07-17-2007, 10:11 AM
ok. i treid to make a "fav anime type" thread over there. (points to my other thread). but i got all journaly so here's the real one.

what are your fav anime types? (i'd say genre but i think genre's are too limiting)

me. i like me a good destructo anime. violence, gore, explosions. and all being done by real human beings. (not super human or magical). i like it more when the protagonist is closer to reality and he's the one causing the mayhem. if you make him too magical/make believe, it'll just be "oh wahtever, he blew up a building so what". but if you make him out to be..maybe a product of genetic engeneering. then you got my interest. :D it seems more realistic and basically..PLAUSIBLE. and so then my brain starts enjoying it cause in my head i like to make belief along with the anime that maybe that could be me with the right scientific know-how. :p

/me injects himself with some experimental genes and then goes on a rampage punching building support columns and making building go down. :D

aside from good old violence type stuff. i do have a softer side.

i love me a good shoujo. i'm a real fan. girls are just darn pretty to look at. and i'm a crybaby for some good love stories too. prolly cause i'm so sensitive. "AWWW" lol

princess tutu is by far my top fav now defeating sailor moon from my personal top 5 anime of all time which was like 7 or so years undisputed! (omg!).

but i don't like repetition. i might hate pretear if it wasn't for the fact that they kept it nice and short and ended it there. otherwise i'd call it a sailor moon ripoff. but it was unique enough for me to care enough to watch it and that's that and i'm ok with it.

but i love the simple stuff too. not just love based. azumanga daioh, kaleido star, petite princess Yucie (great ending), and things like this. anything that lets me enjoy the day to day goin on of girls lives. :D haha. i just like it. i like girls. so i can't help it.

now lets see. what else do i like. oh yah. i like movies. they are short and sweet. none of this "stay tuned for episode 4897! where naruto meets goku for the first time and ichigo has a baby!" fuck that. movies own. i like movies. doens't matter what kind. the fact that it's a movie makes it great cause it tells a story and it tells it good!

i can name a ton of good ones. before the new series ruined the movie, blood was great. (yah that's right. fuck the series. they made the chick all weak ands hit. pfft). spriggan, fatal fury the motion picture, ninja scroll, akira, ghost in the shell, metropolis. macross plus the movie. moveis just rule.

and that brings me to my fav type of anime/movie in general. alternate/post apocalyptic/future types. anything future based but not space based. i'm ok with space based. but i preffer futuristic non space. that's why gits and spriggan are like pron to me. such futures opening up such possibilities for body modification enhancement, knowledge, information, technology...omg. i could just cum. i fucking love the future and i want it to come faster!

of everything i've ever loved. it's that type of anime i love the most. that's the shit right there. hell's yah.

so. what are your fav types?

07-17-2007, 10:39 AM
Tact, Blood was the worse movie ever. Almost no dialogue and the plot consisted just of the chasing of the last vampire. The series was so much better in every sense. I DON'T FEEL LIKE EXPLAINING...maybe cuz I can't but I definitely liked it better. Spriggan was awesome though. Action packed and great dubbing IMO.

I like anime where the plot is well developed. With great pacing and characters that aren't gay looking. If the characters look like total homos I will not watch it unless the plot is like awesome. Boys Over Flowers was one of those animes full of pretty boys artwork that I would normally not watch, but since the story was so good I kept on watching. It was a love anime which seem to be my favorite most of the time. But then again it all depends on what mood I am in. I might want some senseless violence one week, pure comedy, drama, or back to love anime again.

The whole post apocalyptic/futuristic technology setting is great. GITS is actually one of the few animes i went out and bought cuz it was just that awesome. Characters were well developed and they use all these well thought out gadgets. The mystery element always kept me hooked in that I wanted to know what the hell was going on. Had it's comedic moments and for the most part it's serious moments. Lots of dialogue and build up throughout the series made it so rewarding when you finally get to see some tail getting kicked.

I have too many I like so I don't even fell like listing them cuz it would be so damn long of a list. GITS is up there though.

07-17-2007, 01:51 PM
Closed the other one.

Honestly, I have no particular favorites. I completely despise stupid action shows like DBZ (excepting the filler episodes, which were often brilliant), Bleach, and Naruto. Other than that kind of thing, chances are that I'll like it if it's good.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
07-17-2007, 03:57 PM
Hellsing and the current OVA series will forever have a special place in my video collection.

I mean, it's the series that actually generated enough interest for me to track down the Manga and start reading it.

07-17-2007, 03:59 PM
Honestly, I have no particular favorites. I completely despise stupid action shows like DBZ (excepting the filler episodes, which were often brilliant), Bleach, and Naruto. Other than that kind of thing, chances are that I'll like it if it's good.

This is pretty much the same for me, right down to loving DBZ filler.

I have a giant weakness for cutesy "moe" type shows and really good mystery type shows like Monster and Higurashi.

07-18-2007, 01:01 AM
np prak. i do regret not making the questions of the topic more obvious and i got way too bloggy in it. so..it's cool. i'd rather you just delete cause i feel emberrased now. lol

but this is definately a easier to understand topic so...let's continue. :p

(post favs btw not anti-favs) lol