07-15-2007, 07:53 AM
Some features I'd like to see in all FF's
Difficulty setting option, that way as you get better at the game you can crank this up.
Bosses should have a personality, like the ones in IV and X.
All FF's should have a new game + option, like the one in ChronoTrigger, so you can go back and really pwn those enemies or bosses that were pissing you off.
If you've played the game before, there needs to be an option to turn off the teaching part of the game. I get annoyed when I start a new game on VIII or X and I have to go through the in-game tutorial crap for the millionth time.

07-15-2007, 08:13 AM
Also, being able to watch the FMVs, more like it was done on X.

07-15-2007, 08:12 PM
Difficulty setting option, that way as you get better at the game you can crank this up.

Agreed, the difficulty in FF games is pathetic. It's not really fun replaying them again because of this.

07-15-2007, 11:05 PM
Actually I thought 7 was hard, if you do it without KoTR or Omnislash. VIII was hard if you leveled up your characters too much and IV was kind of hard period. It does seem to get easier every time I play it though.

07-16-2007, 04:49 AM
If you've played the game before, there needs to be an option to turn off the teaching part of the game. I get annoyed when I start a new game on VIII or X and I have to go through the in-game tutorial crap for the millionth time.

What are you talking about? If you press [triangle] for FFVIII, you can skip every tutorial. And I know you can skip them in FFX as well. You have to press either [circle] or [select], I forget which one exactly.

07-16-2007, 06:05 AM
I will have to try that the next time I play a new game then, thanks for the heads-up.

07-16-2007, 10:32 AM
And in XII you can even skip cutscenes

07-16-2007, 08:40 PM
I think they should stick with one battle system and just add to it.
I hated the fact that in every game you have to re-learn everything.
also, I missed game features from the past games.

One thing I hate about 12 is the fact that they put in all sorts of cool weapons, but as you go through the game, you tend to pass a lot of them up because others are stronger of more benificial.

08-31-2007, 07:45 PM
Meh I tried to skip the tutorials but it wouldn't let me do it. Good thing I'm usually also doing something else while I'm gaming.

08-31-2007, 07:53 PM
Also, being able to watch the FMVs, more like it was done on X.

I agree

09-01-2007, 05:30 AM
game+ YAY I like that idea Chronotrigger is my favorite.