07-17-2007, 09:52 AM
note: this was gonna be a "fav anime type" thread but it turned out diffrent. so the first 3 or so paragraphs will make you think that's what it is. just..ignore it. i got too ranty. sorry if you can't read. lol

i'm curious. after a bit of self examination into my inner anime fan, and thinking really hard about another topic that i'm going to make. (not anymore, now it's this topic) i thought i'd start my brain with a simple thread such as this.

what are your fav anime TYPES? i'd use the word genre, but i don't wanna limit peoples' unique flavors with limited genre's.

after careful consideration, i learned that i'm the type that doesn't give two shits if it has a story or not. or whether there's any of this "char development" emo bullshit.

this thread was brought about me being reminded of an old anime i saw years ago known as md geist. and how badass i thought it was. this guy who posted about it is all like "omg worst anime..EVAR LAIK OMG!". so i'm like "wait..wut?" so then i go find me some reviews to see what other people think. and i find some one who agrees with him for two reasons.

1. no plot
2. no char dev


it's like. not everything needs it. i mean like. there's only so much emo i can take. sometimes i need to let my brain fart once in a while and enjoy a good eyegasm.

so anyway. then this got me thinking on another level. where i realized that I am either 1. losing intererst in anime or 2. anime is shitty now.

the reason for my concern is because there's a lot of talk about these new animes that are all "awesome" and stuff. and i give them a chance and i like them. and i think they're "ok". but i never get hooked. now..i don't know about you. but this "hook factor" is pretty important. if i can't get hooked. i wont' bother trying to set the alarm for when it might come about again next week. or tomorrow. or whenever the next one is released. turns out. for some reason. i can't get hooked on nearly 90% of all anime's RAVED about in most forums. "bleach, naruto, deathnote". i think those are it.

i'm not saying i don't like them. if you put it in my face. i'll thank you, and wont' stop watching till you take it away from me. what i'm saying is...i never see myself seeking out more. i have never gone beyond ep 1 of deathnote. i've never bothered to watch bleach or naruto in order. instead i just catch random eps whenever i'm not watching anything else on tv. and i don't know about you. but...this concerns me. O_o

am i losing interest? or am i jaded? or maybe i've already seen an anime years ago that matches these "new" ones so much i have no need to become hooked.

bleach? that's just dbz with a diff art style and background.

naruto? that's just yuyu hakusho with like teachers and a classroom setting

deathnote? pretty much Lain but with the existentialism being out in the open? idk. (lol idk anymore)

anyway. i don't want to admit to losing interest. i was catching the first few eps of raxephon and then i just stopped. out of nowhere i just said.."ah fuck it, i don't feel like getting into another one of 'these'". what is "these"? you prolly can't explain it but more than likely you know exactly what i'm talking about.

so i wonder. the big q. anyone else feeling the same? am i alone? am the only one trying to figure out whether i'm losing interest or am just jaded? anyone?

the last anime i got into was angelic layer, kaleido star, pretear and azumanga daioh... i think that's it. before that it was prolly hellsing and R.O.D or something and way before that, it was trigun, hellsing, and cowbe and the semi-old stuff. i mean..yah. that's how long ago it was and that's how big the gaps are between my viewings. i get hooked and then i get a huge gap in between. for all i know. i won't get hooked again till maybe 2 years from now when they make another spinoff from R.O.D where now you have an even younger team of girls and all ther clothes rip to shreds in every episode from paper cuts because it's now geared towards loli loving anime fans. :D (wow i can't wait for that one)

i miss the days when all anime was amazing and new. you know waht i DO wanna get into though but anime on demand took it off cause it was gay. i was all into moby dick. that was awesome. i think it's new but it has this awesome old anime style to it. it was going great but anime on demand had to get rid of it. and i'm too lazy to struggle trying to find it on torrents cause all the anime i'm into is always the least seeded. everyone only seeds the stupid shit. and even though it was kinda sick at first (cause of the gayness), gravitation was getting pretty good. i think i was on episode 13 or something. (maybe it was the ending?) idk. but i thought there was gonna be another one and it stopped and i was like "damn, just when it was getting good!".

so. whatever. fuck it. i'm gonna rewatch princess tutu instead.

and maybe check out the haruhi crap cause i heard it was zany and i love me zany. anyway.

ima go ahead and make that other thread now where i really do want to list fav types. lol

feel free to discuss. comment on anything. reply to any part. add in your two cents. or say nothing at all. whatever. mostly looking for maybe an understanding soul who can make the pain go away by maybe telling me that the sci-fi channel will have a patlabor marathon. ;_;