Musical Horse
07-21-2007, 08:05 AM
Yo...I'm new round these parts, but a big fan nonetheless. What y'all do is great, and I take my hat off to you, (And I don't take my hat off for just anyone, don't you know).

Anywho, I have but one simple request. I suppose it is possible that it has been made before, but I have a tendency to desire peculiar things. Here is what I've been looking for:

The game is Gauntlet Legends 64...I realize that there is a Gauntlet Legends already, but that wasn't quite right. The one I'm talking about is for the Nintendo 64 (Hence the 64 in the title). The track I want is called the Desecrated Temple. Yes, there is one that's already in GH, but it just doesn't sound right, too funky and screwed up. Not to mention that it is split into two different tracks.

Audio: Barry Leitch, Pablo Buitrago and John Paul...I believe that these three are the ones who made it, if that will help.

If ANYONE knows where I can find this track of music for download, just so that I might end this life-consuming quest of mine, I shall bow down before you, and offer my allegiance as a soldier of fortune. (Or some such thing) I can only hope that this search of mine isn't in vain...

Good hunting everyone...