortunately, and couldn't go back and fix. For future posts, the volume issue will be fixed, with the exception of "The Once And Future Thing". There are a few loud spots, but nothing that I think will detract from the overall listening experience.

And "Divided We Fall" will be posted soon. One thing I have against it while listening to it is one of the best cues in the entire score, where the Flash does his around the world run to defeat Brainiac/Luthor, there's a lot of sound effects in it, and thus, I was unable to get all of the track on there. It sounds terrific apart from that, but it is one of the things I am disappointed about. Still, I should have it up for download within the hour.


07-24-2007, 12:31 AM
"Divided We Fall" now available in first post.

07-24-2007, 05:25 AM
Awesome! Thank you very much!

Elok Quintly
07-24-2007, 05:32 AM
Amazing. Now if only someone could do this for B:TAS.

07-24-2007, 05:58 AM
Amazing. Now if only someone could do this for B:TAS.

I've never tried it for B:TAS as I was never as in love with the music as I am with S:TAS, Smallville and JL/JLU. I suppose I could try it. Anything in particular you were looking for?


07-24-2007, 09:08 AM
Could you post the music from the episode Epilogue? It's like my favorite episode of all time. I would greatly appreciate it thanks.

07-24-2007, 11:37 AM
Thanks Matt ;)

Elok Quintly
07-24-2007, 09:54 PM
I've always wanted the music from "Feat of Clay". Clayface's theme was always my favorite.

07-24-2007, 11:53 PM
You are the greatest.

07-25-2007, 01:19 AM
"Epilogue" now available in first post.

07-25-2007, 01:41 AM

07-25-2007, 03:44 AM
thanks alot Matt, you are seriously the greatest.

07-25-2007, 04:30 AM
I've always wanted the music from "Feat of Clay". Clayface's theme was always my favorite.

Both parts of "Feat Of Clay" available in first post.

07-25-2007, 05:23 AM
Holy $*it man thanks allot for this!

Elok Quintly
07-25-2007, 05:53 AM
Wow. Thanks a ton!

07-25-2007, 04:43 PM
Is it possible to get the Batman TAS episode appointment from crime alley? I think that episode had a great score, if you could, it would be greatly appreciated, thanks Matt.

07-25-2007, 09:21 PM
First of all I can't wait for the score to the episode "The Return" from JLU and second i've a request if you please...could get the score to the superman episodes "Livewire" and "The Main Man" pt. 1&2, Thanks and keep up the awsome work i'm still geeking out about the "Destroyer" score!:-D

07-26-2007, 01:51 AM
Is it possible to get the Batman TAS episode appointment from crime alley? I think that episode had a great score, if you could, it would be greatly appreciated, thanks Matt.

"Appointment In Crime Alley" now available on first page.

Originally Posted by TurboDrive
First of all I can't wait for the score to the episode "The Return" from JLU and second i've a request if you please...could get the score to the superman episodes "Livewire" and "The Main Man" pt. 1&2, Thanks and keep up the awsome work i'm still geeking out about the "Destroyer" score!

I forgot to mention that I can only get quality rips for season three episodes of Superman. An episode guide for season three is now on the first page.


07-26-2007, 03:08 AM
HOLY SHIT you are awesome Matt

07-26-2007, 08:36 AM
i know this sounds weird, but would it be possible to get a audio rip of JLU episode Epilogue with the voices and SFX included? It would be greatly appreciated as usual if you could.

07-26-2007, 09:50 AM
this is so awesome!!!! love it n thanks very2 much ;) what software do you use to rip the score. I wanna try for The Real Ghostbusters series when I have my own pc :D

07-26-2007, 11:42 AM
i know this sounds weird, but would it be possible to get a audio rip of JLU episode Epilogue with the voices and SFX included? It would be greatly appreciated as usual if you could.

Sure. Here's a link for you.

"Epilogue" Audio Rip (

Originally Posted by greyfit
this is so awesome!!!! love it n thanks very2 much what software do you use to rip the score. I wanna try for The Real Ghostbusters series when I have my own pc

I use AOA DVD Ripper to take the audio straight from the DVD's. I rip the entire episode, which generally takes about five to ten minutes since I'm only ripping the audio.

I then take that audio into Sony Vegas, a video editing software which also handles audio. Using a Vegas plug in called Analog X Vocal Remover, I use it on the audio track, and depending on how lucky I am, it will remove the vocals and leave only the music and a few sparse sound effects in.

From there, I edit the tracks down, cutting sound effects out and blending it all together. I then render them, name them and put them in a folder.

Hope that helps.


07-26-2007, 06:06 PM
Damn man, you are seriously awesome, thanks alot Matt

07-26-2007, 06:23 PM
for some odd reason, the epilogue full episode audio rip isn't working with media fire, it just constantly loads, is it possible to reupload it again?

07-26-2007, 10:59 PM
I love this. Dude, one of my favorite episodes from Batman: The Animated Series are the ones with the Ninja. Is it possible to get 'Night of the Ninja' ripped. And did you make up the titles yourself?

07-27-2007, 12:07 AM
for some odd reason, the epilogue full episode audio rip isn't working with media fire, it just constantly loads, is it possible to reupload it again?

Try right clicking the link and saving it to your computer. If that doesn't work, I'll put it somewhere else.

Originally Posted by AJO400
I love this. Dude, one of my favorite episodes from Batman: The Animated Series are the ones with the Ninja. Is it possible to get 'Night of the Ninja' ripped. And did you make up the titles yourself?

I'll get to work on "Night Of The Ninja" and upload it. And I do indeed name the titles. They mainly come from either what is happening in the action(Example: "Fate's Plea" in the score for "The Return") or quoting a line from that specific sequence("Too Late/Cover Me" from "Feat Of Clay, Part 2").


07-27-2007, 12:28 AM
Quick question how do you find the Vocal Remover plug in in Vegas?

07-27-2007, 02:54 AM
Quick question how do you find the Vocal Remover plug in in Vegas?

Right click on the audio track and click "Apply Non-Real Time Event FX". From there, "Analog X" should be available if you have it installed.


07-27-2007, 03:27 AM
Right click on the audio track and click "Apply Non-Real Time Event FX". From there, "Analog X" should be available if you have it installed.


I don't have it installed, how do you install that plug in?

07-27-2007, 04:10 AM
I don't have it installed, how do you install that plug in?

07-27-2007, 07:02 AM
"Epilogue" Audio Rip (



07-28-2007, 06:00 AM
Thanks Matt

07-28-2007, 09:21 AM
eh yo....I've always wanted that music in Justice league that task force x episode, when they where going into the elevator infiltrating the Justice leauge headquarters. That is one of the coldest samples LOL. I need a good quality version of that, and with no vocals if possible.

07-29-2007, 11:10 AM
Would it be at all possible to rip Batman: Animated Series episodes "Mad as a Hatter" and "Heart of Ice"? If not, that's great, as what you currently have has REALLY made me happy, and I have another friend who's also a die-hard DC animated series fan who would love these. So thank you very much! :)

07-29-2007, 11:10 AM
Oh, and "Perchance to Dream", also from Batman: The Animated Series? Thanks. ^^;

07-30-2007, 02:31 AM
Oh man. Can you do a rip of the Batman Beyond episode "Babel"? I loved the score in that one ep.

07-31-2007, 04:49 AM
Firstly I cannot thank you enough for ripping these. I absolutely love the music to the DCAU animated series. Sadly I don't think they ever will come out on CD because of the legal reasons involved but I can still hope.

I was wondering if you could rip the music from Justice League's "Starcrossed Part 3" episode please. I really loved the music in that (especially when Hawkman and Lantern were fighting and when Hawkgirl and Hawkman were fighting).

Also would it be possible for you to rip the music from the Batman episode "The Trial" as well please?

07-31-2007, 11:48 AM
Oh man. Can you do a rip of the Batman Beyond episode "Babel"? I loved the score in that one ep.

I can't do Batman Beyond as I don't own the show on DVD.

Firstly I cannot thank you enough for ripping these. I absolutely love the music to the DCAU animated series. Sadly I don't think they ever will come out on CD because of the legal reasons involved but I can still hope.

I was wondering if you could rip the music from Justice League's "Starcrossed Part 3" episode please. I really loved the music in that (especially when Hawkman and Lantern were fighting and when Hawkgirl and Hawkman were fighting).

Also would it be possible for you to rip the music from the Batman episode "The Trial" as well please?

I can't do season one or two JL rips as they episodes are mixed differently, thus the rips do not sound good and voices are still heard. However, I CAN rip "The Trial".


07-31-2007, 07:54 PM
It is rare to see these animated series' soundtracks anymore. Truly amazing! And you have the entire score for every series? I would like to request Batman: The Animated Series' Main Title Theme if you do have it. Thank you for uploading the ones you have already. Very nice.

08-06-2007, 02:25 AM
Quick question are you able to get the/or any scores from the "Teen Titans" series?

08-06-2007, 03:05 AM
Quick question are you able to get the/or any scores from the "Teen Titans" series?

I have every single episode(and the movie, "Trouble In Tokyo") on my computer, but I actually need DVD rips of the audio itself to create really good rips like I have with JLU and B:TAS. I did manage to create a nice sounding one for the season two episode "How Long Is Forever?", though, which is available here.

"How Long Is Forever?" (

However, if anyone has the DVD's and would be willing to get me a rip of just the audio and upload it on Mediafire or somewhere else, I'd be more than willing to do some TT rips. Feel free to either contact me via PM or by replying.

And for anyone who is interested, there's a composer promo for B:TAS on the net. It is a set of selected episodes, "Feat Of Clay, Part 2", "The Laughing Fish", "Day Of The Samurai", "I Am The Night" and "Demon's Quest, Part 1". I'll re-up it on here if anyone wants it in my next update.


08-06-2007, 03:22 AM
Wow! Thank you for uploading the music from JL Unlimited, my 51 yr old cartoon watching uncle thanks you too. (Not just pulling your leg on that)

And btw who is that person in your picture there? I think I remember him from somewhere....

08-06-2007, 03:30 AM
Wow! Thank you for uploading the music from JL Unlimited, my 51 yr old cartoon watching uncle thanks you too. (Not just pulling your leg on that)

And btw who is that person in your picture there? I think I remember him from somewhere....

Haha. Anytime. I'm glad everyone of any age group is enjoying them. And that would be Gillian Seed from "Snatcher".


08-06-2007, 03:44 AM
...Thought he was Deckard from Blade Runner... but oh well.

And would you mind uploading the last JL .rar so I can complete the set? :wink: :wink: :nudge: :nudge:

08-06-2007, 04:01 AM
...Thought he was Deckard from Blade Runner... but oh well.

And would you mind uploading the last JL .rar so I can complete the set? :wink: :wink: :nudge: :nudge:

My bad. Thought I'd upped it already. It's on the first page now.


08-06-2007, 04:06 AM
It's ok, I thought we had to request each one. And thanks again!

08-06-2007, 09:16 AM
"The Once And Future Thing, Part 1: Weird Western Tales"[Kristopher Carter]

This is amazing. You are the man thanks Matt.

08-06-2007, 09:18 AM
If someone wants a song from Mystery of the Batwoman Betcha Neva here it is,

08-06-2007, 07:36 PM
I am sorry to bother you again, but would you happen to have Batman: The Animated Series' Title Theme (and, if you do, could you upload it, please)? I have looked for it in too many places. Thank You.

08-06-2007, 11:05 PM
Sure, I have uploaded opening and ending theme and extended opening.

08-07-2007, 01:49 AM
I hope Matt you dont mind. Please don't think that I want to hijack your thread. Next time I should open a new thread.


08-07-2007, 03:19 AM
I doubt he feels that way. :)

08-07-2007, 07:24 PM
Sure, I have uploaded opening and ending theme and extended opening.

Thank you, it is very appreciated.

08-08-2007, 03:51 PM
I just wanted to thank you for this. I've always wanted the music from these shows, and was ready and willing to buy a cd, but they sadly never released them. A thousand thank yous man, you're great! :)

08-08-2007, 10:17 PM
It would be really great if you could upload "On Leather Wings" the first episode from Batman:TAS. Thanks a lot!!

08-09-2007, 03:04 AM
If not too much trouble, could you put up "If You're So Smart, Then Why Aren't You Rich?" (The first Riddler appearance) and Ra's Al Ghul episodes, please. That would be nice. Thank You.

08-09-2007, 10:47 PM
im not requesting something special.just everything you can manage to rip in good quality from batman, superman and justice league.i only have mask of the phantasm, but i�m a big fan of all these shows and especially their music.shirley walker (R.I.P.) and her team are simply making the best animated music nowadays.I know A LOT of people who would love to have all that stuff, i�m gonna lead them to this thread.also searching for batman: sub-zero. all links are down or files damaged.good bless you,�re awesome.hope someone will do the same with all the shows with ron jones scores....

08-09-2007, 10:51 PM
if you have promos with some of the batman, superman, jlu scores please upload them, too.everything is great.

08-12-2007, 10:04 PM
This music rules. I love it.

08-17-2007, 01:01 AM
KalEl1029- Could you please rip the music from the episode "Task Force X". That episode was the best. Thanks in advance.

08-17-2007, 02:43 AM
Thats exactly what I have asked before. I can actualy rip all these shows myself, if i wanted...but I need a good quality version of this episode...Which i don't have.

08-22-2007, 12:16 AM
I love the Feat of Clay music...

Elok Quintly
08-22-2007, 09:28 PM
I have every single episode(and the movie, "Trouble In Tokyo") on my computer, but I actually need DVD rips of the audio itself to create really good rips like I have with JLU and B:TAS. I did manage to create a nice sounding one for the season two episode "How Long Is Forever?", though, which is available here.

"How Long Is Forever?" (

However, if anyone has the DVD's and would be willing to get me a rip of just the audio and upload it on Mediafire or somewhere else, I'd be more than willing to do some TT rips. Feel free to either contact me via PM or by replying.

And for anyone who is interested, there's a composer promo for B:TAS on the net. It is a set of selected episodes, "Feat Of Clay, Part 2", "The Laughing Fish", "Day Of The Samurai", "I Am The Night" and "Demon's Quest, Part 1". I'll re-up it on here if anyone wants it in my next update.


I'd love those promo tracks.

09-12-2007, 08:42 PM
do you think you could just post up some random mp3s from the superman series ^ ^; .... please?

Elok Quintly
09-14-2007, 12:33 AM
Yes, yes, YES! Finally! Clayface's theme in all its pure musical glory. I can't thank you enough for this.

Were there any other composer promos released? I heard there were a few others, and even a extremely rare score for Sub-Zero.

09-14-2007, 04:08 AM
Yes, yes, YES! Finally! Clayface's theme in all its pure musical glory. I can't thank you enough for this.

Were there any other composer promos released? I heard there were a few others, and even a extremely rare score for SubZero.

I do know there are a couple other promo scores, but I've never managed to find them. I do have a Sub-Zero score, but I don't know if it's the "extremely rare" one you're talking about. Thirty one tracks in total.

Originally Posted by mmxT17
do you think you could just post up some random mp3s from the superman series ^ ^; .... please?

If I can find some time to do some S:TAS tracks, I will.


09-14-2007, 04:54 AM
I do know there are a couple other promo scores, but I've never managed to find them. I do have a Sub-Zero score, but I don't know if it's the "extremely rare" one you're talking about. Thirty one tracks in total.


If it's not too much trouble, please, please, please can you upload the Sub Zero score as I absoultely adore the music for that film.

I didn't even know of it's existense until mentioned in this thread (or the other promos for that matter).

V Guyver
09-14-2007, 05:09 AM
you are amazing. If only the guys at the WB would notice the appeal of the scores. Especialy for the old Batman animated series of the 90's. The score was done in the manner like the movies, and so much of it was haunting and beautiful that I find some hard to forget. ANyoen who remembers the apparant death of Clayface and the musici n the background can tell you just how powerful the music was in that scene.

09-14-2007, 05:15 AM
You'd think releasing a collection of these scores commercially would be more than sufficient to the memory of Shirley Walker. I'm still trying to comprehend how we have SpongeBob CDs, but not Batman:TAS. ^^;

09-14-2007, 03:06 PM
Could you do the episode "Task force x" from Justice League Unlimited?

09-14-2007, 04:55 PM
Thanks SO much for going to so much trouble and uploading all these episode scores. Your time and effort is much appreciated! And the promo Batman!

If there are any scores you yourself are searching high and low for, let us know and maybe we can repay you for your kind work :)

ShinRa Inc
09-15-2007, 02:16 AM
Speaking of Shirley Walker and her excellant work, has anyone seen any of her work for Space: Above & Beyond?

09-15-2007, 12:04 PM
Speaking of Shirley Walker and her excellant work, has anyone seen any of her work for Space: Above & Beyond?

So as not to hijack this thread, I've posted the link in the "Download Links" Forum. Enjoy! =)

09-15-2007, 10:32 PM
Man, this is excellent stuff. May I ask, whats the word on Smallville music, been wanting to get my hands on some of that stuff for sometime now.

09-16-2007, 01:47 AM
Batosai, can you upload the MotBW music again? The sendspace link has expired.

09-16-2007, 04:27 AM

09-18-2007, 08:46 PM
I do know there are a couple other promo scores, but I've never managed to find them. I do have a Sub-Zero score, but I don't know if it's the "extremely rare" one you're talking about. Thirty one tracks in total.


KalEl. Would it be possible to please upload the Sub Zero score when you have some free time as I love the music to that movie?

09-18-2007, 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by seryass
KalEl. Would it be possible to please upload the Sub Zero score when you have some free time as I love the music to that movie?

Uploading "Sub-Zero" and a rip of the Spider-Man 3 score I completed yesterday right now. Spidey 3 includes a film edit of "Birth Of Sandman", with the slightly altered end and an edit of the symbiote taking over Peter, with the momentary pause between the takeover and the first full rendition of the black-suited Spidey theme. Other rips I'm working on are;

"Flash And Substance"(JLU)

Originally Posted by by Shane2005
Man, this is excellent stuff. May I ask, whats the word on Smallville music, been wanting to get my hands on some of that stuff for sometime now.

Currently, none of Mark Snow's music for Smallville has found it's way online. Not even a promo score has been circulating. I've been doing rips of Smallville episodes as I find the music to be absolutely brilliant. As of now, I've done complete rips for "Vessel", "Tomb" and "Onyx". I'll up them if anyone wants them.


09-19-2007, 04:55 PM
We really need to get our hands on the "Superman Doomsday" soundtrack by Robert Kral. That score is a masterpiece!!!

Mr Muay Thai
09-19-2007, 06:30 PM
Is it possible to request the gamerip to Justice League Heroes, or is that off topic here?

09-19-2007, 08:12 PM
We really need to get our hands on the "Superman Doomsday" soundtrack by Robert Kral. That score is a masterpiece!!!

Robert Kral's score for Superman: Doomsday will be released on October 23rd. I'll definitely upload it into my topic when I get it. A track listing is available here...

Originally Posted by Mr Muay Thai
Is it possible to request the gamerip to Justice League Heroes, or is that off topic here?

I wouldn't call it off topic, but I don't know how to do gamerips. Ask around on the request forums, and I'm sure someone would be willing to do it.


09-21-2007, 06:41 AM
Awesome rips, can't wait for the smallville rips.

09-22-2007, 04:18 AM
Uploading "Sub-Zero" and a rip of the Spider-Man 3 score I completed yesterday right now.

KalEl. Thank you so much for uploading the Sub Zero score. I didn't even know it existed until I saw you mention it. I take it it's an "unofficial" score as I wasn't aware of a commercially available version of it.

Also sorry to be a burden but would it also be possible for you to upload the Batman Animated Promo music please since Megaupload removed all the previous files you have uploaded?

09-22-2007, 05:56 AM
KalEl. Thank you so much for uploading the Sub Zero score. I didn't even know it existed until I saw you mention it. I take it it's an "unofficial" score as I wasn't aware of a commercially available version of it.

Also sorry to be a burden but would it also be possible for you to upload the Batman Animated Promo music please since Megaupload removed all the previous files you have uploaded?

Not a problem uploading "Sub-Zero". As far as I know, there was no commercial release but it was passed around at conventions and such. That's just what I heard, though, so I'm not sure.

And Megaupload already deleted it? Geez. They're quick. Sure. I'll re-up it, though. I'll put it on FileFactory this time.


09-22-2007, 09:49 PM
Robert Kral's score for Superman: Doomsday will be released on October 23rd. I'll definitely upload it into my topic when I get it. A track listing is available here...


One month to go. Not fair! :sad:

09-23-2007, 12:09 AM
One month to go. Not fair! :sad:

No. Not fair at all. However, I have a little treat for all you guys. A rip of some of the score for you to listen to, similar to my JLU rips. One of the most gorgeous, heart wrenching pieces of music I've ever heard, when Superman sacrifices himself to take out Doomsday, is being uploaded to Mediafire for the people who want it until the official release hits. And when the release does hit, I'll be sure to remove all of the links to it.

On a related note, if anyone wants any other specific piece from "Superman: Doomsday", I can try to get it in the same way as "Superman's Sacrifice". I can't guarantee they will all sound good, as I only did "Sacrifice" because I absolutely adore the piece. But if anyone does want a certain track, I'll try my best.


09-24-2007, 11:55 AM
A fan rip of "Superman: Doomsday" has been added to the front page of the topic as well as a re-up of the "Batman" promo score. The fan rip of "Superman: Doomsday" will be removed once the commercial release hits in October.


09-27-2007, 04:41 PM
Thank you so much Kalel! Highly appreciated!

09-30-2007, 11:46 PM
anyone got the score for the fight scene in the episode of "alive" when the legion of doom is fighting each other

10-01-2007, 12:15 AM
Hey Matt, Do you think it's possible you could upload the smallville score of Arrow and Justice? It would be greatly appreciated if you could. Thanks alot Matt.

10-02-2007, 09:24 AM
anyone got the score for the fight scene in the episode of "alive" when the legion of doom is fighting each other

I could try and get it. I don't have all of the "Alive" score, but I could get try to get that piece.

Originally Posted by greenarrow007
Hey Matt, Do you think it's possible you could upload the smallville score of Arrow and Justice? It would be greatly appreciated if you could. Thanks alot Matt.

Like we talked about in PM's, I'll have to get DVD rips of the episodes, but I have yet to get my copy of the season six set. If anyone is willing to get me a DVD(just the audio) rip of the season six episodes "Arrow", "Justice" and "Phantom", it would be greatly appreciated

Currently uploading "Flash And Substance"(JLU) and working on "Shadow Of The Hawk"(JLU). Also trying to get "Onyx"(Smallville), "Tomb"(Smallville) and "Vessel"(Smallville) uploaded.


10-02-2007, 09:30 AM
"Flash And Substance" now on the first page. If anyone liked these, I'll do one for this score. If people like them, I'll continue to do them for each score.

"Flash And Substance"
Things To Listen For

If you were ever confused as to what the Flash's theme sounded like, all you have to do is listen to this score. It's everywhere. A truly fitting theme for him and one of the many things about Michael's score for this episode that is quite brilliant.

In "Table For One", we get a wonderful little flourish of the theme as Wally beams up to the Watchtower. A sutble touch on the theme and a precursor to it's later moments, where it is much more fleshed out.

In "Flash On The Run/Mirror Master's Trap", the theme is played out in full in a glorious 40 second rendition before seguing into a darker cue that ends the track.

"Mirror Master Defeated" plays the Flash theme in it's best hard rock way as electric guitars fill out, follows by a little playful note to represent the Flash's terrible pun to end the track.

"Orion The Cardboard Hunter/Got Me Again, Flash" showcases one of the more energetic renditions of the theme as the Flash takes his costume out of his ring(0:09). Ominous chords play over Batman and Orion's brutal interrogation of The Trickster(1:03), followed by a soft outro as the Flash "gets the Trickster again"(1:24).

"Museum Brawl/Lost In The Void/Flash To The Rescue" features a guitar riff rendition of Batman's theme(2:19), followed by mysterious notes to represent the empty void of the Mirror Dimension(2:47). The Flash's theme gets one final, noble rendition(2:59) as he saves the day again.

"Our Greatest Hope/A Really Good Day" opens with a romantic cue for Wally and Linda, which is followed by a slow guitar version of the Flash's theme(0:16).


10-04-2007, 04:29 PM
I could try and get it. I don't have all of the "Alive" score, but I could get try to get that piece.

that'd be sweet, thanks a lot if u do but dont worry about it if its to much trouble

10-06-2007, 04:43 AM
Would it be possible for you to rip the Batman Animated Series episode "The Trial" please as I love the music score to that episode?

10-08-2007, 08:33 PM
Does anyone know where I could buy the Batman: Subzero score?

10-08-2007, 08:38 PM
Does anyone know where I could buy the Batman: Subzero score?

its a can�t buy it.but you can download it.

10-08-2007, 11:02 PM
Does anyone know where I could buy the Batman: Subzero score?

"Batman: Sub-Zero" is available in the first post under the "Batman" section.


10-19-2007, 11:37 AM
Been a while since an update, but this does bring us the score for Smallville's 100th episode, "Reckoning". Featuring a brilliant A+ on all fronts, it is truly a wonderful episode that has a score that just tugs directly on your heart strings and has no problems with that. It is my hope that if no other scores become available, Mark Snow's "Reckoning" score is eventually given the proper CD treatment.

Smallville - "Reckoning"
Things To Listen For

"Fortress Proposal" is a beautifully romantic piece that portrays the love of Clark and Lana as he proposes to her in the Fortress Of Solitude. The Clark and Lana love theme gets a stirring rendition at 1:26.

"Lana's Answer" begins with a soft piano before seguing into a playful, but sweet little number as Chloe and Clark discuss his proposal(1:11). A final, majestic piece closes the track out as Lana gives Clark his answer(2:59), signalling their unity.

"Accident" starts with a low, villainous piece as Lex speaks with Lana in his mansion. This is followed by what becomes a recurring motif in the score(1:34), a rising series of notes that never seem to reach their ultimate resolution, becoming higher and faster(2:06) until coming full stop. A quiet, sad choir builds(2:16) that portrays Lana's death before the track finishes.

In "Back On The Road", soft strings lead into a piano movement(0:20) that soon turns dark. A reprise of the accident motif plays(1:02) to end the piece.

"A Father's Farewell" features a yet another reprise of the accident motif(0:23), followed by a noble, yet filled with obvious sadness, second rendition(1:05). Ominous, dark strings signal the arrival of Lionel Luthor(1:29) as he speaks with Jonathan Kent in the barn. A reprise of the choir from "Accident"(3:30) plays over a dissonant soundscape, followed by emotional strings as Jonathan meets his end in the driveway of the Kent Farm(4:07), culminating with another reprise of the choir movement(4:25).

"Won't Be The Only One" opens with some piano work as Clark and Martha discuss Jonathan and remember him. Soft strings(1:52) play to end the track, accompanied by another piano movement.


10-24-2007, 10:44 PM
Bit of an update. I finally got my hands on the season six set for Smallville and the scores for these episodes will be put up soon.



10-25-2007, 12:11 AM
Wow cool well do you think you can post or that one you had in JL3 before OUT OF TIME? like the song where they always recap whats happened over the season? from smallville by the way.

10-25-2007, 08:06 AM
Wow cool well do you think you can post or that one you had in JL3 before OUT OF TIME? like the song where they always recap whats happened over the season? from smallville by the way.

Unfortunately, the recap for the season from "Phantom" isn't included on the season six set. I don't know why, as I absolutely love that music and it's pretty upsetting. The "Vessel" recap that ran in front of "Zod" is also not included.


10-25-2007, 12:24 PM
Unfortunately, the recap for the season from "Phantom" isn't included on the season six set. I don't know why, as I absolutely love that music and it's pretty upsetting. The "Vessel" recap that ran in front of "Zod" is also not included.


Well i saw that you had the song though. on Armageddon. Can you download it or something, that would be great.

10-25-2007, 12:51 PM
Okay. So, I'm basically gonna make this thread one stop for all my rips. You'll find Justice League Unlimited, Batman: The Animated Series, Superman: The Animated Series and Smallville rips here. All of them(with the exception of "Destroyer") are DVD rips with the sound effects taken out to the best of my possible ability. Some do manage to sneak through, but for the majority, these rips lean towards "Music Only" and attempt to showcase these composers amazing work since the companies seem unwilling to let them be heard on mainstream CD releases. I have to stop doing requests, as I just don't have the time to take them anymore. I will upload the occasional release, but requests are out for now.

New Links(10/02/07):
"Reckoning"[Mark Snow]


Justice League Unlimited
"Destroyer"[Kristopher Carter, Michael McCuistion, Lolita Ritmanis] (
"To Another Shore"[Kristopher Carter] (
"Divided We Fall"[Michael McCuistion] (
"Epilogue"[Kristopher Carter, Lolita Ritmanis] (
"Patriot Act"[Kristopher Carter] (
"The Once And Future Thing, Part 1: Weird Western Tales"[Kristopher Carter] (
"The Once And Future Thing, Part 2: Time Warped"[Kristopher Carter] (
"Dark Heart"[Michael McCuistion] (
"Fearful Symmetry"[Michael McCuistion] (
"For The Man Who Has Everything"[Lolita Ritmanis] (
"Initiation"[Michael McCuistion] (
"The Return"[Michael McCuistion] (
"Flash And Substance"[Michael McCuistion] (

Batman: The Animated Series
"Feat Of Clay, Part 1"[Jeff Atmajian, Carl Johnson] (
"Feat Of Clay, Part 2"[Shirley Walker] (
"Appointment In Crime Alley"[Stu Balcomb] (
"Batman: The Animated Series" Promo Score (
Batman: Sub-Zero[Michael McCuistion] (

Superman: The Animated Series

"Reckoning"[Mark Snow] (
"Vessel"[Mark Snow]
"Tomb"[Mark Snow]

Spider-Man 3 Fan Rip[Christopher Young, Deborah Lurie] (
"Superman: Doomsday" Fan Rip[Robert Kral] (

Sorry for the big quote but i cant click vessel or tomb. do you know anyway i can get to it.

10-25-2007, 10:45 PM
Well i saw that you had the song though. on Armageddon. Can you download it or something, that would be great.

That was from a tv rip of "Phantom", which didn't sound that great by itself, but was masked by the voice overs and sound effects. I don't have it anymore.

As for "Vessel" and "Tomb", I haven't put them up yet, which is why they aren't clickable. I'll be putting them up in a big update soon with these scores;


And the next update will consist of;


And I gotta say, upon completing the scores for "Zod" and "Justice", the season six rips sound fantastic. The way these episodes are mixed, the vocals are non-existent. It's all music except for the sound effects that I have to cut out. They sound great.


10-26-2007, 12:43 AM
awesome, i'm looking forward to the arrow and justice score. Your the man Kal.

10-26-2007, 02:33 AM
well at the end of crimson it kind of sounded like batman begins


10-26-2007, 09:43 AM
Okay. The scores for "Tomb", "Vessel", "Zod" and "Arrow" are now up. Enjoy and if you like, take a look at the primers I've prepared for all of you regarding them.

Smallville - "Tomb"
Things To Listen For

Every year, Smallville manages to produce at least one episode that a lot of people rag on that I can't help but love. "Tomb" was one of those episodes. In terms of it's score, Mark Snow shows how multi-layered he is as a composer. Whether you're asking for action, romance, drama or in this case, horror, Mark can deliver with the best of them. And now, the finer points of "Tomb".

"Ghost" opens with a creepy string movement(0:06), followed by pounding and building percussion(0:34). Rumbling strings(1:12) lead into the close of the track.

A piano movement appears in "Over The Edge"(2:46) that displays Chloe's apparent madness. The pounding percussion returns at 4:26, followed by rising strings(4:57).

Gretchen's theme makes it's first appearance at 5:06 of "The Orderly". More thunderous percussion arrives at 7:34, followed by a reprise of Gretchen's theme at 7:49.

Another blast of drums hits us at 3:45 of "All The Secrets". A noble, piano and string driven statement of Gretchen's theme plays at 6:57 to end the track.

The highlight of the score begins at 4:35 of "Mother & Daughter". Piano and strings combine with a hint of acoustic guitar to portray the bond between Chloe and her mother as they reunite.

10-26-2007, 09:44 AM
Smallville - "Vessel"
Things To Listen For

The season five finale of Smallville is filled with twists, turns and a fantastic score. With "Vessel", Mark's pieces shift towards a very alien nature with the arrival of General Zod, who takes over the body of Lex Luthor and aims to rebuild Krypton on Earth(seen further in the season six premiere, "Zod").

"Transported" opens with a dissonant and very alien soundscape, followed by a drum driven piece(0:57) that leads to Lex's abduction.

"Powers Of Lex" opens with dark, ominous strings and a looming choir. Pounding drums kick in at 1:19, building with intense dread. Everything goes silent as a sad choir takes over(2:03), followed by swirling strings(2:30) that leads into a dark movement(3:29) as Lex first experiments with his powers. A thunderous bang(5:02) leads into more dissonant, alien sounds until the strings takes over at 6:41.

Brainiac's theme makes it's first appearance at 2:56 of "It Begins", building with a rising intensity in strings and percussion. It plays again, darker and more intense at 3:33, only to become more operatic at 3:42.

A chorus heavy version of Brainiac's theme appears at 2:12 of "What Have I Done?". High strings build, rising higher and higher until another reprise of Brainiac's theme hits at 2:46. Drums and strings build(3:19), higher and higher until coming full stop. An ominous male choir builds that contains hints at what I will refer to as the "Kryptonian theme" that represents not only General Zod, but Kryptonians in general(3:25), followed by soft and sad strings(4:12) that are interrupted by a chaotic movement that has been heard several times throughout Smallville's history(5:06) to end the track.

Intense, dark strings begin at 3:31 of "Panic/Phantom Zone". They rise higher and higher, followed by a saddened statement of Clark's theme(3:59) as he is sent into the depths of the Phantom Zone.

10-26-2007, 09:44 AM
Smallville - "Zod"
Things To Listen For

With the season six premiere of Smallville, "Zod", Clark was given opportunity to grow and develop further into his role as Superman. Trapped in the Phantom Zone after the previous years finale, "Vessel", Clark returns to face the threat of General Zod, now in total control of Lex's body. Musically, "Zod" expands on material first heard in "Vessel" and fleshes out the "Kryptonian theme" even more.

Starting with "Welcome To The Phantom Zone", a middle eastern note is heard(0:42) that displays the desert-like atmosphere of the phantom prison. Dark and dreary strings(1:43) end the track.

Desperate, pleading strings appears at 0:04 of "My Name Is Zod", followed by a full, male choir rendition of the Kryptonian theme at 0:28. A steady drum beat takes over at 2:57, which is soon joined by a piano and string movement(3:42). A gloomy, dread induced statement of the Kryptonian theme appears at 4:56, which is soon taken over by a sad statement of the theme(5:48). Epic, noble strings swirl in at 7:08 to close the track out.

"Let Me Do This" opens with soft strings before seguing into a somber rendition of the Kryptonian theme(0:28), which is soon joined by the male choir version(0:58). Rumbling strings swirl at 3:43 that build to a climax, holding for a moment until an orchestral blast(4:06) that leads to quiet strings. The darkness returns at 4:20 before the sounds become sad and desperate at 4:50, building to a crescendo and climaxing.

"Clark To The Rescue" features a heroic rendition of the Kryptonian theme at 0:06 to represent Clark's return. The male choir returns at 0:16 before being taken over by another noble statement of the Kryptonian theme(0:30). And yet another reprise of the Kryptonian theme appears at 1:27 before an orchestral blast(2:31) signals Zod's defeat. Sweeping, heroic strings(2:36) showcase Clark's heroism and defeat of his greatest enemy yet.

10-26-2007, 09:45 AM
Smallville - "Arrow"
Things To Listen For

With the score for "Arrow", Mark managed to create a theme for Green Arrow that is both heroic and noble at the same time. A truly fitting theme for him that captures the spirit of the emerald archer perfectly.

Right off the bat in "Theft", we're hit with a startling orchestral blast and a rising string movement that leads into the full rendition of the Green Arrow theme(0:03). A dark string, male choir version of the theme plays at 0:15, followed by a short statement of it at 0:35 to end the track.

Tense strings rise at 2:15 of "The Ring". A broad statement of the Green Arrow theme is heard 2:30 as the track comes to a close with a low string rendition of the theme at 2:40.

Strings and percussion take over at 2:04 in "Meet The Arrow" with another low string statement of the Arrow theme at 2:22. The Kryptonian theme is heard at 3:31, followed by a somewhat villainous rendition of the Arrow theme at 4:10.

The Green Arrow theme gets another heroic, full statement at 1:37 of "Arrow Makes The Save", followed by a rising string movement at 2:37 to end the track.

Noble, majestic strings take the forefront at 5:20 of "They Need Us" with a subtle hint on the yellow sun theme(5:27). What would later be fleshed out into a fuller, more developed theme for the Justice League plays at 5:59 in grand fashion to finish the track out.

10-28-2007, 11:00 AM
Kalel, is there a way to reactivate the mediafire links for the Justice League Unlimited scores you provided in page 1? Thanks in advance.

10-28-2007, 02:05 PM
Same demand as vazare.Is it possible to reactive link for justice league score kalel? thanks in advance too

10-31-2007, 05:30 AM
I third the request for the Justice League tacks (I love "Destroyer" and "For The Man Who Has Everything"), if that's okay.
Thanks in advance as well. =)

10-31-2007, 11:36 AM
I'd also like to request a reactivated link for the Justice League Unlimited links.


10-31-2007, 06:12 PM
Any news on the Superman Doomsday soundtrack? It should be available for a week now.

11-01-2007, 02:33 AM
I'd also like to request a rip for the Superman - Doomsday soundtrack. That movie had awesome music (and awesome fights too).


11-01-2007, 03:12 AM
I'd also like to request a rip for the Superman - Doomsday soundtrack. That movie had awesome music (and awesome fights too).


That soundtrack was put up like 3 weeks ago.. I dunno if the link is still active.. It was a great score. I'll look to see if i can find the link again and i'll post it up if it still works.

Edit.. The link was on the FIRST page of this thread.. in the first post. Here it is.

11-03-2007, 02:36 AM

Any chance of a re-upload of the justice league tracks? I don't mean to be a pest but I can't get them anywhere else.

11-03-2007, 10:41 PM
That soundtrack was put up like 3 weeks ago.. I dunno if the link is still active.. It was a great score. I'll look to see if i can find the link again and i'll post it up if it still works.

Edit.. The link was on the FIRST page of this thread.. in the first post. Here it is.

Thanks for the link. It's an awesome soundtrack.

11-10-2007, 06:56 AM
No re-upload then?

Sorry. Last bump I'll make.

11-10-2007, 09:29 AM
Sorry, guys. I've kind of neglected the thread. I'll get to re-upping JLU soon, I just need a bit more time.


11-10-2007, 04:24 PM
Hello KalEl1029,
and please can you re-upload the BATMAN TAS links too?
The filefactory link (BATMAN Promo) still works perfect but
the mediafire links are dead. I would like to listen to your edits of Atmajian/Johnson, Balcomb and of course Walkers music for this series.
Thanks for your help.
Kind regards, galipolis

11-11-2007, 08:25 AM
Sorry, guys. I've kind of neglected the thread. I'll get to re-upping JLU soon, I just need a bit more time.


Whew. Thanks KalEl. =)
Take your time. =D

11-11-2007, 09:21 AM
Just so I know, can anyone tell me what all is down so I can start prepping the re-ups?


11-11-2007, 10:03 AM
Justice league unlimited link is all down.

11-11-2007, 10:49 AM
Hello KalEl1029,
all the mediafire links are down (BATMAN TAS and JUSTICE LEAGUE).
Maybe when re-uploading the dead links you can use Filefactory (as already done with BATMAN TAS promo).
This because recently a lot of members experienced massive problems with
mediafire (deleted files etc.)
Greetings, galipolis

11-15-2007, 10:18 PM
Hey KalEl1029, I would EXTREMELY be grateful andbe eternally in your debt if you could re-up those Smallville scores. None of the Media Fire links seem to work anymore. I've been looking 2 years straight for some of the Smallville scores of any season and no luck until now. I'm no crybaby or a begger but PLEASE BUT IT BACK UP...PLEASE!!!

11-16-2007, 01:17 AM
Hey KalEl1029, I would EXTREMELY be grateful andbe eternally in your debt if you could re-up those Smallville scores. None of the Media Fire links seem to work anymore. I've been looking 2 years straight for some of the Smallville scores of any season and no luck until now. I'm no crybaby or a begger but PLEASE BUT IT BACK UP...PLEASE!!!

The Smallville links went down, too? Argh. I'm just gonna use FileFactory from now on then. Mediafire used to be a pretty save haven for this stuff. Ah, well. The links should be back up soon, guys.


11-28-2007, 07:23 PM
Let me add in my request for all the JLU Music and The BTAS Promo score

11-28-2007, 10:07 PM
Hi guys. The Link doesn't work for me :( But thanks anyway, would be cool if someone could reupp this scores of goddess :)

12-04-2007, 04:19 AM
Kal can't seem to reupload the music. So for anyone who dl-ed them from here; please upload the music yourselves for us. please

12-04-2007, 09:16 PM
Yes, it would be great if someone could upload KalEl1029's music and
create some mirror links for download. This would help a lot.
Thanks. Greetings, galipolis

12-06-2007, 04:06 PM
Yes Please

12-06-2007, 09:50 PM
Did Kal actually say that he couldn't? He's probably been busy or just maybe forgotten to do it. I know I have bad mind that needs constant reminders. I'm still gonna wait. But I did find this site when I was look elsewhere for Smallville music. It has a link for alot of the instrumental songs, the scores if you will, to it, but it needs to be reuploaded. If you want to take a look at everything else it has go here:

12-06-2007, 09:58 PM
I talked to him and he says there is no way he could do it. So that's why I suggest those who have dl-ed these files to reupload them for us.

12-06-2007, 10:24 PM
thank you

12-07-2007, 10:07 PM
I talked to him and he says there is no way he could do it. So that's why I suggest those who have dl-ed these files to reupload them for us.

That would be best, wouldn't it? I wondered what happened. Did he say what actually happened?

12-07-2007, 11:09 PM
Just that he can't do it, not anytime soon nor probably ever.

Please, someone who has these, please repost them.

12-08-2007, 12:20 AM
Yeah please, I beg for it!!!!

12-08-2007, 08:56 AM
I beg too

Pharoh Amon Khan
12-09-2007, 10:27 PM
I TOO would like a re-linking (is that the word?) and also of The Justice League episode with Mongul's first appearance, I think it was "Battle World" or "War World" of close to those titles...

12-10-2007, 01:58 AM
I see the thread has been pretty active since I've been gone. I feel like I need to clear the air as to why I can't re-up the albums. Basically, I've been training non-stop in anticipation until I go to wrestling school in Georgia. That and working on my music videos, fan trailers and fan fics hasn't given me any time to do anything else. I've also been having some pretty personal things going on that have also prevented me from doing anything, so I apologize. I'll still try to re-up the albums if I can, though.


12-10-2007, 03:37 AM
Yeah but still, there are people here who can reupload themselves. Please reupload them, guys.

12-10-2007, 07:27 PM
Hello KalEl1029, no problem.
Take all the time you need - we will be patient.
You have our full understanding.
But if someone who already downloaded from the expired links can please
reupload them and build some mirrors? - This would help KalEl1029 a lot.
Greetings, galipolis

12-10-2007, 11:25 PM
Hello KalEl1029, no problem.
Take all the time you need - we will be patient.
You have our full understanding.
But if someone who already downloaded from the expired links can please
reupload them and build some mirrors? - This would help KalEl1029 a lot.
Greetings, galipolis

Yes of course, there is no need to explain :) But if there are some people out there, please be so kind an do us all a favour ^^�

12-10-2007, 11:27 PM
Where are the Superman Animated Series scores?

Manic Street Preacher
12-11-2007, 12:38 AM
If anyone else can find this, I want it too

12-11-2007, 02:29 AM
Here's all I've got from the list on Page One:

Batman: The Animated Series (Promo Score)

Batman & Mister Freeze: Sub-Zero - by Michael McCuistion

Smallville - "Reckoning" - by Mark Snow

Smallville - "Tomb" - by Mark Snow

Superman: Doomsday - by Robert J. Kral

12-11-2007, 02:51 AM
Here's all I've got from the list on Page One:

Batman: The Animated Series (Promo Score)

Batman & Mister Freeze: Sub-Zero - by Michael McCuistion

Smallville - "Reckoning" - by Mark Snow

Smallville - "Tomb" - by Mark Snow

Superman: Doomsday - by Robert J. Kral

Thank you so much, but could someone other upload it on rapidshare or something else? Because Filefactory isn't very well!

Pharoh Amon Khan
12-11-2007, 04:18 AM
Here's a request... Does anyone have the score the Justice League episode "War World"? I LOVE that score....!!!! I Must have it!!! Please?

12-11-2007, 06:50 AM
To MadKalNod: thanks for starting the reuploads. Thank you very much!

To LiSlade: which files do you mean?

Now, I like to make a request, maybe to you MadKalNod if you have them, these soundtracks of Justice League Unlimited:

"Destroyer"[Kristopher Carter, Michael McCuistion, Lolita Ritmanis]
"Divided We Fall"[Michael McCuistion]
"Epilogue"[Kristopher Carter, Lolita Ritmanis]
"For The Man Who Has Everything"[Lolita Ritmanis]

12-11-2007, 02:44 PM
Hi, I mean this:

Batman: The Animated Series (Promo Score)

Would be very cool, because fileupload doesn't work very well for me!

12-11-2007, 03:03 PM
Superman: The Animated Series

No Superman :-(

12-11-2007, 06:19 PM
Hi, I mean this:

Batman: The Animated Series (Promo Score)

Would be very cool, because fileupload doesn't work very well for me!

Reuploaded on Megaupload:

No Superman :-(

When I taslked to Kal, he said he didn't have any tracks from STAS. I guess he put it up there in hopes he would. But no.

12-11-2007, 10:19 PM
Thank you so much, I owe you one ^^

12-12-2007, 02:14 AM
To MadKalNod: thanks for starting the reuploads. Thank you very much!

Now, I like to make a request, maybe to you MadKalNod if you have them, these soundtracks of Justice League Unlimited:

"Destroyer"[Kristopher Carter, Michael McCuistion, Lolita Ritmanis]
"Divided We Fall"[Michael McCuistion]
"Epilogue"[Kristopher Carter, Lolita Ritmanis]
"For The Man Who Has Everything"[Lolita Ritmanis]

Nope. I put up everything I had from KalEl's original list.

12-13-2007, 10:28 PM
I think that we're all in your debt MadKalnod. Thank you so very much!!!

12-14-2007, 05:33 AM
Okay, guys. I managed to re-up everything that MadKalnod doesn't have. I included the Batman Beyond promo CD, as well, which I don't think I ever had uploaded. Thanks to MadKalnod for the re-ups of Batman: The Animated Series promo, Sub-Zero, "Reckoning", "Tomb" and "Superman: Doomsday".


12-14-2007, 10:50 PM
Wow you are relly the coolest guy ever ^_^ Could someone reupload for some other users on RS? Great, I love it :)

12-14-2007, 11:26 PM
I knew that patiently awaiting....for like a month...would pay off. Lol. Just messing with you, I knew you were gonna have it eventually, never doubted you. Thanks alot.

12-15-2007, 03:18 AM
I knew that patiently awaiting....for like a month...would pay off. Lol. Just messing with you, I knew you were gonna have it eventually, never doubted you. Thanks alot.

Haha. No problem. With the advantage of FileFactory's ability to upload up to 25 files at once, it wasn't that big of a hassle.


Pharoh Amon Khan
12-15-2007, 03:27 AM
DUDE! You're my hero... I never get what I REALLY want for Christmas, but now I have! WHOO-HOO!!!!!

12-15-2007, 03:28 PM
Youv'e made my 4 year old son very happy. He asked me for justice league music to listen too as he goes to sleep and when I searched for a soundtrack I found none. Then I stumbled upon this forum and saw your post about the soundtracks you had ripped. I though "Whooo Hooooo" but the links were all dead. So thank you very much for re-posting and for all the effort that went into isolating and capturing these soundtracks. I did a bit of this on some reboot episodes back in the late 90's so I have an idea of how much work and time it takes. Thanks again for making my son's Christmas much happier.

12-16-2007, 07:28 AM
Youv'e made my 4 year old son very happy. He asked me for justice league music to listen too as he goes to sleep and when I searched for a soundtrack I found none. Then I stumbled upon this forum and saw your post about the soundtracks you had ripped. I though "Whooo Hooooo" but the links were all dead. So thank you very much for re-posting and for all the effort that went into isolating and capturing these soundtracks. I did a bit of this on some reboot episodes back in the late 90's so I have an idea of how much work and time it takes. Thanks again for making my son's Christmas much happier.

It was no problem. I'm glad your son likes them so much. Happy to see a young JLU music fan.

And isolating scores is definitely painful work, but worth it. What did you use to isolate the Reboot scores?


12-16-2007, 08:55 PM
Thank you so much for the Smallville rips! Happy Holidays!

12-19-2007, 07:26 PM
Wohoo! JLU scores reuploaded at last! Destroyer here I come!
Thanks KalEl! =)

12-26-2007, 08:21 AM
thanks kal! =)

The Doctor
01-05-2008, 04:17 AM
Any chance you could reupload these:

Smallville - "Arrow"[Mark Snow]
Smallville - "Vessel"[Mark Snow]
Smallville - "Zod"[Mark Snow]

The links are no longer active, and I haven't been able to nab them.

01-06-2008, 12:56 AM
Any chance you could reupload these:

Smallville - "Arrow"[Mark Snow]
Smallville - "Vessel"[Mark Snow]
Smallville - "Zod"[Mark Snow]

The links are no longer active, and I haven't been able to nab them.

They already went down, huh? Weak. Yeah, I'll re-up them. Give me some time and I'll get on it.

On an unrelated note, I'll hopefully be adding the score for the New Batman Adventures episode "You Scratch My Back", depending on how good Analog X works on it. I've never used it on any TNBA episodes, so hopefully it'll be good.

And on a second unrelated note, is anyone else just in love with Nightwing's theme from that show? That's the main reason I'm doing "You Scratch My Back" since it gets several plays. If this works, I'll also do "Old Wounds".


01-07-2008, 12:12 AM
Any chance you could reupload these:

Smallville - "Arrow"[Mark Snow]
Smallville - "Vessel"[Mark Snow]
Smallville - "Zod"[Mark Snow]

The links are no longer active, and I haven't been able to nab them.

Okay. They've been re-upped.


01-07-2008, 08:06 AM
Hi KalEl,

I wanted to say that your "Arrow" score for Smallville is great! Definitely one of my favorite episodes. :) I read through the thread and it sounds like you're too busy these days to be doing that many score-isos, so if you can't do this at the present time that's cool. But I was wondering if perhaps you could do score-isos for Smallville - "Crusade" & "Aqua"? And I saw you mentioned doing a score for "Crimson", I'd love to get that one if you finished it. On a related-note, though I don't know if this is possible, is there a way to isolate a song in an episode? I would love to be able to get the song that Lois (Erica Durance) sang in the Smallville episode, "Noir". Erica was the actual singer of the song and she sings the entire song in the scene, but after the first 30 seconds or so they go around the room and have other dialogue and ambient noise/effects over top of most of it. Would it be possible to isolate the music and her vocals? If you can't do them it's OK, just thought I'd put a request in and see. Thanks, your scores are great!!

01-08-2008, 05:30 AM
Hi KalEl,

I wanted to say that your "Arrow" score for Smallville is great! Definitely one of my favorite episodes. :) I read through the thread and it sounds like you're too busy these days to be doing that many score-isos, so if you can't do this at the present time that's cool. But I was wondering if perhaps you could do score-isos for Smallville - "Crusade" & "Aqua"? And I saw you mentioned doing a score for "Crimson", I'd love to get that one if you finished it. On a related-note, though I don't know if this is possible, is there a way to isolate a song in an episode? I would love to be able to get the song that Lois (Erica Durance) sang in the Smallville episode, "Noir". Erica was the actual singer of the song and she sings the entire song in the scene, but after the first 30 seconds or so they go around the room and have other dialogue and ambient noise/effects over top of most of it. Would it be possible to isolate the music and her vocals? If you can't do them it's OK, just thought I'd put a request in and see. Thanks, your scores are great!!

"Arrow" is definitely one of the best episodes in the shows history. Amazing introduction to Ollie and a very respectful adaptation of the character.

"Crusade" may be difficult, as I've tried numerous times and it's a bit hard for some reason. I'll keep trying, though. "Aqua" I can do and I'll see if I can get that up, along with "Crimson", in the next few days. "Aqua" has a great score. Aquaman's theme is awesome and so fitting for him.

As for the "Noir" request, I've never tried anything like that, but it's worth a shot. Season six DVD rips sound much better than season four and five when you compare "Reckoning" to "Arrow". There's less noise and dialogue, so it may be entirely possible. I'll let you know.


01-09-2008, 06:40 AM
"Arrow" is definitely one of the best episodes in the shows history. Amazing introduction to Ollie and a very respectful adaptation of the character.

"Crusade" may be difficult, as I've tried numerous times and it's a bit hard for some reason. I'll keep trying, though. "Aqua" I can do and I'll see if I can get that up, along with "Crimson", in the next few days. "Aqua" has a great score. Aquaman's theme is awesome and so fitting for him.

As for the "Noir" request, I've never tried anything like that, but it's worth a shot. Season six DVD rips sound much better than season four and five when you compare "Reckoning" to "Arrow". There's less noise and dialogue, so it may be entirely possible. I'll let you know.


I have a theory as to why Season Six DVD audio sounds better, I think it is the first standard DVD Smallville release to have 5.1 audio. I'm pretty sure that when I was converting some episodes from DVD to iPod format that my DVD ripper had the channels marked 5.1 surround for audio where as the previous season were just 2.0 stereo. Maybe they'll remaster the audio in a couple years when they inevitably release the complete series set on DVD, which I'll no doubt buy 'cause they own me. :)

That is so cool about the scores, that would be great!! Thank you!! Bummer to hear that "Crusade" is so tough, that was an epic premiere (my favorite premiere to-date) and score to match. "Commencement" was the other main Season 4 one I think of immediately when I think epic as well in scope and score. I wish they'd do more extended episodes like that one. "Aqua" is one of my favorites because I'm a huge Lois fan and I love it when "Smallville" focuses on the mythology and heroism themes that hint at the future. I got interested in STAS and JL/JLU once I became a huge Smallville fan in Season 4 when previously all I really remembered were the Reeve films, and it's a lot of fun to see all the little nods and links. Even just casting like Michael Rosenbaum as Lex in SV and then as The Flash in JL/JLU, or Michael Ironside as Darkseid in STAS/JL/JLU and then as General Sam Lane in geeky stuff!

That would be AMAZING if you could get "Somebody Else" (the "Noir" song) isolated!! I read an interview where Erica (Lois) said she recorded the song at their sound studios and then sang it with a live band on-set, and they used the vocal track she recorded in studio in post to make the final mix. So the DVD would be the only place to get the end result, if it's possible. Thanks again for the effort, I really appreciate it!!

01-09-2008, 08:12 AM
I have a theory as to why Season Six DVD audio sounds better, I think it is the first standard DVD Smallville release to have 5.1 audio. I'm pretty sure that when I was converting some episodes from DVD to iPod format that my DVD ripper had the channels marked 5.1 surround for audio where as the previous season were just 2.0 stereo. Maybe they'll remaster the audio in a couple years when they inevitably release the complete series set on DVD, which I'll no doubt buy 'cause they own me. :)

That is so cool about the scores, that would be great!! Thank you!! Bummer to hear that "Crusade" is so tough, that was an epic premiere (my favorite premiere to-date) and score to match. "Commencement" was the other main Season 4 one I think of immediately when I think epic as well in scope and score. I wish they'd do more extended episodes like that one. "Aqua" is one of my favorites because I'm a huge Lois fan and I love it when "Smallville" focuses on the mythology and heroism themes that hint at the future. I got interested in STAS and JL/JLU once I became a huge Smallville fan in Season 4 when previously all I really remembered were the Reeve films, and it's a lot of fun to see all the little nods and links. Even just casting like Michael Rosenbaum as Lex in SV and then as The Flash in JL/JLU, or Michael Ironside as Darkseid in STAS/JL/JLU and then as General Sam Lane in geeky stuff!

That would be AMAZING if you could get "Somebody Else" (the "Noir" song) isolated!! I read an interview where Erica (Lois) said she recorded the song at their sound studios and then sang it with a live band on-set, and they used the vocal track she recorded in studio in post to make the final mix. So the DVD would be the only place to get the end result, if it's possible. Thanks again for the effort, I really appreciate it!!

That may be it. I hadn't thought of that. Whatever the reason is for finally being able to hear Mark Snow's scores in this way, I'm grateful as Mark's stuff is just awesome.

"Crusade" is an amazing episode and the score is equally brilliant. The piece that plays over Clark's flight is unbelievable. Michael playing the Flash in JL/JLU is a funny little thing, especially in "The Great Brain Robbery", where he gets to play Lex again.

Erica has an awesome voice, for sure. She's so great and a really talented actress. She just nails the character of Lois.


01-09-2008, 09:45 AM
Alright, so I tried "Somebody Loves Me" from "Noir" and it only sort of worked. When I isolated the entire track, all it gave me was a vocal-less version of the song, so I basically had to edit the track down heavily from where Erica isn't being talked over. So here's the best I could do, SuperGA. With any luck, they'll release the entire song someday as it's really awesome.

"Somebody Loves Me" from "Noir" (

I'll have "Aqua", hopefully "Crusade", "Crimson" and since I just remembered how good the entire "Noir" score is, that'll be up, too. Probably within the next few days.


01-10-2008, 06:26 AM
That may be it. I hadn't thought of that. Whatever the reason is for finally being able to hear Mark Snow's scores in this way, I'm grateful as Mark's stuff is just awesome.

"Crusade" is an amazing episode and the score is equally brilliant. The piece that plays over Clark's flight is unbelievable. Michael playing the Flash in JL/JLU is a funny little thing, especially in "The Great Brain Robbery", where he gets to play Lex again.

Erica has an awesome voice, for sure. She's so great and a really talented actress. She just nails the character of Lois.


No doubt, Mark's scores range from quiet and serene to majestic and almost John Williams-esque at times on the show.

"Crusade" was the episode that got me hooked. I'd watched casually the previous 2 seasons, but that episode was the one that made me an avid fan. Heh, I remember that JLU episode, so good! Michael's my favorite actor on the show, he's so good at the dramatics but I love it in an "Aqua" or "Justice" when he gets to let the smart-alec side of Lex out that's a lot more like he is, the comedian. I really hope he comes back for at least a number of episodes in Season 8, the last season, when they eventually (hopefully) end this writer's strike. I love it when Lex and Lois share the screen as adversaries and was looking forward to when Clark gets more involved in going after Lex and trying to keep Lois out of trouble. Hopefully they'll have some of that in the remaining episodes of this season to tide us over.

Erica's my favorite actress on the show and overall and I totally agree with your assessment. :) I've actually met her a few times too, she is a total sweetheart!

Alright, so I tried "Somebody Loves Me" from "Noir" and it only sort of worked. When I isolated the entire track, all it gave me was a vocal-less version of the song, so I basically had to edit the track down heavily from where Erica isn't being talked over. So here's the best I could do, SuperGA. With any luck, they'll release the entire song someday as it's really awesome.

"Somebody Loves Me" from "Noir" (

I'll have "Aqua", hopefully "Crusade", "Crimson" and since I just remembered how good the entire "Noir" score is, that'll be up, too. Probably within the next few days.


Thanks Kal! I figured you'd probably have to have the master audio or some super high-end editor like ProTools or something to get a perfect sounding song isolation, but I like your edit! Brings out the vocals a lot better. Erica's not a professional singer, but I read that she took lessons most of her childhood growing up, so when the opportunity to sing in the episode came up she jumped at it. If I'm fortunate enough to meet her again someday at one of the conventions, I'll have to remember to ask if she's considered recording a single of the song to sell on iTunes or something. :)

Again, I appreciate all the score work, Kal. You rock!!

01-11-2008, 05:33 AM
"Aqua" has been added to the first post.

Smallville - "Aqua"
Things To Listen For

"Aqua" signalled the arrival of Aquaman to the Smallville mythology, played by Alan Ritchson(who would later reprise the role in the season six episode "Justice"). With "Aqua", Mark's score features the introduction of the Aquaman theme while also displaying some wonderful other movements. If you don't know what the theme sounds like, fear not because it's everywhere. The theme is played constantly throughout the score. As always, I'll point out the finer moments.

"Fast Swimmer" begins with a mysterious, electronic ambience that slowly segues into a desperate string movement(0:14) that builds to a crescendo. The first appearance of the Aquaman theme hits at 0:24. A soft string and piano statement of the theme appears at 1:11, followed by a solo piano version of the theme at 1:38.

"Swiming Lessons" opens playfully, followed by a string statement of the Aquaman theme at 0:07. A romantic piano takes over at 0:41 that covers the relationship between A.C. and Lois. Things turn dark at 1:32, as an eerie movement takes over. Villainous strings hit at 1:54, followed by a dark version of the Aquaman theme at 2:01.

Electronic percussion starts out "Underwater Throwdown". A small hint of the Aquaman theme hits at 0:05. More drums take over at 0:34, followed by a full statement of the Aquaman theme at 0:54. The percussion continues to build and build, coming to an end as rising strings take over at 1:25. Panic induced movements begin at 1:41, followed by a rising string movement that ends the track.

"The Shark" opens with creepy strings, swirling around until they are joined by a piano at 0:30. The creepy strings and piano continue to build until an electronic movement begins at 2:24. Percussion and electronics combine at 2:51 until a heroic version of the Aquaman theme hits at 2:55.

Quiet strings open up "Special" as A.C. and Clark discuss their respective futures. The piano returns at 1:31, followed by somewhat ominous strings at 1:57. The piano continues at 4:15 in a light manner as Lois and Clark discuss that special someone. A noble string movement begins at 5:16, which builds higher and higher as the legendary future of the two is heavily hinted at.


01-12-2008, 01:41 AM
YES!!! Thank you Kal

01-12-2008, 08:19 AM
Thank you, Kal!! Awesome job!!

01-12-2008, 09:38 AM
Since I'll be putting up "Crusade", "Noir" and "Crimson" soon, would anybody be interested in me putting up the score for "Lexmas", as well? It's an amazing score, but I don't wanna upload it if no one wants it. So, anybody?


01-17-2008, 06:09 AM
Well I thought Michael Rosenbaum was awesome in Lexmas, but otherwise I was not a fan of that ep personally. If you're taking requests though I'd vote "Commencement", "Exposed" and "Hydro". But you totally don't have to, any contributions you can do are great! Just thought I'd throw it out there. :)

Thanks Kal!

01-18-2008, 05:51 AM
Since I'll be putting up "Crusade", "Noir" and "Crimson" soon, would anybody be interested in me putting up the score for "Lexmas", as well? It's an amazing score, but I don't wanna upload it if no one wants it. So, anybody?


Yes, please do!

01-21-2008, 05:12 AM
Hey Kal,

Nevermind my other requests (unless you have the freetime and would like to), I know you're probably pretty busy. I just had a small one instead though if possible, there's a song on the CW website's song list for the episode in season 6, "Reunion", by one of the show's music editors. It's listed as "Reunion of Old Friends" by Chris McGeary. I believe it is a piano piece that plays when Lex, Lana, Lois and Oliver are at the prep school reunion to start the episode. Could that be isolated as a music track? Thanks, your scores rock!! :)

01-24-2008, 12:32 AM
I'd like to thank you as well for doing this, as I've written to Kristopher Carter's site asking if there was a chance of any Batman Beyond Soundtrack aside from the one that is out (I've been searching for the music played for when Bruce does something cool, techno theme of the Original batman Music) I don't know why they never release this music, especially that of Starcrossed for JL. I have to watch the whole episode to listen to it.

01-24-2008, 07:02 AM
Any chance of the score from the episode of smallville "justice" coming out?

01-26-2008, 05:13 AM
These are terrific, you did an incredible job cleaning them up!! Thanks so much for posting them!

Just FYI, though, the links for "Epilogue", "Hawk & Dove", "Initiation" and "For the Man Who Has Everything" are all down, as is the link for Batman Beyond...

(Also, if you ever feel like doing it, it'd be kinda nifty to see the score for "Alive!" - the villain civil war music is a particular fave of mine...)

01-27-2008, 07:40 PM
I can't think you enough for these links!

Can someone fix the Smallville-Vessel link? It actually points to Smallville-Arrow.


03-18-2008, 09:13 PM
Can you re-upload the Smallville scores? I have Reckoning and Tomb but would like the rest.


03-22-2008, 12:24 PM
Can you reupload, please:
Justice League Unlimited - "Epilogue"[Kristopher Carter]

03-25-2008, 05:24 PM
Excellent soundtracks here!!! Couldn't believe it myself when I got into this post. Thanks a lot Kal and everyone else. So now, what about the OST of Justice League: The New Frontier? Hope that someone could upload it. Thanks again people!

03-30-2008, 10:44 AM
CAN YOU UPLOAD again mark snow soundtrack ?? please and thannks

04-07-2008, 06:50 AM
Hey man, I saw somewhere that someone requested the music from the Batman: TAS - "Feat of Clay"... do you actually have the music from that episode? Do you also have the music from "Heart of Ice" as well? If it's not too much trouble, would it be straight if I requested the music from those two episodes?

04-10-2008, 04:03 PM
Is there a chance of a re-up for the B:TAS promo that was up here awhile ago? I've been going crazy looking for the music from this show!

04-10-2008, 07:20 PM
Can you reupload Justice League Unlimited - "Epilogue"[Kristopher Carter], please.

04-11-2008, 01:38 AM
Is there a chance of a re-up for the B:TAS promo that was up here awhile ago? I've been going crazy looking for the music from this show!

Here's two of them. Get them while they're hot:

Batman: The Animated Adventures - by Shirley Walker (includes bonus track of the Penguin's theme)

Batman: The Animated Series Promo - by Shirley Walker, Michael McCuistion, & Carlos Rodriguez
(Contains suites from the episodes "I Am the Night," "The Demon's Quest Part 1," "Feat of Clay Part 2," "The Laughing Fish," and "Day of the Samurai", with bonus track of the Adventures of Batman & Robin theme)
Part 1 -
Part 2 -

And, because people keep asking,

Justice League Unlimited: "Epilogue" - by Kristopher Carter & Lolita Ritmanis

04-11-2008, 01:46 AM
Oh man... thanks so much dude!!! This promo looks exciting!

04-11-2008, 01:51 AM
Again... Thanks so much! I bought the columbiahouse AND warner dvds I'd buy the soundtrack twice too if they ever commercially released it!

04-11-2008, 03:38 PM
MadKalnod, Good lookin' out, man! These rips sound awesome. Batman: TAS music is so on point. Way to save the day -- 'Preciate it man!!!

04-16-2008, 08:56 PM
Does anyone have the Justice League The New Frontier soundtrack by Kevin Manthei?

Alan Klen
05-26-2008, 05:58 AM
Please someone reupload

Smallville - "Vessel"[Mark Snow]
Smallville - "Zod"[Mark Snow]

05-26-2008, 05:46 PM
I don't think he's going to be doing this thread anymore. It's not like he's gone cuz I've seen him around other threads. I'm just taking a good guess that he's not doing this anymore

05-26-2008, 06:19 PM
Please someone reupload

Smallville - "Vessel"[Mark Snow]
Smallville - "Zod"[Mark Snow]

Get them while they're hot:

Smallville: "Vessel" - by Mark Snow

Smallville: "Zod" - by Mark Snow

Alan Klen
05-26-2008, 07:22 PM
Get them while they're hot:

Smallville: "Vessel" - by Mark Snow

Smallville: "Zod" - by Mark Snow

Thanks man =)

06-01-2008, 07:47 PM
Hello and congratulations to KalEl1029 for his great work, I really enjoy this!

That's just too bad some of the files are no longer available... May someone reupload it, please?

Justice League Unlimited - "Hawk & Dove"[Kristopher Carter] (
Justice League Unlimited - "Fearful Symmetry"[Michael McCuistion] (
Justice League Unlimited - "Initiation"[Michael McCuistion] (
Justice League Unlimited - "For The Man Who Has Everything"[Lolita Ritmanis] (
Batman: The Animated Series
Batman: The Animated Series - "Appointment In Crime Alley"[Stu Balcomb] (
Spider-Man 3 Fan Rip[Christopher Young, Deborah Lurie] (
Batman Beyond[Kristopher Carter] (

Plus, I noticed there was no Track 01 in the RAR of JLU: The Return. Was there a problem during the upload?

Thanks in advance

06-12-2008, 01:49 AM
Hello and congratulations to KalEl1029 for his great work, I really enjoy this!

That's just too bad some of the files are no longer available... May someone reupload it, please?

Thanks in advance

Get them while they're hot:

Batman Beyond - by Kristopher Carter, Michael McCuistion, Lolita Ritmanis, & Shirley Walker

Batman, The Animated Series: "Appointment in Crime Alley" - by Stu Balcomb

Justice League Unlimited: "Fearful Symmetry" - by Michael McCuistion

Justice League Unlimited: "For The Man Who Has Everything" - by Lolita Ritmanis

Justice League Unlimited: "Hawk & Dove" - by Kristopher Carter

Justice League Unlimited: "Initiation" - by Michael McCuistion

Spider-Man 3 [Fan Rip] - by Christopher Young, Danny Elfman, & Deborah Lurie
Part 1 -
Part 2 -

07-17-2008, 03:47 AM
Waoh, thanks!
I didn't know that the Batman Beyond file was the CD released (I already had it) but thank you especially for the four first JLU episodes. They are great!

On another thread, someone mentioned the score of the Feat of Clay 1 BTAS episode. Do you know if it was really the Part 1 (I already got Part 2) and if it is the original music or a rip?

07-19-2008, 09:48 PM
The link for Feat fo Clay was originally posted here on page 5

This is the dead link.

I've msged the original poster to ask to re-up it - if anyone else has it, that would be awesome.

Batman: The Animated Series
"Feat Of Clay, Part 1"[Jeff Atmajian, Carl Johnson]

07-21-2008, 09:42 PM
Indeed, KalEl1029 seemed to have posted rips from Feat of Clay, parts 1 AND 2.
I hope MadKalnod or somebody else still has it somewhere and might reupload them...

Besides, I noted that:
I don't have all of the "Alive" score, but I could get try to get that piece.

Currently working on "Shadow Of The Hawk"(JLU).I know Matt has no longer posted new rips, but I'd like to know if he had time to finish and post "Shadow of the Hawk", and to make "Alive"...

07-21-2008, 10:44 PM
Indeed, KalEl1029 seemed to have posted rips from Feat of Clay, parts 1 AND 2.
I hope MadKalnod or somebody else still has it somewhere and might reupload them...

No, I only have "Feat of Clay, Part 2" as a 12 minute suite on the Batman: The Animated Series sampler album. I've never spotted Part 1 on offer anywhere.

07-21-2008, 10:51 PM
Wow, thanks a lot!!

Would it be possible to reupload the Batman episode You Scratch My Back? That doesn't seem to be working anymore either.

Would you happen to know if the music from The Last Laugh, On Leather Wings, or Two Face is available anywhere?

Actually, how did you do these? Because I can try to do some as well...

08-08-2008, 04:06 PM
For the Batman Animated scores (with sfx) you can look at my post: Thread 54826.
Can someone re-up these scores, cause shareonall seems down?

Batman, The Animated Series: "Appointment in Crime Alley" - by Stu Balcomb

Justice League Unlimited: "Fearful Symmetry" - by Michael McCuistion

Justice League Unlimited: "For The Man Who Has Everything" - by Lolita Ritmanis

Justice League Unlimited: "Hawk & Dove" - by Kristopher Carter

Justice League Unlimited: "Initiation" - by Michael McCuistion

08-09-2008, 12:36 AM
Can someone re-up these scores, cause shareonall seems down?

Get 'em while they're hot:

Batman, The Animated Series: "Appointment in Crime Alley" - by Stu Balcomb

Justice League Unlimited: "Fearful Symmetry" - by Michael McCuistion

Justice League Unlimited: "For The Man Who Has Everything" - by Lolita Ritmanis

Justice League Unlimited: "Hawk & Dove" - by Kristopher Carter

Justice League Unlimited: "Initiation" - by Michael McCuistion

08-09-2008, 12:43 AM
Thank you very much! Great music!
Here is a re-up of "You Scratch My Back"

08-11-2008, 06:50 PM
KalEl1029, thanks for your wonderful work with the animated series' rips. They're fantastic! :)

Just two requests (for anyone capable that is): Can someone re-up the Justice League Unlimited scores for "The Return" and "Divided We Fall" please? Thank you in advance.

08-11-2008, 11:04 PM
KalEl1029, thanks for your wonderful work with the animated series' rips. They're fantastic! :)

Just two requests (for anyone capable that is): Can someone re-up the Justice League Unlimited scores for "The Return" and "Divided We Fall" please? Thank you in advance.

Get 'em while they're hot:

Justice League Unlimited: "Divided We Fall" - by Michael McCuistion

Justice League Unlimited: "The Return" - by Michael McCuistion

08-25-2008, 08:56 PM
Hi, I'd like to make a request for the Teen Titans Trouble in Tokyo soundtrack.

08-26-2008, 08:23 AM
Im sure your already full of requests but if you have the time, i would really appreciate it. Feel free to do this if you feel to, do you mind ripping the second episode of batman beyond?

09-23-2008, 04:46 AM
Thanks for the awesome music! You da man!!!

12-05-2008, 06:16 PM
Is it possible to upload the Spiderman 3 rip? I really want this one!

12-18-2008, 05:57 AM
Does Anyone have the 2 disk "Batman The Animated Series" Soundtrack that was released on Dec 16 by La-La Land Records . This is what I mean.

12-18-2008, 02:28 PM
Some tracks are listenable as previews, on

And the Gotham City Overture (aka the first, 14 minute track) equals to the ten first tracks of Batman: The Animated Adventures, available by link on the previous page.

For the 2-cd set in itself, it is still available for sale (order for it, it is highly worth the price), so a download link would be illegal.

12-18-2008, 02:48 PM
Spider-Fan hit it right on the head. If you like DCAU music, support this release and purchase it. Downloading it just proves the point they've had for all these years of BTAS music not being released. If you download the BTAS release, it will mean less of a chance that La La Land will do more volumes.

So please, do not download the Batman score. Support the work of Shirley Walker and purchase it the right way.


01-06-2009, 04:54 AM
Please, may you reupload the Teen Titans episode and Feat of Clay 1&2?

Both parts of "Feat Of Clay" available in first post.
I'll get to work on "Night Of The Ninja" and upload it. And I do indeed name the titles. They mainly come from either what is happening in the action(Example: "Fate's Plea" in the score for "The Return") or quoting a line from that specific sequence("Too Late/Cover Me" from "Feat Of Clay, Part 2").

I have every single episode(and the movie, "Trouble In Tokyo") on my computer, but I actually need DVD rips of the audio itself to create really good rips like I have with JLU and B:TAS. I did manage to create a nice sounding one for the season two episode "How Long Is Forever?", though, which is available here.

"How Long Is Forever?" (

However, if anyone has the DVD's and would be willing to get me a rip of just the audio and upload it on Mediafire or somewhere else, I'd be more than willing to do some TT rips. Feel free to either contact me via PM or by replying.

And for anyone who is interested, there's a composer promo for B:TAS on the net. It is a set of selected episodes, "Feat Of Clay, Part 2", "The Laughing Fish", "Day Of The Samurai", "I Am The Night" and "Demon's Quest, Part 1". I'll re-up it on here if anyone wants it in my next update.


Happy new year!

01-24-2009, 04:40 AM
does anyone have soundtrack from teen titans or trouble in tokyo?

01-24-2009, 04:54 AM
does anyone have soundtrack from teen titans or trouble in tokyo?

Check the The Film Score/VGM Hunt Thread

01-29-2009, 07:16 AM
TT:TiT is a CD that was commercially released. Please purchase it instead of downloading it.

05-30-2009, 02:48 PM
Any chance anyone still has "Reckoning" by Mark Snow? From the Smallville scores?

Pharoh Amon Khan
05-30-2009, 05:11 PM
I always liked Flash's them from Justice League's "The Brave and the Bold" pt1. It's the opening scene where the Flash is chasing down the truck with the mental manipulated scientist by Gorilla Grodd.

If anyone has a rip of it, could you upload or tell me now I can rip it off a DVD?

05-31-2009, 01:48 AM
Could someone reupload Destroyer from JLU?

EDIT: On second thought, no. Could someone upload a new rip of the music-only audio track from Destroyer? I remember the last one being way too loud, resulting in static that ruins the songs. Don't worry about splitting it up; I can handle that.

Much obliged to any takers.

06-01-2009, 03:31 PM
Any chance anyone still has "Reckoning" by Mark Snow? From the Smallville scores?

Get it while it's hot:

Smallville: �Reckoning� � by Mark Snow

06-02-2009, 08:15 PM
So many thanks Madkalnod! I've been listening to it off a poor youtube clip so far! :-D

06-03-2009, 11:07 AM
I found the wonderful "other" thread ( by Kalel with his fantastic audio rips for all 39 episodes of JLU, and all the links are working (except for "Hunter's Moon", which is down)!

However, none of the links on these pages for the Smallville episodes are working except "Reckoning" above. Would really love to have "Arrow" and "Aqua" if someone would please be willing to reupload them? Thanks so much!

06-03-2009, 04:27 PM
I found the wonderful "other" thread ( by Kalel with his fantastic audio rips for all 39 episodes of JLU, and all the links are working (except for "Hunter's Moon", which is down)!

However, none of the links on these pages for the Smallville episodes are working except "Reckoning" above. Would really love to have "Arrow" and "Aqua" if someone would please be willing to reupload them? Thanks so much!

To save time, I put all of KalEl's Smallville DVDRips that I had into one archive. Get it while it's hot:

Smallville: Contains DVDRips of the episodes �Aqua,� �Arrow�, �Reckoning,� �Tomb,� �Vessel,� and �Zod� � by Mark Snow

Part 1 �
Part 2 �
Part 3 �

04-29-2010, 01:36 PM
To save time, I put all of KalEl's Smallville DVDRips that I had into one archive. Get it while it's hot:

Smallville: Contains DVDRips of the episodes �Aqua,� �Arrow�, �Reckoning,� �Tomb,� �Vessel,� and �Zod� � by Mark Snow

Part 1 �
Part 2 �
Part 3 �

Files are dead. I love Mark Snow.

Any chance of a re upload ?


05-17-2010, 03:23 AM
MadKalnod - your upload links are dead, as are the originals. Still searching for "Arrow" and "Aqua" if someone would please be willing to reupload them? Thanks so much!

06-24-2010, 10:02 PM
Your work has been titanic. So hard. I really want you to know this share you're doing it's appreciated.

11-10-2010, 08:19 PM
Can you upload the music for the justicle league episodes The Enemy Below, parts 1&2? (aquaman's introduction)