07-15-2007, 10:20 AM
Hello everyone,

one of my favorite video game soundtracks has always been Richard Joseph's (R.I.P.) Barbarian (Commodore 64).
I read in STIL that he mostly adapted it from the Conan the Barbarian movie.
So I wonder if the movie soundtrack is equally beautiful as the video game track. Does one of you guys who have that soundtrack consider posting it here? That would be awesome!


07-15-2007, 02:02 PM
1 - You posted this in the wrong place - there's a "Requests" forum for stuff like this (just lettin' you know!)

2 - I have the soundtrack to Conan the Barbarian, yes. I've got a post in the Downloads section with the link on it. I think the post is on the second page.

07-17-2007, 01:53 PM
Many thanks, Domingo!

It is quite interesting to find that Richard Joseph's bass groove was actually the drums in the movie score. I think of this alteration as a good decision. Rich was very good at making video game scores sound 'classical', by imitating classical instruments using the very limited possibilities the SID provided in that direction, but here he decided to make use of mostly straightforward synth sounds, thus giving his score a touch of pop music that suited the game very well.

Thanks again!
