07-19-2007, 11:18 PM
So, I picked it up yesterday, as I was otherwise disposed on Tuesday. Overall, I'm quite pleased with it, and would have to put it head and shoulders above Lights and Sounds.

Lights and Sounds seemed overly calculated after Ocean Avenue, which was just a masterpiece, to me. It had a handful of really excellent songs (Sure Thing Falling, Rough Landing, Holly, and Holly Wood Died) and a great Big Fish tribute (How I Go), but overall was pretty generic. The title track is nice to nod your head to, but not exactly memorable. Also, the political tracks (Two Weeks From Twenty, and Words, Hands, Hearts) do what political tracks tend to do over time (if not right off the bat), sour.

If there's any of that on Paper Walls its hidden well enough that I haven't picked up on it yet. The tempos are almost universally faster this time around (closer to Ocean Avenue and One For The Kids) as opposed to Lights and Sounds's somber atmospherics. This is a great thing, as it carries the album along smoothly and with great energy. The songs aren't as meaty as those on Ocean Avenue to me, but I can certainly see that changing as I continue to listen it into the ground :D

Shadows and Regrets makes for a centerpiece song that isn't just a Only One rip off (I'm looking at you Waiting Game :eye:). The singles Fighting and Light Up the Sky are genuinely nice and I'd love to see them make the radio for those late summer/early fall shenanigans. That of course is if the world isn't sick of/done with them :(

Overall, I think it is worth picking up if you veer towards the emo side of life, and a must-buy for YC diehards, as it looks like they are back on track with that special little twist they add to the tried and true formula.

07-20-2007, 09:54 PM
Thanks for your review, I'll probably <STRIKE>download</STRIKE> :erm: pick up this album eventually.

07-22-2007, 05:51 AM
i was in wal-mart and was like... "Holy Crap! there not Dead!" i like it!

07-22-2007, 05:20 PM
"Holy Crap! there not Dead!" i like it!

LOLZ. Yeah, I mentioned them in the Manifesto to Emos thread, wondering where they had gotten off to. I was very pleasantly surprised with this offering.

07-23-2007, 04:02 AM
mHmm. The 1st 5 tracks are like "BAM!". then melo... the some more "BAM!" later in the album

07-23-2007, 04:23 AM
*shrugs* It was alright.

07-23-2007, 04:56 AM
It was a hella big step back in the right direction, I never said it was perfect.

07-23-2007, 05:55 AM
Yea well I agree with that. Better than Lights and Sounds as a whole and not as good as Ocean Ave. I listen to them occasionally. Probably not as big a fan as you are, kneg.