Death MK II
07-17-2007, 04:29 AM
I had this crazy idea. What if we took the main characters out of the FF series say VII-X and mixed it into a fighting game. How would that look? I think it should be a Tekken format instead of a Guilty Gear format. Game play wise.

07-17-2007, 04:38 AM
That would kick ass^_^

Death MK II
07-17-2007, 05:05 AM
Well everyone knows how Tekken play format is. Now in all the Final Fantasy characters have limit breaks. Well I'm think that you should be able to choose which kind of limit break. Theres one from FF7 which is when you take damage it fills up. I'll call that the Fury Gauge. FF8 it would just happen on random when you were near death. I think ^^;;; Its been awhile since I played 8. I'll would call that Near Death Gauge. The other one, the more damage you cause fills up your limit break gauge, I'll call that Damage Gauge. Ok now lets see. I,m still thinking if all the characters should be able to use there limit breaks.....yes they should. ^^ Oh and the character that use guns. They'll still be able to use them. But the question is. Should I continue with the tekken format or Guilty Gear format.

07-17-2007, 08:06 AM

I'll designate Yuffie as official gong girl, assign Barret to bass guitar, and Quistis to Irish fiddle.

The character who lives up to their respective stereotype most efficiently will be the winner!

Mr Muay Thai
07-17-2007, 05:50 PM
Didn't they do that already?
It's called "Ehrgeiz."

07-17-2007, 06:47 PM
Wrong forum?

And a stupid idea tbh, if they did it would be nothing more than the poor game that had no potential whos only job is to chew the dust from super smash bros.

The fighting part of Ehrgiez sucked balls being stupidly biased towards some of the characters and the quest thing would have made a better game on it's own.

Death MK II
07-18-2007, 03:04 AM
They already did huh. Well that blows and on top of that it sucked? I'm kind of speechless.

07-18-2007, 05:16 PM
I'd love to see Barret , TIFA , and Cloud go against SEPHIROTH, HIS CLONE , AND THE lady villain from FF VIII

07-19-2007, 01:24 AM
I had this crazy idea. What if we took the main characters out of the FF series say VII-X and mixed it into a fighting game. How would that look? I think it should be a Tekken format instead of a Guilty Gear format. Game play wise.

Shit Sux

I-VI is superior

Death MK II
07-20-2007, 04:00 AM
Shit Sux

I-VI is superior

Someone likes old school games I see. Thats cool.

Death MK II
07-20-2007, 04:03 AM
I'd love to see Barret , TIFA , and Cloud go against SEPHIROTH, HIS CLONE , AND THE lady villain from FF VIII

Yeah I thought about that but the sorceress from VIII? Nah... I can't see it happening.

07-22-2007, 12:11 AM
Why not design it with M.U.G.E.N.? I've seen some DBZ games created with it that rival the official releases...

Death MK II
07-22-2007, 01:56 AM
I might just do that one day. One I get the certain material I need. ^^

07-22-2007, 06:24 AM
I might just do that one day. One I get the certain material I need. ^^What all do you need? I've been thinking about a M.U.G.E.N. project, and this might be something to give me that extra motivation I need...

Death MK II
07-23-2007, 01:21 AM
What all do you need? I've been thinking about a M.U.G.E.N. project, and this might be something to give me that extra motivation I need...

For starters. A new and up to date CPU o.o

07-23-2007, 05:52 AM
For starters. A new and up to date CPU o.oAh. Can't help you too much there, unfortunately...

Argus Zephyrus
07-23-2007, 08:13 AM
I think it might be cooler to have a sort of Final Fantasy Deathmatch. I'm thinkin' Quake/DooM/Half-Life style. Spells will do for long-range attacks then everyone can just melee themselves with katanas, buster swords, daggers, etc.
Oh wait, think Hexen and Heretic, if any of you are familiar with id software's games.

Death MK II
07-24-2007, 12:40 AM
Ah. Can't help you too much there, unfortunately...

Ah its cool. I'm currently in the process of getting a job so that I might be able to get a new CPU and thus make my dreams come true. ^^

Death MK II
07-24-2007, 12:42 AM
I think it might be cooler to have a sort of Final Fantasy Deathmatch. I'm thinkin' Quake/DooM/Half-Life style. Spells will do for long-range attacks then everyone can just melee themselves with katanas, buster swords, daggers, etc.
Oh wait, think Hexen and Heretic, if any of you are familiar with id software's games.

Very interesting...I'll think on that one in the near future. ^^

Danjuro Storm
07-30-2007, 05:49 PM
The M.U.G.E.N system lags a lot. I mean a lot. Even if you could design it all (which would take a lot of time) most of us wouldn't be able to run it.

Death MK II
07-31-2007, 12:47 AM
The M.U.G.E.N system lags a lot. I mean a lot. Even if you could design it all (which would take a lot of time) most of us wouldn't be able to run it.

Why does it lag so much?

Danjuro Storm
07-31-2007, 01:26 AM
Because it's suppose to support a lot of characters. And most of us tend to get more than 100 characters at once. However, to support loads of characters, you need a really fast computer.

jewess crabcake
07-31-2007, 01:32 AM
XII pwns every other FF story an development wise, and the battle system is a much needed breath of fresh air. Also It would have to be Soul Calibur format as they use weapons.

Death MK II
07-31-2007, 01:33 AM
Because it's suppose to support a lot of characters. And most of us tend to get more than 100 characters at once. However, to support loads of characters, you need a really fast computer.

Thats makes total since. Well a fast computer I don't have so...yeah ^^;

08-04-2007, 05:41 AM
that would suck

08-04-2007, 02:35 PM
It's called Final Fantasy Dissidia for the PSP. It's an action/fighting game that stars heroes and villains from past FF games - and at the moment, the only confirmed characters are Cecil, Golbez (FFIV), Cloud, Sephiroth (FFVII), Kuja and Zidane (FFIX).

It looks pretty cool.

Death MK II
08-07-2007, 01:20 AM
It's called Final Fantasy Dissidia for the PSP. It's an action/fighting game that stars heroes and villains from past FF games - and at the moment, the only confirmed characters are Cecil, Golbez (FFIV), Cloud, Sephiroth (FFVII), Kuja and Zidane (FFIX).

It looks pretty cool.

It does look pretty nice. ^^ But why the PSP.