Vorn: Devourer of Worlds
04-03-2002, 12:49 AM
I'm not sure if everyone is aware of this, but they totally screwed up the moogles. The only other game that had moogles was 3 (or 6) and the way they talked was completely opposite. In 6 (and 3) Mog was the only one who could talk and all the other moogles just said 'kupo.' In 9, Mog was the only moogle that could only say 'kupo' and all the other ones only said it in practically every sentence.

04-03-2002, 01:14 AM
Hmmm... I think that's right! I've never noticed that.......

04-03-2002, 02:51 AM
Hmmm...yeah, you're right! Personally, I don't really like moogles 'cause they're annoying. So I haven't really paid attention.

04-03-2002, 02:55 AM
Moogles are pretty cool, but I can think of other things that are better. For some reason, the idea of a white. flutty teddy bear thing with a pompom on its head dosen't strike me as that cool. Personally I like the chocobos

zidane tribal
04-03-2002, 10:33 PM
Originally posted by Renmazuo
Moogles are pretty cool, but I can think of other things that are better. For some reason, the idea of a white. flutty teddy bear thing with a pompom on its head dosen't strike me as that cool. Personally I like the chocobos heh imagine a chcocobo having a pompom??? :D

04-03-2002, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by zidane tribal
heh imagine a chcocobo having a pompom??? :D

That would be a doozy................ weird

zidane tribal
04-03-2002, 10:40 PM
yea it would lmao.....not to get side tracked but they should have used moogles in ffx....i was a bit dissapointed.......:(

04-03-2002, 10:47 PM
I knew something was missing in FFX now that I realize it, that empty space in my heart is starting to get bigger, I need weird fluffy things will pompoms on their heads to satisfy my craving. But this is off topic isn't it.

zidane tribal
04-03-2002, 10:57 PM
LMAO!!!!!! funny shyte man!!!!!
yea i missed that aspect....:( ....

but back to ff9......yea stiltzkin is the best moogle ever!!!!!

04-03-2002, 10:59 PM
if chcocobo's had pompoms I'd have to kick my own ass then start hunting season early

04-03-2002, 11:01 PM
My favorite moogle is the one who always uses the hair gel. sounds like some of the weird kids in school. What was his name anyway?

zidane tribal
04-03-2002, 11:04 PM
ahhhh shit man....i know exactly which one you are talking about, hes the one at Mognet central and hes like blue skinned.....damn man, im having a thinking block......:rolleyes:

Angel Aeris
04-12-2002, 06:00 PM
Yeah I think you're right. I really hasn't paid any attention to it 'til now. But I don't think it's a bad thing, if both Mogs say opposite things. I think FF9Mog was just too young and too small, so she wasn't learned to speak yet. Or something like that... I don't know how the time flows with the moogles.

But as I sayed, I don't think it's a bad thing. Funny, kinda, but not bad.

By the way, ~Cloud~ and I are looking for more family members. PM to one of us if you want to be part of our family!!!

My *best dad ever* is Cloud
My *favorite mum* is Jade
My husband is ~Cloud~ *Love & kisses*
My sweet daughters Yunie & summoner_yuna
My super-sis is Angel*Rinoa
My super-bro is DevourerOfSouls
My brothers-in-law are great guys quistis lover(iverine),
Kounan.Rey & $quall Leonhart

Love you all!!!

04-12-2002, 09:33 PM
moogles kick ass! esspecially that hip lil dude mog from FF6!he was my favorite character.the moogles have not changed at alll!who cares if they talk now? its for the better!and i 'm just glad to see them after they were totally forgotten in FF8!card appearences dont count to me! :mad:

04-13-2002, 01:02 AM
...they always were strange little creatures...cute..but strange....like the leader of Tantalus said.."let me touch that little bon-bon looking thing on your head"...always wondered what a moogle would look like in real life..probably pretty kewl...

Nanaki XIII
04-13-2002, 01:11 AM
It was Artemicion at Mognet.

Anyways there is only room for one Moogle in the land of Final Fantasy and that belongs to the Mog da Moogle from FF3 (6j). All other Moogles can go to FFIX for all I care. (Is that really a bad thing?)

04-13-2002, 12:06 PM
Does it really matter if Mog only says Kupo??? Unless you haven't noticed, that was FF6, FF9 appears to be different. Square can change stuff if they want.

04-13-2002, 05:41 PM
SPOILER ALERT! (Read at your own risk!)

Actually, you're missing a few facts here. The first Square game the moogle appeared in was FFIII (Japan only on the Famicom - not the SNES FFVI), and have appeared in one form or another in every following FF game, however, the moogle called Mog didn't appear until FFVI, and he seems to serve as the moogles' unofficial leader. After all, he is the only one who survives the 'end of the world'. In FFVII, Sony confused Mog with his species during translation, and in FFVIII he appears only in the Chocobio World Pocketstation mini-game. If you get the Mog's Amulet (A reference to the Secret of Mana, which incidently also features Moogles), then Mog appears as a command in battle to restore your GF's HP.

I too was a little disappointed to learn in FFIX that Mog was actually classed as female, rather than male, and doesn't seem to do anything constructive other than say 'kupo' a lot and hide in Eiko's dress. But rememeber, it was all for a reason, as Mog isn't really a moogle in FFIX, he's really the ediolon 'Madeen in disguise. So I think the use of the name 'Mog' in FFIX is really just meant to be another reference to the past FF games. (speaking of which, who got all the in-jokes to the orginal FF? Now, it's just a pity they didn't include the cool town music from FFI too. that would have rocked). But, I digress...

Quote: "I feel strange presence inside,..KUPO!" Meene the moogle, sensing the presence of Ozma in the Ediolon Grave in Chocobo's Air Garden, FFIX.

Quote: "Heaven grant the wandering souls eternal repose." Mikoto, FFIX.

Quote: "You know nothing, and that is all." Garland, FFIX.

Quote: "Let's save,..KUPO!" 90% of the moogles you encounter in FFIX.

04-21-2002, 07:56 PM
love... garnet...
apart from :D garnet :D moogles are probaly the funniest and cutest/oddest things in ff9

how has eiko managed to build up a collection of moogles on her own? did she breed them? oh well...

(if only some girls at school looked like Garnet... Oh cruel world! :mad:

04-23-2002, 01:16 AM
Moogles are my favorite characters! They're adorable! And chocobo's would look very funny with a pompom....

The only thing I have wrong with the moogles is that they say "kupo" WAY TOO MUCH. Am I the only one that thinks that?


04-23-2002, 01:24 AM
Moogles are my favorite characters! They're adorable! And chocobo's would look very funny with a pompom....

The only thing I have wrong with the moogles is that they say "kupo" WAY TOO MUCH. Am I the only one that thinks that?


Kronic Squall
04-23-2002, 03:59 PM
Kupo's also made appearances in both 7,8, and 9.

04-24-2002, 06:24 AM
Moogles are kawaii like that though. Sure,they are annoying but oh well... Does anyone know what kupo means?
My older bro keeps telling me it's a moogle swear word,but I'm not too sure. Does anyone know what it means? The stupid word is making me crazy... :mad:

zidane tribal
04-24-2002, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by Vorn: Devourer of Worlds
I'm not sure if everyone is aware of this, but they totally screwed up the moogles. The only other game that had moogles was 3 (or 6) and the way they talked was completely opposite. In 6 (and 3) Mog was the only one who could talk and all the other moogles just said 'kupo.' In 9, Mog was the only moogle that could only say 'kupo' and all the other ones only said it in practically every sentence. yea but they also changed what the Chocobos yelled too.....they used to say, "Warrrrkkkk!!!!" but now its, "Kweeeeehhhhhhh!!!" so change is good.....i dont mind, if Moogles started to talk.....lol

Cetra Angel
04-24-2002, 06:26 PM
Moogles are the best!

y'know, what i'd give for a pet moogle...

and i like the kupo word! i think it means the person listening to a moogle, and is just a polite way to end every single bloody sentence!


i liked it when they changed the chocobo sound!

kweh is a lot easier sound to make than wark, and it sounds more like a bird sound...

tum te tum...

04-24-2002, 09:44 PM
:rolleyes: moogles only say 'Kupo' because they've only just started to learn hoe to speak. mog's young, and she an ony say 'Kupo'.

04-24-2002, 10:14 PM
Actually, I like the fact that they talk, because if every moogle could only say "kupo", I'd go CRAZY. haha.


Angel Aeris
04-25-2002, 05:48 PM
Moogles are my favorite characters! They're adorable! And chocobo's would look very funny with a pompom....

What a heck is this pompom thing?! I've seen many of those messages talking about 'chocobos with pompoms.'

*Sorry, but I can't stand inside jokes...*

04-25-2002, 07:18 PM
I remember reading an old issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly magazine a few months ago which had a letter asking that very thing; ie. just what the word 'kupo' means. Apparently, some people thought it was a weird Japanese word, but actually, 'kupo' means nothing. It's just a weird sound that was easy to produce and pronounce with Japanese characters. I'm assuming that the Chocobo's sound; 'wark' or 'kweeh' , has a similar origin.

Quote: "Come back after you kill big bad guy. I prepare big meal for everyone." Quina, FFIX.

Quote: "Talk about a letdown. Who would have guessed that the home I've been yearning for would turn out to be a dump like this?" Zidane, FFIX.

Quote: "Fear it's soul. For it knows no terror." Beatrix, FFIX.

Quote: "Kuja! So, you dared show your girly face here! No matter, I still haven't forgotten all that you've done for me, so, in return, I'll show you the ultimate power! Come! Draconic seedling! Bahamut, king of dragons!" Queen Brahne, FFIX.

04-25-2002, 09:18 PM
It's not an inside joke. We were talking about moogles, and someone said they thought it would be funny to see a chocobo with one...and it would be. No inside joke there...at least...I think there's not.


zidane tribal
04-26-2002, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by Angel Aeris
Moogles are my favorite characters! They're adorable! And chocobo's would look very funny with a pompom....

What a heck is this pompom thing?! I've seen many of those messages talking about 'chocobos with pompoms.'

*Sorry, but I can't stand inside jokes...* the pop-pom thing are those antenna on there heads that bounce around when they fly or whatever..... i dont know why square called it a pom-pom though...:D

04-27-2002, 10:34 PM
I bet if you did an anotmomy ona Moogle pom-pom, you'd find a lot of wires or some kind of super brain in there, lol.

04-27-2002, 10:42 PM
You probably WOULD find that in a Moogle pom-pom.

And actually...I have NO idea why they call them pom-pom, cuz they look NOTHING like a cheerleading pom-pom...:confused:

zidane tribal
05-08-2002, 05:06 PM
ahhaaha well sorta lol.....it just sounds funny....hmmm cheerleaders are great....*sigh* *drool*:D

Vorn: Devourer of Worlds
05-09-2002, 11:49 PM
Maybe it's just me, but it seems kind of weird that the moogles put 'kupo' in their letters. Doesn't it seem strange that they would go the extra length to actually write 'kupo' in the Mognet letters? Or do they have a little computer with voice-recognition software, a word processor and a printer in their pompoms?

zidane tribal
05-10-2002, 04:23 PM
hmmmm....:eye: i'll go with the second one.....lol...

Lagunas Backup
05-12-2002, 02:24 AM
ok mach, zidane, and fallen what the hell did u smoke(and where can i get some) before you wrote that shit. if chocobos had pom poms on their head in freakin take an uzi and blast those freaks to hell.

zidane tribal
05-16-2002, 05:01 PM
hmmm first off you can get some in Treno.....and second it wouldnt be too nice to shoot Chocobo's who have pom-pom's on there heads....also it would be impossible, seeing how the weapon you chose, an uzi, has not even been invented in that time.... sorry for playing, your the weakest link, goodbye!!:D

and ....(please don't call anyone, including me, stupid again.....its just not nice...) ;)